How do you inform teachers of a WDW vacation?


New Member
We are leaving for WDW in 15 days. :D We are going the week BEFORE Spring Break this year. My question is... Does anyone have a "cute" letter informing the teacher/school of an upcoming vacation or know where I can find one? I thought it would be cute for my 6 & 7 year olds teachers~


Active Member
Our school's policy is you don't inform the teachers. If you are taking your child out of school you must inform the principal who in turn will inform the teachers. I would try to see what school policy is before I got too cute. Our school's policy was that they were not required to do anything special if you pulled your kid out of school for vacation to help the student keep up. If you pulled them out for sickness, funeral, family emergency, they would bend over backwards to accommodate you. I'd really check the school's policy first.
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Follower of "Saget"The Cult
You could always invite the teacher to go also!!

Knowing that they couldn't get away, but it would help lessen the tension!:lol:
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Well-Known Member
My parents would let our teachers know about a month in advance. Then they would send us to school with a note saying we had a "date with Mickey Mouse, blah blah, thanks for the cooperation, blah blah, all work to complete...." Of course this was elementary school. We would complete the work on the car ride down to Florida. Of course the most school days we missed for a vacation were 3 b/c we always went over school breaks, but sometimes my parents would tack on a few extra days before the break had already started.
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Nansafan said:
Our school's policy is you don't inform the teachers. If you are taking your child out of school you must inform the principal who in turn will inform the teachers. I would try to see what school policy is before I got too cute. Our school's policy was that they were not required to do anything special if you pulled your kid out of school for vacation to help the student keep up. If you pulled them out for sickness, funeral, family emergency, they would bend over backwards to accommodate you. I'd really check the school's policy first.

Well thankfully we live in a school district that HELPS our kids! Whether it's a vacation OR an emergency!! Granted they may not be HAPPY about me taking my kids out... but I don't think they can legally NOT HELP THEM.
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Well-Known Member
Same as Surfupdon - the most my child has ever missed has been 3 days. At 6 and 7 yrs old, I don't imagine they are missing any major testing that is going on. Instead of sending a note, I would probably visit their teachers in person. Tell them of your family vacation and request the work your child will be missing while gone to WDW. Since the kids will be off school when you get back home, they can complete their missed assignments then.

Now, when they get to middle school and high school - that's a whole new COMPLICATED ball of wax. Contact me then and I will help you out.:lol:

Good Luck!! And have fun in WDW.
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Gucci65 said:
Same as Surfupdon - the most my child has ever missed has been 3 days. At 6 and 7 yrs old, I don't imagine they are missing any major testing that is going on. Instead of sending a note, I would probably visit their teachers in person. Tell them of your family vacation and request the work your child will be missing while gone to WDW. Since the kids will be off school when you get back home, they can complete their missed assignments then.

Now, when they get to middle school and high school - that's a whole new COMPLICATED ball of wax. Contact me then and I will help you out.:lol:

Good Luck!! And have fun in WDW.

OK, well I DO have a Middle Schooler (7th grader) too!! I just wanted something "cute" for the little kids!!
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Active Member
Gucci65 said:
Same as Surfupdon - the most my child has ever missed has been 3 days. At 6 and 7 yrs old, I don't imagine they are missing any major testing that is going on. Instead of sending a note, I would probably visit their teachers in person. Tell them of your family vacation and request the work your child will be missing while gone to WDW. Since the kids will be off school when you get back home, they can complete their missed assignments then.

Now, when they get to middle school and high school - that's a whole new COMPLICATED ball of wax. Contact me then and I will help you out.:lol:

Good Luck!! And have fun in WDW.

I agree, I myself would not send a note, I would go there in person. One reason being, you can send a note but the likelihood of the note actually getting to it's destination is about 50% (at least with my kids, LOL) Secondly I would think if you did it in person it would seem maybe more responsible then just sending a note...I don't know, just a thought. Also they might be nicer to you in person rather then writing a note.
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Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
This happens pretty frequently with us. We always travel off season so missing school is always an issue. We always inform the teachers a few weeks in advance so we can get their school work in advance. The kids will either get the work done before we leave or do it on the trip. You can also kiss up to the teachers by inquiring about special assignments the kids can do while at the parks. Last December my 12 year old had a project to do on Christmas in other countries. Needless to say my daughter was the only one in her class to have pictures herself celebrating Christmas in Norway. You will inevitably run into one of those teachers that will not allow make up work. If that occurs you can usually take it up with the principal and hopefully they will change their tune.
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New Member
My mom use to send me to school with a note.

It would simply say that I was not going to be in school from such and such to such and such due to a trip out of town. I would like to ask that you please give my daughter all work that she would be missing during this time. Thank you for your understanding.

My parents never mentioned where we were going on vacation or even that we were going on vacation, since it's none of the school's business. We also worked to make the most of school breaks, adding only 2-3 days before or after the break so I didn't lose much time at school. Even in elementary we had to attend so many days and not miss too many or be held back possibly.
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OK, let me be more specific about our schools, kids & trip.

Grades: 1st, 2nd & 7th

I have already personally informed the teachers of the trip already. We are going the week before our schools "Spring Break" because our hotel was booked the week of our Spring Break. I am wanting to write a note to the teachers to remind them of our upcoming trip so they have time to prepare the missed class/homework for my kids.

They will not be expelled.

They WILL get their classwork.

I am not trying to wreak havoc here. I was just looking for a "magical" reminder for the teachers!!
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New Member
We notify the school with a form according to policy about a month prior to leaving. We remind the teachers weekly so we can get some of the missed work ahead of time.

We usually have parent/teacher conferences about a month prior so it's a good time to discuss it with the teachers.
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Well-Known Member
Our school's policy is that you are not to take the kids out of class for vacation. Does it happen? All the time. We once informed the teachers ahead of time and got a ton of work that had to be turned in upon ruined the vacation (6th grade). The next time we just went and sent a note when we got back (7th grade). Some work needed to be made up and some didn't.

I wouldn't worry too much with the younger kids, but the 7th grader may miss something. My kids are now in 6th and 12th grades and we stopped taking them out for vacation when the oldest was in 8th grade.
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Well-Known Member
As a former teacher in a school where vacations were "discouraged", I would strongly advise you to talk to the teachers in person. Not only do notes get "lost", but, believe it or not, teachers are people too, and sometimes we forget things too. Just a gentle reminder can be really helpful to you both.
I know that I was not supposed to give out make-up work ahead of time to kids going on a family vacation, but as long as I was given enough notice, I always gave it to them. There were times though when a parent would request the work on the day that they were leaving, and, in that case, I would give them the same consideration that they gave me! :D
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Well-Known Member
kodiak5bears said:
OK, let me be more specific about our schools, kids & trip.

Grades: 1st, 2nd & 7th

I have already personally informed the teachers of the trip already. We are going the week before our schools "Spring Break" because our hotel was booked the week of our Spring Break. I am wanting to write a note to the teachers to remind them of our upcoming trip so they have time to prepare the missed class/homework for my kids.

They will not be expelled.

They WILL get their classwork.

I am not trying to wreak havoc here. I was just looking for a "magical" reminder for the teachers!!

We have some teachers who would not give out work ahead of time (too much work for them I guess) and others that just wanted a report on the trip when they got back.

If your district makes it a policy to give out work ahead of time then I would give them a 10 day heads up that the kids won't be in school from ____ to ____. We would appreciate if you could make a packet of work for them so they will not fall behind.

Hope you have a great trip! :wave:
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Well-Known Member
My DD is in the 3rd grade. I told her teacher that we were going at a parent/teacher conference about 1 month before we left. I sent a note mid-way to remind her and then one the day before we left. She sent so much work with my daughter. I couldn't believe it!:eek: But she did the work in our hotel room the night before we flew out, in the airport, on the plane and the same on the return trip. That way she didn't have to actually do any of it during vacation. This was the first year we ever took her out of school, and as long as she maintains her straight A's, we might do it again. It's a lot harder these days to take kids out then it was when I was a kid. They are learning things a lot faster. I hope that makes sense. Have fun on your trip!!:wave:
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New Member
kodiak5bears said:
We are leaving for WDW in 15 days. :D We are going the week BEFORE Spring Break this year. My question is... Does anyone have a "cute" letter informing the teacher/school of an upcoming vacation or know where I can find one? I thought it would be cute for my 6 & 7 year olds teachers~
Here where we live our children are allowed a max of 7 days for a family vacation and we just have to submit a trip request which the school sends to the board of education. As long as there haven't been excessive absences or bad grades it always goes through fine. I let the teacher know about the trip when I needed her to sign the form and when my child went back to school she was given a chance to kind of show and tell about her trip. It was really fun for her. Have a wonderful vacation!! I'm jealous, mine isn't until February 2007.
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Well-Known Member
kodiak5bears said:
Well thankfully we live in a school district that HELPS our kids! Whether it's a vacation OR an emergency!! Granted they may not be HAPPY about me taking my kids out... but I don't think they can legally NOT HELP THEM.

How is your relationship with your children's teachers? A handwritten note sent to each teacher separately, reminding them that you wlll be on vacation that week, would be best. Most of the teachers here at my school will provide a small packet of written work for the child to complete. Be realistic, though, and recognize that your kids will be in VACATION mode, not SCHOOL mode, and aren't going to be enthusiastic about doing much work while you're there. Take advantage of travel time to do that, if you can.
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Well-Known Member's something I found on has also some other cute things too!!..We also always go when school is in session..Always in september usuallly the 3 or 2 week...This was the first year our daughter was actually going to school..She started all day kinder...We informed her teacher orientation and the day before we left..This was what we were told to do, well came back from vacation..had many messages from the principal on my home phone as well as cell(which only on my cell did I say that i was away from work due to vacation time, )and to my as you can call amusement...the truency officers came to our housewhile we were away (as I found out later from neighbors)...once again, my daughter is in only kindergar..She is only 5 not 15...needless to say I did get hold of principal and explained what happened she understood that there was miscomunication on the teachers when we go back in Sept..I will tell both the principal, teacher and secretary....Only as long asmy daughter does well in school as time goes on will we still do this...
Here's the letter I found...

School Excuse Sample Letter


TO: [school official]


RE: [students name and vacation dates]

Please be advised that [student] will be out of school during the week of [date]. We ask that his absences be excused.

The reason for [student]'s absence is that our family will be out of the state during this week. While we are gone, we will be visiting Walt Disney World. We believe that [student] will be learning many things during this trip and that his education will continue in his absence from school.

Some things [student] will learn about:

* Different cultures of the world, including architecture, language, diet, and dress, by visiting the different countries in the Epcot World Showcase (Japan, China, Germany, Mexico, Norway, Canada, France, etc.) [student] will have the chance to explore the exhibits for each country and speak with natives from each country who work as cast members.

* American history by viewing the Hall of Presidents presentation in the Magic Kingdom and the American Adventure show in Epcot.

* Nature and conservation at Animal Kingdom.

* Science by exploring the Mission:Space ride in Epcot where he will have a chance to see and feel what it would be like to travel by rocket to Mars and by experiencing the Universe of Energy exhibit which teaches about fossil fuels, energy, and conservation.

* Economics by managing his own spending money and making budget decisions on how to spend his money.

[student] will also be learning about map reading by navigating in and to the different theme parks, as well as the resorts and water parks via the Disney bus system, sociological aspects of crowds including patterns and behavior, physics of the different rides, breakthroughs in technology at the Innoventions computer lab in Epcot, art and animation and the history of film, and mathematics.

We believe this will be a wonderful and educational experience for [student] and hope you agree not to charge him with unexcused absences as a result. If it is possible for [student] to take any assignments with him to be turned in when we return or to turn in before we leave any work that will be due while he is gone, please let us know as soon as possible.

Thank you for your attention to this. If you have any questions or need any further information, please feel free to contact me.

[Parent's Signture]

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