How do you divide your time??


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How many days do you usually spend in each park? I am buying the 7 day park hopper tickets for the first time (last time the one day one park:hammer: ). I am really excited about being able to move slower and do more. I haven't been in five years so I'm excited about seeing how it has all changed. I am not sure though how I will divide the days between the parks.:veryconfu Any suggestions???


New Member
If I were going for 7 days, I would take 1 day for Animal Kingdom, 1 day for MGM, 2 days for Magic Kingdom, 2 days for Epcot (1 for Future World, 1 for World Showcase), then I would use the last day to go back hit my favorites from all the parks.

Good luck!


New Member
I live far away so 7 days is a good length for me too.

MK -- One day
Epcot -- Two days min.
DMGM-- Two days (I love that place!)
AK -- Until EE opens I will not be back. I have seen everything. 3/4 day park for me.
DD -- I try to go three times in the evening. I love AC!

I also try to take a day off to enjoy the resort. I don't do the water parks.

I include a wide card day to go back wherever I want to.


New Member
Welcome to the boards!

i would do Epcot for 2 days

The Studios 1 1/2 days and take the other half of day for downtown disney or something like that

AK 1 day at the most ... maybe even 1/2 a day and take the rest of the day to rest

MK- 2 days

Enjoy your trip!!! :)


Well-Known Member
2 days MK
2 days Epcot
1 day AK
1 day MGM

The last day could be used to go back to a park you like the most. As mentioned above be sure to get over to Downtown Disney too and maybe even a water park if you are going when it's warm. If you are going when MGM & MK close earlier you could hop over to Epcot to see Illuminations. You could also hop over to MGM from AK when it closes to see Fantasmic. Last December we were able to see Illuminations & Wishes on the same night two days of our trip.


we go for 9 days so we can relax I always jump aroung we might go to MK in the morning MGM in the afternoon and Epcot at night. Not having been there in 5 years I would do
MK 2 days
Epcot 1 days
MGM 1 Day
AK 1 Day
2 Days to jump around to see things you either missed or want to do again


We always start as soon as the parks are open and hit the headliner rides in whatever park we're in. By lunch, we're getting tired, so we eat, maybe take in a show, depending where we are, and then head to the hotel. One of the nicest things about a 7 day pass is getting to rest in the afternoon. At night we go to whatever park we want to see the night time show or fireworks.

We treat it like 14 separate "days". Usually:
1 morning at AK
2 mornings at MK
2 mornings at Epcot
1 afternoon at AK (but it does close early so your rest is short that day)
2 evenings at MK
2 evenings at Epcot

Then we take a "day off' and keep an extra day on our tickets just so we know we can go back.

We usually end up with one crazy long day of park hopping to grab one more snack here or see one more show there.

Edited - oops forgot MGM - can you tell it isn't my favorite? Still, we'd have a morning there and an evening there. Oops there went the day off. Oh well. We'd get those tickets extended to 10 day passes, just to be sure we can come back....


Well-Known Member
I agree with DisneyMarg, we divide days into morning and evening sessions.

7 mornings:
2 at MK
1 at Epcot
1 at Disney Studios
1 at AK
1 at TL or BB
1 at Character Breakfast at resort

7 evenings:
2 at MK
2 at Epcot
1 at Disney Studios
1 at DD
1 at quiet dinner with wife while kids are at kids club.


We also tend to do 2 parks a day. We're not ones to plan it out ahead of time... we kind of just go where the mood takes us. We start with the "must-sees" and then take it easy from there. 7 days is nice- it's much more pleasant not having to rush from place to place, and allows time to check out some of the non-park stuff (resorts, etc).

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Like most Brits we go for a 14 day visit. Three days are devoted to the "other place" , and this year we tried the brewers parks. However we normaly do something like this.

MK 2 dawn til dusk visits (sleeps for wimps)
Epcot 2 visits
MGM 1 full visit
Animal Kingdom 1 full visit
TL 1 visit
BB 1 visit
TL/ MGM hop
1 day park hopping dependant on whats floated the boat


New Member
I don't go with a set itinerary and I park hop a lot.

I could start at Magic Kingdom and do my favourites there first thing in the morning, head over to Animal Kingdom in the afternoon for lunch, a couple of shows and see the gorillas and tigers at the end of the day when they can get quite active then depending on whether I'm in a Fantasmic or Illuminations mood, head over to Epcot or the Studios.


Well-Known Member
Pumbas Nakasak said:
Like most Brits we go for a 14 day visit............
Our itinerary will usually cater for 1 day at the shopping malls, 2 days at SeaWorld and on our last trip 1 day at Discovery Cove. This gives us 10 days at WDW :sohappy: which have been basically split between MK x 3, EPCOT x 3, MGM x 2, AK x 1 and a visit to a waterpark.


New Member
Original Poster
okay thanks for the replies we are spending 14 days at Disney World with the 7 day park hopper tickets. (you get 14 days to use them) so we will have days of rest in between or water parks and stuff. I was just wondering how many days you spend at each park??

I do know you need more than one at Epcot, last time was a rush through it to attempt to see it all!!

It seems that I remember a lot a MGM but the more I look at info on it, it seems I am wrong!! It was my favorite then but it doesn't actually seem like there is a lot there?
anyone else know what I mean??

Computer Magic

Well-Known Member
KatieRenee said:
It seems that I remember a lot a MGM but the more I look at info on it, it seems I am wrong!! It was my favorite then but it doesn't actually seem like there is a lot there?
anyone else know what I mean??
I know exactly what you mean. It seems to become a 1/2 day to 3/4 day park depending on crowds. Must see is ToT and RnR. Then I can fill in with WWTBAM Little Mermaid and some others.


New Member
swimmom said:
2 days MK
2 days Epcot
1 day AK
1 day MGM

The last day could be used to go back to a park you like the most. As mentioned above be sure to get over to Downtown Disney too and maybe even a water park if you are going when it's warm. If you are going when MGM & MK close earlier you could hop over to Epcot to see Illuminations. You could also hop over to MGM from AK when it closes to see Fantasmic. Last December we were able to see Illuminations & Wishes on the same night two days of our trip.

Yes. Exactally what I would do.:sohappy:


KatieRenee said:
okay thanks for the replies we are spending 14 days at Disney World with the 7 day park hopper tickets. (you get 14 days to use them) so we will have days of rest in between or water parks and stuff. I was just wondering how many days you spend at each park??

I do know you need more than one at Epcot, last time was a rush through it to attempt to see it all!!

It seems that I remember a lot a MGM but the more I look at info on it, it seems I am wrong!! It was my favorite then but it doesn't actually seem like there is a lot there?
anyone else know what I mean??

MGM is fun, and it has great atmosphere, but I know exactly what you mean.


Well-Known Member
i went for 2 weeks in may 2005 and this is what i did:

i spent a day in each park a day in each water park. when i visited epcot i spent 1 day going on the rides and another day visiting the countries (i will do it that way in future), i went to magic kingdom, mgm and walked around the shops then went on the rides. when i went to mgm i got a fast pass for LMA and because there was a load of time to spare i went back to my resort hotel and went in the pool then went back to mgm saw LMA had my tea in abc commisionary then watched fantasmic. i was in downtown disney nearly every night. when i had been to a water park i would go home and get changed then go to downtown disney or the boardwalk. i also visited my resort that i am staying in in december 2005 and loved it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mr Bill

Well-Known Member
I've never been for more than a one day visit, but if I were to go for seven days, it would probably be 2 days at MK and Epcot each, One at MGM and AK each, then the last day for a waterpark or doing what we didn't get to at the parks.


Well-Known Member
this is what i have planned for us in april (7 day hopper also).

arrival day - hotel
day 1 - mk
day 2 - ak & rest of mk
day 3 - epcot
day 4 - mgm & rest of epcot
day 5 - bb & dd
day 6 - tl & anything we want to do
day 7 - hotel & home

hope this helps :)



I've never been for more than 4 days before, and this trip is 11 days! I can't believe it.

I'm doing 2 days AK, 2 days MGM, 2 days Epcot, 1 day Blizzard Beach, 3 days MK, 1 day rest.

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