How do you save $ for your WDW trip?


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Tax Refund Savings Plan

We knew we would be heading back to WDW this year, so we just adjusted our deductions on our 2005 W-2's and let Uncle Sam hold the money for us. We figured it almost perfectly. Vacation package was $189 more than our refund. As low as interest rates are, we only lost about 5-10 bucks by letting Uncle Sam hold it instead of putting it in a Savings Account, I believe.
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New Member

get up ...go to work.....bla bla(pulling you hair out in this process) bla.....come home slave over a hot oven/ to sleep

repeat steps day after day after day.......

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New Member
I invest all the money I can and make sure I never waste my money by getting a tax refund. Money management is important. I've used various credit cards for over 35 years and have never paid any fee for their use. :wave:
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Well-Known Member
bayoutinkbelle said:
I know! It makes vacation that much more relaxing to know I won't face huge credit card bills a month later. Been there, done that, don't want to do it again. :lol:

This year will be the first vacation we have taken that is completely paid for prior to leaving, well everything except souveniers. I am hoping that this does make it much more relaxing. Normally towards the end of our vacations I get way too money concious, nah I don't want the steak, give me a side salad!
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Active Member
normally my state tax refund pays for vaction. this year my parents are treating me my two brother all of our wives and my two kids for 6 days (leave in two days) for their 35 wedding anniversary.
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New Member
Well, in a nutshell, this is how my wife and I save. Please keep in mind that everyones income level is different and this may not work for everyone. First, we plan our trip much in advance and figure out where we want to stay and how much the whole trip will cost us. We also pick the hotel by what our budget allots for. We have a seperate savings account for vacations. My wife and I both get paid twice a month and we have direct deposit into our checking account. We each take $50 from our pay once a month and put it into our vacation savings account. We budgeted this amount out based on bills and left over money. Never leave yourself with no money at the end of your paychecks, so perhaps you'll be able to afford more or less than us. At the end of our year of saving, we have $1200.00. We also use about half of our income tax refund if needed, but never more than that. The rest of the tax refund goes into our other savings account. This leaves us with plently of money for the trip and we still cover all of our bills/food/gas/place $100/month into our savings and have a little bit of "fun money" with our paychecks too. In a nutshell, budget yourself and plan ahead so you know where you can afford to stay and for how long. I hope this helps.
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Well-Known Member
I've got direct deposit to my credit union vacation club - $50 every pay- that covers a week's room and admission for me and my daughter (Dad spends his vacation hunting in Montana - we actually look forward to the week apart!:rolleyes: ); a few hours overtime here and there pays for our plane tickets and the Dining Plan; we save change in a big jar; we're fortunate to have a Disney Store close by, so once we booked our trip (usually 6-8 months out) every couple weeks we pick up $20-30 in Disney dollars or Disney gift cards - just little bit here and there and it's easy to enjoy our trip knowing it's all paid for!!;)
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Account Suspended
change bucket it spare change and loose bills is thed way to go....And tape a piece of paper on the outside and use a pencil and erase and rewritd amount everytime u put something in....itll make u want to add more to make the amount on the paper higher!
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New Member
saving money

My wife and I have just begun the process of planning and saving for our next trip. For us the key is to start planning well ahead of time. We are planning on going end of Sept 2007 which gives us about 14 months to save up. Also I get a bonus from work twice a year, in Jan and July so I will have three of those before the trip and our tax refund for next year. By giving ourselves this much time we can save and plan a great trip and not sacrafice to much at home either.
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Well-Known Member
I plan the trip (figuring all of the costs), divide by the number of months away, and save that much every month so that by the time we go, all of the $ is in the bank. I also do a coin jar for the 'extras' AND I use the Disney Visa card for all of my everyday purchases. I've had the card for 2 years and haven't paid one cent of interest (and never will). Due to some home remodeling and my teen-age son ramming my brand NEW car with his (didn't file with insurance - paid out of pocket to keep the rates down), I earned 800 in Disney Rewards (over a 2 year period) for our trip last Dec.
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New Member
imamouse said:
I plan the trip (figuring all of the costs), divide by the number of months away, and save that much every month so that by the time we go, all of the $ is in the bank.

I do this also along with saving EVERY PENNY and cutting down on eating out n extra things we dont need.

My husband also works alot of overtime to pay for our trip *Im a stay at home mom and only WISH I could get paid for this!!! But then again... Dreams do come true!!!;) *

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New Member
I have been very lucky with Disney savings.

Someone rear-ended my car and I got $1500 and my car fixed. Talk about lucky since I didn't get injured. It was like Disney was screaming my name. I used that money for my vacation in March 06.

My plan to save money for my trip in september 2006 has been:

Selling on Ebay (I've made over $200 on items)
House sitting (getting paid $100 a week, with no pets!)
Putting $60 in a jar every 2 weeks
Working overtime

SO FAR, I have saved $602 dollars since May! :animwink:
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Well-Known Member
Just counted up my profits from Saturday's yard sale at $200.00, and wrapped the change in the jar (it was full !) and added another $125.00. With a little over 3 months to go, I figure I can fill the jar one more time. (The pennies go into their own jug - when it's full it holds around $50.00.)
Gathered up $150.00 in Disney gift cards so far (I try to buy $25.00 every pay.) Everything else is paid for (tickets, room, flight and Dining Plan) so this is all pocket money to spend on whatever we want!!
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Change, Change, Change...once that dollar is broken, it goes in a jar. I've come up with at least $50-60/month. And have been having garage sales, made about $200 since started this summer. :cool:
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New Member
Lots of good suggestions here. Our family curtails takeout and uses it only for emergency dinners. This can save us anywhere from $25 to $40 per week.

Dh wears a dress shirt and pants to work each day, so I iron all of our own clothes, even if it takes me an entire day of from work to do.

Dh has taken on overtime. There are lots of ways for people to trim their budgets, you just need to look for them.
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New Member
We have often garage sales, we bring in proubly atleast $200. Also an other way is just keeping a sharp eye out for those deals. We got a prefered location at the POP Century Resort for only $75, and that was New Years!!!:D
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Well-Known Member
ive been putting money away out of every pay into an savings fund that i will use part of for my next trip and also just started a coin jar with the lid glued on so i cant be taking change out for a coffee here and there
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Ever since I was married I've put away $100 per week for "vacations" (mostly Disney, of course :animwink: ). I've found once I make it part of my expenses, it automatically gets saved. It's like any other bill that needs to be paid, no questions asked, it needs to be paid or it will be taken away. :wave:
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