How long will ADR be kept if you are late?


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How long will your ADR be held for you if you are late? Does is vary by restaurant, or is there an official amount of time all restaurants will hold your reservation?


Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
I can only speak from personal experience. We've occasionally been up to an hour late and still got priority over walk-ups that were there waiting. But this is entirely anecdotal, perhaps a restaurant CM can provide info if there are specific rules or not and whether they're consistently followed.


Well-Known Member
We've only been more than 15 minutes late once; we were 30 minutes late to Mama Melrose's. I apologized and explained why we were late, and the CM paused for a moment before deciding to honor our ADR. I got the impression we were pushing it at 30 minutes.


Well-Known Member
If you make an ADR then stick to the time - your question suggests that you are planning to be late (in which case re-arrange a later time). Other diners will be delayed as a consequence of your late arrival.


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If you make an ADR then stick to the time - your question suggests that you are planning to be late (in which case re-arrange a later time). Other diners will be delayed as a consequence of your late arrival.
That is not at all my intention, and I do not think it is fair for you to assume that. Nothing in my question suggests that I am "planning" to be late for anything. I am an honest person and would never do anything like that.

Yellow Shoes

Well-Known Member
I do not for a moment doubt your honesty.

But I am a punctual person who is constantly and consistently inconvenienced by those who do not have the courtesy to be on time.

6:30 means 6:55
7:00 means 7:30 get the idea.

There are people who think that an ADR is just a suggestion. It is highly rude to the staff of the restaurant and the other guests not to honor a commitment one has made.

If someone read here or anywhere that you could get in for your 7:00 ADR when you show up at 7:45, there would be huge messes everywhere.

(and, yes, I DO tell the late people a fake earlier time, or I have left without them.)


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I do not for a moment doubt your honesty.

But I am a punctual person who is constantly and consistently inconvenienced by those who do not have the courtesy to be on time.

6:30 means 6:55
7:00 means 7:30 get the idea.

There are people who think that an ADR is just a suggestion. It is highly rude to the staff of the restaurant and the other guests not to honor a commitment one has made.

If someone read here or anywhere that you could get in for your 7:00 ADR when you show up at 7:45, there would be huge messes everywhere.

(and, yes, I DO tell the late people a fake earlier time, or I have left without them.)

Thank you for not doubting my honesty and I see where you are coming from, but I still think I have a legitimate question.
Everyone is human....unforseen things happen that can cause people to run late (especially when you have small children). For these rare instances, I would like to know if it would be worth my time if I KNOW I am running late to sprint around World Showcase pushing 2 strollers only to be told that they just gave my ADR away 5 minutes ago.
I can give you another example of when it would have been nice to know how long they will keep your ADR. We were at WDW with my handicapped grandmother who rides a scooter. We were at the Wilderness Lodge and needed to get to Chef Mickeys for breakfast. We asked a CM at the front desk if the smaller boat that goes to the Comtempory could accomadate a scooter. The cast member incorrectly told us yes. We watited and waited for the boat, just to be told that we could not take the scooter on. By this time it was 10 minutes before our ADR, and we knew there was no way we could get to Chef Mickeys with the scooter in 10 minutes. A random guest on the dock told us they would not hold our ADR for more than 15 minutes, so we were stuck trying to decide if we should attempt to get there, knowing we would be very late, just to be told they could not seat us.


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If someone read here or anywhere that you could get in for your 7:00 ADR when you show up at 7:45, there would be huge messes everywhere.

I'f this is in fact true, then I think that is pretty sad. It would really be ashame if there were that many dishonest people on these boards.


Active Member
I understand the apprehension of posting something like this but I too would like to know the official (and practiced) policy on this. If someone knows it or has experience with it please pm if you do not feel comfortable with posting. I have no intention of showing up late for an ADR during my trip but things can happen (get stuck on a broken down ride, blocked by a parade, transportation malfuctions, etc) and just in case I would like to be prepared for what to expect.

slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
I appreciate the question, and understand you're not trying to buck the system or anything like that. And while I don't know the answer fo your question, I would - kindly - suggest that what I do is be cognizant of where I'm eating, what might be around the restaurant I'd like to do, and what might get in my way of getting there on time. For instance, at The Studios, if I had ADRs for the Brown Derby in a half-hour, rather than try to get on line for ToT for RNRC and risk missing them, I'd go to the Walt Disney: One Man's Dream pavilion, browse around there, maybe do a little bit of shopping nearby, so that I don't have to rush over and still possibly be late.

Likewise, if I'm at WDW and I'm eating at a restaurant at a monorail resort in a half-hour, I won't try to squeeze in one more attraction and high-tail it to the monorail. I'll get to the monorail early, and if there happens to be a monorail already there, I'll just walk around the resort when I get there and admire the scenery of the resort. As far as I'm concerned, ADRs should be used as an excuse to slow down and admire WDW's attention to detail, and not be part of a goal (ride 10 attractions before we have to go to OHana's and we win!).

You're right, things do happen, unforeseen situations, and it's nice when/if you're in a time-crunch situation, the CMs at a restaurant cut you some slack. And I'd guess, depending on the restaurant, time of day, crowd level, turnover rate, how late you are, etc., if slack can be cut for you they'll cut it. There might not be a writ-in-stone policy regarding people who are running late for their ADRs, but really, the best way around that is to set realistic expectations for you and your family. If you have a small child who absolutely can not understand why he/she can't ride Dumbo one more time before you have to go to your dinner ADRs in 15 minutes, and the line to get on Dumbo is sizable, you have to make a decision as to what's more important at that time. If you meant to go some place nice for dinner, but you had no idea you'd get so grungy during the day and think you ought to change first, that means either leaving the park early to go back and change, or pay Disney prices for new clothes and change in a public rest room at the park or a resort before your meal.

I'm not just saying this to the OP, so I hope it's not taken personal. It's something we all need to be told and reminded from time to time. It's advice I have to remind myself of, too, believe me. I don't necessarily mind trying to squeak one more ride in before a mad dash for a meal, but I know my wife does, and not trying to cram one more attraction in before lunch time makes the meal, the day and the trip that much more enjoyable for both of us. I'll remain optimistic of the planet and our own health and assume WDW will still be there next year on the off chance I missed something this time.


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I just asked a simple question. I'll call Disney Dining and ask, which I is what I should have done in the first place. All I want to know is if there is an official time or if it varies by restaurant.
I totally agree with everything that everyone is saying. I am very careful about planning our fact, 99% of the time my family is actually very EARLY to our ADR's. But like I said before....there are sometimes unforseen circumstances that pop up (and I am NOT talking about my kids wanting to ride an extra ride). I am talking about things that you have no control over. And if Captain Hook would have posted a "general" statement about this topic, like Slappy did, I am sure I would not have even thought anything of it or responded to it in anyway, because I agree with what he and another poster were trying to say. But he directed his response to me personally and made a very unfair assumption about me, and it came across as being very rude.


Well-Known Member
And if Captain Hook.................. But he directed his response to me personally and made a very unfair assumption about me, and it came across as being very rude.

happymom52003 - you asked the question and I answered it based upon what I read which is what you posted. IF I have mis-interpreted your question and I assumed things that you didn't mean - then I apologise. I still can't see where the rudeness comes into my reply - frank and to the point - yes; rude - no
However, I still stand by what I said "If you make an ADR then stick to the time" and if that means getting there early (which you said you usually do) then everyone is happy


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happymom52003 - you asked the question and I answered it based upon what I read which is what you posted. IF I have mis-interpreted your question and I assumed things that you didn't mean - then I apologise. I still can't see where the rudeness comes into my reply - frank and to the point - yes; rude - no
However, I still stand by what I said "If you make an ADR then stick to the time" and if that means getting there early (which you said you usually do) then everyone is happy

Read my original question was very specific and the answer required a number. Then read your "answer" to my question again. No number mentioned....only an unfair and innacurate accusation.


New Member
Good grief! I can't believe some of the responses here! Happymom I totally see what you were trying to ask, and I am somewhat appalled at the accusations.

Responses like -
<<your question suggests that you are planning to be late>>


<<you asked the question and I answered it based upon what I read which is what you posted>>

are uncalled for. You did not answer based on what you read. You answered based on what you implied. Big difference.

Happymom call Disney Dining and let us know what they say.


Well-Known Member
I too would like to know the answer to this question. We are going in August with a group of nearly 40. I am lying to every single person about our dining plans and I am telling them if they are more than 5 mins late we eat with out them and they can make their own reservations. Every person will receive the dining schedule (park of the day, name of restaurant, location of restaurant, 'time' of dining). If they cant follow that then they are on their own. I lied to every person in my wedding about when they needed to be there for the photographer and we still had two people not in most of the photos. I wasn't going to delay an entire wedding because someone couldn't show up on husband did apologize profusely ;)


Well-Known Member
According to my mother, who is a concierge at a WDW resort, there is no official policy regarding 'holding' ADRs for late arrivals. She has been approached by guests who are running late for ADRs, and has contacted the restaurant to let them know. This has happened to her twice in the past week, and both times the restaurants claimed they would not hold the table, but would give them preference over walk-ins for a table. She has not dealt directly with Disney Dining that much, but she is trained to make ADRs the same way and on the same system as Disney Dining reps. The exceptions to this rule are the shows (Hoop De Doo and Spirit of Aloha) and CRT (or any other ressie that requires a credit card - they will charge your card for a no-show).

Personally, I once was almost an hour late to a reservation and approached the CM, explained the situation, and while the restaurant was booked and NOT accepting walk-ins, they treated us as a walk-in, and we were seated within 30 minutes. Another time, we got the last reservation time availble at LTT (9:55pm during MNSSHP) which was minutes before HalloWishes. We all know what the Hub can look like right before Wishes.... we were in Tomorrowland and started heading over almost 15 minutes before our ADR and our group of 5 got seperated. Three of us showed up just before 9:55pm and were told that if the other two people in our party did not show up by 9:55pm, we would not be seated, regardless of the melee in the streets of Liberty Square. I never thought it would take more than 15 minutes to get from Buzz Lightyear to LTT.....

Having said that, the way the ADR system is set up, it does not allow any tables to be set aside for walk-ins. If there are 100 tables in a restaurant, they will all be booked (if requested) and are re-booked in (I believe) 45 minute segments: 40 minutes to eat, 5 minutes to bus/reset each table. They technically do not hold a specific table for a specific party, so if you are late for your ADR, 'your' table will be handed off to someone else, but conceivably, another table will be available. But when many people make ADRs for a popular restaurant, and Dining books all the tables available, the restaurant will not accept walk-ins. So, if you do not show up for your ADR, you are 'taking up a table' that could have been used for another ADR or for a walk-in, and it also costs the restaurant money. They could have given that ADR to another party, or if they were booked solid and people were not showing for ADRs, they could have accepted walk-ins.

This happened to us yesterday. We were told Concourse only had two tables available last night for 9:30 and 9:50pm. When we showed (early) and checked in, the restaurant was half empty. If you decide not to use an ADR, please remember to call and cancel, or go to the podium of the restaurant or Guest Relations and cancel. I know some of this post isn't entirely pertinent to the OP's question, but I figured it's in the same general line (ADRs) so I'd throw in my few cents worth. To sum up what the OP is looking for, as far as concierge policies with ADRs, they will not be held but will be honored solely at the discretion of the restaurant. Disney Dining will tell you to leave ample travel time, plan on checking in fifteen minutes early, etc. etc. But it seems they do account for unforseen circumstances, and will seat guests with ADRs before any walk-ins, even if you are late. My mother has been told to suggest to guests questioning 'what happens if we're late?' to make all reasonable attempts to get their at least fifteen minutes before your ADR time, but it will depend on how busy the restaurant in question is. So the best thing to do is either get a later ADR time, or a time that you are certain you can accomodate, or just head on out to the restaurant and see what happens. Personally, I reccommend planning the best you can and being polite to the CMs at the podium.


Active Member
PigletIsMyCat - Thank you for your response. I found it very helpful. Some others could use you as an example on how to answer honest questions with honest answers.


Active Member
Original Poster
Good grief! I can't believe some of the responses here! Happymom I totally see what you were trying to ask, and I am somewhat appalled at the accusations.

Responses like -
<<your question suggests that you are planning to be late>>


<<you asked the question and I answered it based upon what I read which is what you posted>>

are uncalled for. You did not answer based on what you read. You answered based on what you implied. Big difference.

Happymom call Disney Dining and let us know what they say.

Thanks, Preppymom!:wave:
And thank you Pigletismycat for the helpful info!


New Member
Hi Happymom I understand your question also. It would seem that others really don't get it. We had a four year old who had to "GO POTTY NOW!!!" There was a long line for the restroom and we knew we were going to be late (about 15 minutes give or take) to one of our ADR's so we just phoned ahead to make sure it was okay. It was, we ate, and we all lived happily ever after.


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