How do you inform teachers of a WDW vacation?


New Member
We are leaving for WDW in 15 days. :D We are going the week BEFORE Spring Break this year. My question is... Does anyone have a "cute" letter informing the teacher/school of an upcoming vacation or know where I can find one? I thought it would be cute for my 6 & 7 year olds teachers~


Well-Known Member
Baaah . . .

I'm amazed at all the "sheep" responses here. It looks like you all have been quite conditioned to be good little zombies and do what you're told by a local government when it comes to YOUR children. I've yet to see one real gutsy post to have the OP go tell the school to go pound sand.

Do you really think the school knows what's better for your children than you? Looks like too many of you have abrogated part of your parental rights and responsibilities by buying into what the school demands of you for some petty thing like this. THE SCHOOL IS NOT IN CHARGE OF YOU OR YOUR CHILDREN. Clear enough? This is too much of that communistic, it-takes-a-village crap. Yeah, that's been really good for America.

Yes, you can tell the school the children won't be there ahead of time and make the best possible arrangements but it's NONE OF THEIR DAMN BUSINESS where you will be. Sounds too much to me like people in the posts above that some are asking PERMISSION of their school system to go to Disney. How sad. The only way I wouldn't take the kids is if they were failing a class - but then again, if their grades were that bad we wouldn't go anyway; we don't reward poor performance.

And yes, I took 3 high schoolers out this December for a week (but they're all straight A students). Just told the school we would be out of town. No problems (and we live in very demanding school district). Methinks some here need to get a clue.
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New Member
In our school district vacations are unexcused absences. For every unexcused absence, elementary students get 1% of their total year's grades taken away and high schoolers get 2% of their total year's grades taken away. It doesn't sound like much, but if you barely have a B (or any letter grade) in something, it could be enough to bring you down a letter grade.:( So, therefore, no vacations for us during the school year.
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New Member
This has been stated before....the OP is going to take their kids out of school and was asking for advice in regards to a note....she wasn't asking about whether to take the kids out of school.

Can we please get off that discussion?
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righttrack said:
My kids are in private schools and its grounds for expulsion for taking a vacation during a non-vacation.

wow - I went to a private school - and the way it worked at our school was since our parents spent thousands a year on that school they really didn't utter a word when we took vacations - and boy did we ever - I was out of school more than in - but I was also a 4.0 straight A student - so there was never any hassle... :)

As for the question at hand - I would come up with your own letter just so they can keep it on file - maybe print it on cute paper or something - but I'd also go in, it helps when the principle and appropriate staff know of your plans... also it you'll be more able to keep up with any homework and tests your children will miss.
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New Member
KeithVH said:
I'm amazed at all the "sheep" responses here. It looks like you all have been quite conditioned to be good little zombies and do what you're told by a local government when it comes to YOUR children. I've yet to see one real gutsy post to have the OP go tell the school to go pound sand.

Do you really think the school knows what's better for your children than you? Looks like too many of you have abrogated part of your parental rights and responsibilities by buying into what the school demands of you for some petty thing like this. THE SCHOOL IS NOT IN CHARGE OF YOU OR YOUR CHILDREN. Clear enough? This is too much of that communistic, it-takes-a-village crap. Yeah, that's been really good for America.

Yes, you can tell the school the children won't be there ahead of time and make the best possible arrangements but it's NONE OF THEIR DAMN BUSINESS where you will be. Sounds too much to me like people in the posts above that some are asking PERMISSION of their school system to go to Disney. How sad. The only way I wouldn't take the kids is if they were failing a class - but then again, if their grades were that bad we wouldn't go anyway; we don't reward poor performance.

And yes, I took 3 high schoolers out this December for a week (but they're all straight A students). Just told the school we would be out of town. No problems (and we live in very demanding school district). Methinks some here need to get a clue.

...besides, a tough guy like you would just march into that school and punch the principal in the nose if he denied your request to take the kids out of school. Give me a break!
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Well-Known Member
wow...I feel bad for the person who orininally started this post in the first place., Go to Disney and have a Magical I stated before, I'm all for taking the kids out of school when school is still in session..We'll be doing it again this september......which is to far away:cry:
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Well-Known Member
Not to get off topic but since it got brought up....this trend of schools taking disaplinary action for "family vacations" during school time as long as it doesn't get out of hand or the grades aren't affected is getting out of hand.[/QUOTE]

Yes I thought it was quite moronic that the truency officer was sent to our house while we were child is 5...she's only in kindergarten...
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HiddenMinnie said:
In our school district vacations are unexcused absences. For every unexcused absence, elementary students get 1% of their total year's grades taken away and high schoolers get 2% of their total year's grades taken away. It doesn't sound like much, but if you barely have a B (or any letter grade) in something, it could be enough to bring you down a letter grade.:( So, therefore, no vacations for us during the school year.

OMG! You have GOT to be kidding!!!!!!!!!!! I may be wrong, but I think if someone took that to a state level, that would be overturned. That should be illegal!!!!! They have earned those grades......good or bad.....they earned them even missing those days. I am SO glad I teach where I do. My principal and the board of ed know that these kids do have a life outside of school. I could not miss work for it, but it is my choice to be a teacher. But taking grades away??? PLEASE!!!! And since it is a percentage, it takes more from those who have good grades. That is just about the most moronic thing I have ever heard! I'm sorry for my rant, but that is JUST NOT RIGHT! They should not be doing that.

KeithVH said:
Looks like too many of you have abrogated part of your parental rights and responsibilities by buying into what the school demands of you for some petty thing like this. THE SCHOOL IS NOT IN CHARGE OF YOU OR YOUR CHILDREN. Clear enough? This is too much of that communistic, it-takes-a-village crap. Yeah, that's been really good for America.

While I somewhat agree with you on what you said, I have to say that it is the federal government that created the compulsory school system........we don't have a choice in educating our children nor do we have a choice in turning over those parental rights. Well, we actually don't turn them over; they are taken. I happen to think that all children (and lots of adults) need an education, BUT I don't think the government should be allowed to dictate all of this. Realistically, parents can be put in jail for not sending their children to school.......even if they are on vacation. I don't agree with this, so please do not attack me; this just happens to be the law. I love my country....most of the time.....but I don't agree with many of the things the powers that be come up with. Those "powers" are only human and make mistakes......BIG ONES..... quite often. The problem is, they do not see them as mistakes.

ANOTHER TOPIC.....or subtopic, maybe: WHY are some schools against giving out work before an extended absence? This is crazy. We do it all the time at my school. It makes everything so much easier. The work is all due the day they return, not a month later, where you can't give them a zero until all those days (3 days for every day absent) have passed. Giving it ahead of time is easier on everyone. Someone PLEASE tell me the reasoning of these schools or districts that have policy against this.
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Active Member
KeithVH said:
I'm amazed at all the "sheep" responses here. It looks like you all have been quite conditioned to be good little zombies and do what you're told by a local government when it comes to YOUR children. I've yet to see one real gutsy post to have the OP go tell the school to go pound sand.

Do you really think the school knows what's better for your children than you? Looks like too many of you have abrogated part of your parental rights and responsibilities by buying into what the school demands of you for some petty thing like this. THE SCHOOL IS NOT IN CHARGE OF YOU OR YOUR CHILDREN. Clear enough? This is too much of that communistic, it-takes-a-village crap. Yeah, that's been really good for America.

Yes, you can tell the school the children won't be there ahead of time and make the best possible arrangements but it's NONE OF THEIR DAMN BUSINESS where you will be. Sounds too much to me like people in the posts above that some are asking PERMISSION of their school system to go to Disney. How sad. The only way I wouldn't take the kids is if they were failing a class - but then again, if their grades were that bad we wouldn't go anyway; we don't reward poor performance.

And yes, I took 3 high schoolers out this December for a week (but they're all straight A students). Just told the school we would be out of town. No problems (and we live in very demanding school district). Methinks some here need to get a clue.

As a teacher all I have to say to that is :zipit:

To the OP:

Just remember that teachers, no matter what you hear, are human with real emotions and reactions. While it may seem like no big deal, the teacher is going above and beyond. Personally, I would like to get a Disney note, maybe several over a period of time; I tend to forget when students are leaving, to remind me.

Go and have a good time.

Hi Kadee
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TiggerRPh said:
This has been stated before....the OP is going to take their kids out of school and was asking for advice in regards to a note....she wasn't asking about whether to take the kids out of school.

Can we please get off that discussion?

I don't see where any harm was done by people discussing what their particular school district says about vacations during school! My post what not in any way bashing the OP for going on vacation during school!! I was simply stating, as are many here, why we cannot go during school. Believe me, I would love to take a vacation when the rates are cheaper, but in my particular district, they make it very hard to do such things. I know that the thread has gotten a little off track, but the OP did get some suggestions and I haven't seen anyone tell her NOT to take her kids out of school!!! So please stop accusing people of bashing her!:mad:
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Kadee said:
OMG! You have GOT to be kidding!!!!!!!!!!! I may be wrong, but I think if someone took that to a state level, that would be overturned. That should be illegal!!!!! They have earned those grades......good or bad.....they earned them even missing those days. I am SO glad I teach where I do. My principal and the board of ed know that these kids do have a life outside of school. I could not miss work for it, but it is my choice to be a teacher. But taking grades away??? PLEASE!!!! And since it is a percentage, it takes more from those who have good grades. That is just about the most moronic thing I have ever heard! I'm sorry for my rant, but that is JUST NOT RIGHT! They should not be doing that.

Our district is HUGE on attendance! We have had one of the best attendance records in the state. I think they get a certain amount of funding for exemplary(sp?) attendance. They are trying to cut down on unexcused absences so I guess that's where the percentage deduction came from. We are also a 4-star school district. One of the best in the state. But we really shouldn't be talking about this (it's off topic, you know!:lol: ).
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Well-Known Member
kodiak5bears said:
I am not trying to wreak havoc here. I was just looking for a "magical" reminder for the teachers!!

Dear Mrs. Teacher,

This is just a friendly reminder of our previously scheduled field trip to see the Where the Magic Never Ends.
Upon receipt of the permission slip sent home several weeks ago; a packing list can be provided for you too!

Princess Mom
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Debbie said:
Dear Mrs. Teacher,

This is just a friendly reminder of our previously scheduled field trip to see the Where the Magic Never Ends.
Upon receipt of the permission slip sent home several weeks ago; a packing list can be provided for you too!

Princess Mom

Now I would definitely appreciate that.
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Active Member
Our district is HUGE on attendance! We have had one of the best attendance records in the state. I think they get a certain amount of funding for exemplary(sp?) attendance. They are trying to cut down on unexcused absences so I guess that's where the percentage deduction came from. We are also a 4-star school district. One of the best in the state. But we really shouldn't be talking about this (it's off topic, you know!:lol: ).[/QUOTE]

In NY, your State aid is calculated by student attendance. Unexcused absences reduce the funding your school gets, thereby raising local school taxes later.
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Original Poster
rileyspaw said:
...besides, a tough guy like you would just march into that school and punch the principal in the nose if he denied your request to take the kids out of school. Give me a break!

I happen to like the "tough guys" response!! No, he would not march in and punch the principal... the point is...

They are MY kids. I do not need PERMISSION from ANYONE to take MY kids on vacation!
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Well-Known Member
kodiak5bears said:
I happen to like the "tough guys" response!! No, he would not march in and punch the principal... the point is...

They are MY kids. I do not need PERMISSION from ANYONE to take MY kids on vacation!
You're correct about that, but unfortunately not every school system sees it that way.

Sorry this thread has turned into a school-bashing, can-you- top- this thing. I'm very happy that you can go at this time and enjoy the magic! Have a great vacation!
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GoofyFan1 said:
Our district is HUGE on attendance! We have had one of the best attendance records in the state. I think they get a certain amount of funding for exemplary(sp?) attendance. They are trying to cut down on unexcused absences so I guess that's where the percentage deduction came from. We are also a 4-star school district. One of the best in the state. But we really shouldn't be talking about this (it's off topic, you know!:lol: ).

In NY, your State aid is calculated by student attendance. Unexcused absences reduce the funding your school gets, thereby raising local school taxes later.

This is partially least in Wisconsin the funding dependent on attendance is figured out on attendance on a day in as long as nearly everyone is there on that day...the district is fine.

I seriously doubt most states use yearly average attendance since they wouldn't have that number until the school year ended which would probably be too late to use for funding for the next school year. Also, it would mess with school budgets.

Other comments....

My comment about getting back on topic was because the whole discussion of whether to take kids out of school or not wasn't relavent to the OP....she doesn't care, she's going to take her kids out of school. She was looking for advice on a note. If people want to discuss the merits of taking kids out of school....start another thread.

As far as the note....when we've given teachers notes....we don't even bother to tell them where we are I don't advocate the "cute note route". It's really none of their business....the fact is that your kid will be out of school for what ever reason, you'll need whatever work can be given out ahead of time as possible and the rest will be made up on their return.

If a reason is ever asked for....we state "Family Vacation" and we usually state we can't get off during the summer.
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Nemo14 said:
You're correct about that, but unfortunately not every school system sees it that way.

Sorry this thread has turned into a school-bashing, can-you- top- this thing. I'm very happy that you can go at this time and enjoy the magic! Have a great vacation!

If people are willing to be told by school districts what they can or can't do with their children....then they suffer the consequences.

It's not the government's obligation to raise our's the parents.

More people need to stand up and not let the government become our children's nannys.

If we're talking private schools...then it's by choice and if you have a problem with the policy...change schools.

If my school did this...I'd walk. They'd be in another school if it became an issue.
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Active Member
I still say use one of the cute letters suggested here. The teachers receiving the letter are elementary teachers. Cuteness is a requirement for them anyway, right? Spoken like a true high-schoolers-only-for-me teacher, huh? You could also see if your district has a website with school e-mail addresses for its teachers and send her/him an e-message while on your trip. I know you can do this from several locations at WDW. I think I read that you can send messages from one of the Innovations buildings at EPCOT. Once again, have a MAGICAL time with your family.

21 days until my 27 students, husband, two other chaperones and I are Orlando bound! (27 teens-school bus-930 miles of smiles:hammer: :sohappy: :D )
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