How Many Days for You... (Part 7)


Well-Known Member
Since the last thread had far exceeded the 5000 post mark & this is obviously one of the most popular thread series on WDWmagic, we will continue sharing our countdowns here. Post away folks:



Well-Known Member
Today is the day! :D Plane leaves in exactly 5 hours! I don't have a fancy phone to upload photos or post here so everything has to wait until my return in one week. Anyone going down there at the same time as me - if you see me, introduce yourself and I'll do likewise. Always great to meet new friends. Take care and I look forward to overloading you with photos and trip reports when I return :)
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Beta Return
Oops read the ticket wrong LOL That is my flight HOME time 805 PM - flight tomorrow a.m. is at 1030..but that is ok!! Have a blast Tom and Sara! :D

LOL....wrong Tom. The Brickers and we both live in Indianapolis, but his photos are a tad better than mine ;)

Besides, they're enjoying Europe right now.
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