How early do you start packing for your trip to WDW?


New Member
I was just wondering how early everybody starts packing clothes, and stuff for your WDW trips. This will be my 7th trip to WDW and I leave in 10 days. I have started thinking about packing already, but as I am about to, I tell myself its too early for some reason and dont open my suitcase.

One reason for this I think is because in 2002, I had everything packed & ready for a HUGE trip to WDW & then 3 days before we were supposed to leave, we had to cancel our trip b/c my grandmother got sick and was in the hospital (she has since passed) :( . Im thinking if I pack too early, I am just waiting for something to happen which could ruin/cancel my trip.

Even though I dont want to, Im probably going to be stuck packing the night before I'm supposed to leave, just to "prevent" anything that could happen if I pack too early.

So how early do you pack for your WDW trips? I need to get some other opinions here to make me feel better about packing in advance, and not waiting till the last minute.

Thanks!! :wave:


Well-Known Member
I've been known to pack weeks, even months ahead of time. When we go on our annual February trip, I pack the summer clothes in October or so, rather than putting them all away, then dragging them out again. Last year i bought a few things on clearance at the end of the summer and hid them away in my suitcase. When I went to pack everything else, I had nice new things!:D
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Active Member
I start a few days before first by checking my toiletries bag to make sure everything is in there, do some laundry and start the next night by pulling out the clothing and putting it aside and then two nights before I leave I pack it all up. I no longer want to be packing to all hours of the night before my trip anymore, as it increases my exhaustion during a travel day which is the pitts. So that the night before, I'm just putting in any last minute things and it isn't a giant project.
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I had started buying and started packing small items just for WDW a month before we went, but it was for our honeymoon and getting it done earlier was just easier.. My mom didn't pack our clothes and other things until about 7 hours before our flight (We were exhausted newlyweds)... For our next trip I think we'll probably be packing about a week before we go..
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New Member
2-3 weeks prior....we want to be sure and not forget anything...
Only problem is we wind up living out of our luggage before we leave.:brick:

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Active Member
I pack the day before I leave (It makes time go a little faster). For my trip this weekend I will pack tomorrow I leave Friday. Last night we purchased the stuf we needed for the room ; soda, water, breakfast bars and stuff we need for the park sunscreen, BodyGlide :), film and extra batteries.
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erasure fan1

Well-Known Member
My wife starts the planning for the next trip as soon as we get back from the current trip. We leave july 29th and she has been packing stuff and getting things together for about 4 months. For her as soon as the park hours are posted and she can make reservations for meals thats when she moves into high gear.:hammer: I think shes nuts but thats what makes her happy.
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New Member
Well we have been to Disney World for the past 3 years every May and our next trip will be May 2007. We are a family of four, but travel with 4 other people. My Mom and Dad sometimes take some things for me or my kids, so with that being said it is usually the weekend before we leave. I have a suitcase in my husband's and my room, and a suitcase in each of the kid's room. The weekend before I pack everything I can think of and as the days get closer for us to leave I am constantly still putting things in suitcases. The night before we leave I go through my list and check off everything so that nothing is left behind. The morning that we leave the very last minute items get thrown in. It may seem like we spend a lot of time doing this, BUT, this is half of our fun. We talk about our upcoming trip next May every May - Disney is our life. 308 days to go!!!

Good luck! Have fun and ENJOY!!
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I packed my DS's stuff about 2 weeks before we were to leave as it was all summer clothes and it was April and still quite Chilly here. Then, a week before we left, I matched up outfits for myself and got all of the undergarments I would need and put them in a pile on my dresser. Then, 4 days before we left, I packed my bag and all of the toiletries. Then, 2 nights before, I packed my husband's stuff and tagged all of our luggage with magical express tags...So come, sunday, when we left, all we had to do was lug our luggage to the car and we were off...

Never wait til the night before if you can help it.. It is too stressful

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Well-Known Member
erasure fan1 said:
My wife starts the planning for the next trip as soon as we get back from the current trip. We leave july 29th and she has been packing stuff and getting things together for about 4 months. For her as soon as the park hours are posted and she can make reservations for meals thats when she moves into high gear.:hammer: I think shes nuts but thats what makes her happy.

That's about the way I am. My Mom and Dad came by the house a month or so before I got married and Mom got a kick out of it that I already had the suitcase laid out in the extra bedroom with some preliminary packing. I can't remember when I first drug it out and started putting things in it, but knowing me, it was probably in January or so, and we got married and went to Florida in April.
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New Member
Man! How much stuff do you all pack that it takes you so long to pack??:lol:
We pack the night before, and since we go during the summer, there really isn't a whole lot of clothes to pack. Bunch of tank tops, some short sleeve shirts, swimwear, shorts, sandals, toiletries.. all said, it probably takes all 4 of us (me, wife, kids), collectively, about 2 hours, tops, to pack. I think it's fun and exciting to do it the night before because I only have to wait but a matter of hours before I'm off to the airport and on my way! Less time to wait is always a plus to me!:kiss:

Port Orleans Riverside: 7/8/06 - 7/15 --- 10 days to go!!!!:sohappy:
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Active Member
Mr. WDB said:
Man! How much stuff do you all pack that it takes you so long to pack??:lol:
We pack the night before, and since we go during the summer, there really isn't a whole lot of clothes to pack. Bunch of tank tops, some short sleeve shirts, swimwear, shorts, sandals, toiletries.. all said, it probably takes all 4 of us (me, wife, kids), collectively, about 2 hours, tops, to pack. I think it's fun and exciting to do it the night before because I only have to wait but a matter of hours before I'm off to the airport and on my way! Less time to wait is always a plus to me!:kiss:

Port Orleans Riverside: 7/8/06 - 7/15 --- 10 days to go!!!!:sohappy:

My whole reason of not doing it the night before is because when I get home after work it is usually about 7p and I don't want to be packing until midnight. It's too stressful, so I like to be packed the day before.
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New Member
We tend to start putting clothes in the cases about a week ahead

I couldn't do that if I wanted to. I don't have enough clothes to do that!:lol: I'd have to live out of the suitcase while I'm still home because I'd run out of clothes inside of a week. Maybe I should go shopping..:D
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New Member
I used to pack days before, then the night before. This last trip I packed the same morning. I've kind of become a pro at it since we go so often so no need to pack early!
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