How does Everest rate on the intense-o-meter?


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Original Poster
How does it compare to Space Mountain, Rockn Roller, BTMRR? My ten year old and I want to ride it when we are there on the 23rd, BUT.....we are both afraid of heights (I do well in the dark but not outside and that lift hill looks fierce!) and she does NOT like huge drops, although she does fine on Splash. She's not fond of the way Space throws you around either. However she loves RNR, i think because it's so smooth.

What do you think? I'd hate to miss out on it :(

Anyone know of any ride through videos that might help us prepare?


Well-Known Member
It's very smooth
As for heights, it's just the lift, and you are never again aware of how high you are.
The drop is just slightly bigger than splash, but I find it much more tolerable.
Much of it is in the dark....and the yeti is AMAZING!!!!

There's some ridethroughs on the net somewhere. :lol:


Active Member
Everest is much smoother than Space Mountain and BTMRR. Probably even RRC since it isn't even a year old. If you can handle RRC, you probably would be able to do Everest. The only two areas on EE where you may be afraid of heights would be going up the lift hill and before the big drop. Whe you are at the top of the mountain, there are wall around you so you can't really see how high you are, kind of like BTMRR. The big drop is similar to Splash as you come out of the mountain and is just as intense.

Looking at EE is a bit deceiving. The lift hill looks higher than it actually is. It is high from the ground, but if you think of it in terms of height from the mountain, it isn't really that high at all. It all depends on where you decide your point of reference is. Plus the ride up the hill is rather quick and there is so much to look at, you probably won't notice the height.

The turns on EE are much wider than BTMRR and Space Mtn so in my opinion it seems slower. You don't get that jerked around feeling, more of a gliding feeling.

Hope this helps and good luck!!!


Active Member
Yeah what Chape19714 said. It is a great ride and I am afried of hieghts. I have been on it 10 times and every time it has been great.


New Member
Agree with whats been said. I too am afraid of heights. The only high part is that one climb but you never really look down, rather look out and I think thats a big help. I think you'll be fine with the height.
As for intensity, there are a couple of good spots. It's no more intense than RnRC. I would rate it in between RnRC and SM... It is pretty smooth and it's also pretty quick. My 7 year old loved it yet he wouldn't go on SM.
You don't get thrown around like on SM but you do get pushed into your seat a bit. The drop is really mild in terms of a coaster. I would agree that it's on par with Splash. Just do it. You'll love it. Or don't and you'll regret it...:wave:


Well-Known Member
How does it compare to Space Mountain, Rockn Roller, BTMRR? My ten year old and I want to ride it when we are there on the 23rd, BUT.....we are both afraid of heights

Afraid of heights? If you weren't, the rides wouldn't be any fun! There's nothing like the feeling of your heart pounding against your chest while you're waiting in line for a coaster. And when it's over, you have a great sense of accomplishment. The GREAT AMERICAN SCREAM MACHINE at Six Flags New Jersey did it for me.

That said, you have nothing to worry about with Space Mountain, because it's so dark can't really tell how high you are. Same with RNRC. BTMRR may be a little scarier b/c it's outside, but it's NOTHING compared to the coasters you see at your local amusement park. Everest has a single outside 80 ft drop which is over fairly quickly


Well-Known Member
I think that the worst part is when you go backwards. You are going up and down for part of the time and it seems to last for a long time. However, the drop outside seems like nothing because you are going so fast, I barely even noticed that we were outside before we were back in the mountain. It went by really fast! I hope that helped and I hope that you have fun on your trip!


Well-Known Member
If I get freaked out on a ride, I always just push my feet into the floor or on the back of the bottom of the seat in front of me. That seems to help me and make me feel better.


Well-Known Member
EE is deceiving. It looks like it is going to be a Monster of ride, but it no where as fast or crazy as Rockin Roller Coaster.

I thought it was a good ride (like Splash Mountain) but as far a coaster it's OK.

If you don't have to wait more than an 1/2 hour to get on it, you won't be disappointed.


Active Member

I am more of a coaster enthusiast then a disney one so my opinion might be a little different.

Its definitely not as intense as rockin roller coaster.

Also if you have ridden other coasters outside of anything at disney then dont expect to much from it coaster wise.

The best part of the ride to me is not the actual ride but the great theming on the ride.


New Member
I'm with rbrower; love coasters, but the backwards part of EE makes me VERY dizzy, don't know why. Last time I sat on the "inward" seat (closest to the loading platform) and attempted to look at the track where sunlight came thorugh as we spiraled backward...that seemed to help some, but still didn't ride more than 3 times that day. 20 yrd old son got in 11 rides in one day :) Must have something to do with my aging body / brain :lol:

Should try it once at least, I believe it is a great ride. Enjoy!


New Member
Everest is an amazing ride... you should def try it. It isn't that bad... I am sorta scared of heights, but the part where you go up very high in the beginning, you don't go back down.. it is just taking you to another level.. the first time I rode it - that threw me off a bit. :) If you can to RnRc, you can do this!


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Original Poster
Thanks for your opinions, I think we will just do it! I know I will regret not trying it if we don't.

Afraid of heights? If you weren't, the rides wouldn't be any fun!

Well I understand that viewpoint, but I have actually had a few panic attacks from heights, once while riding a ski lift up a mountain, and even from being on a balcony on a high floor of a hotel. Let me tell you panic attacks are no fun, it feels like you are having a heart attack and you can't breathe.

Unfortunately my daughter got that gene. When she was 4, we ate at the upper level of Columbia Harbour House, and she refused to come down the stairs because of the heights. She cried, and we tried to make her walk down to help her get over the fear. We went ahead of her and waited at the bottom. Dad eventually had to carry her down or we may have been there all day. :hammer:


The best part of the ride to me is not the actual ride but the great theming on the ride.

:D Makes me happy when people appreciate the great theming on my favorite ride.

But yea, Everest is not a very intense ride. If you've done Splash you can easily do EE. The drop on Splash is worse IMO because you see how high you are for a good bit, where as in EE you shoot outta the mountain and the drop is over before your know it.


Active Member
I was farther back in the train when I rode it but I never really got an overwhelming sense of height. You always seem to be surrounded by vegitation or mountain. Not to spoil it but the lift hill does not result in an immediate drop.

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