How are crowds during the first week of June?

Prof Ecks

Active Member
We are going to WDW from May 31st- June 7th this year. So we will be arriving the week after Memorial Day. Guidebooks suggest that there is a significant drop in attendance during that week, however, I am a bit skeptical. If you have been to WDW the week after MD could you please let us know how the crowds are and what your experience was like?



New Member
Oh, I go to WDW on the first week of June every year.. My bithday is on June 7th :D

I'd say that the crowds aren't that bad, aside from those on Star Wars weekends and 'Gay Days' which occur at this time also.
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Well-Known Member
To help avoid the crowd peaks toward the end of your trip, avoid these parks on these days:

Thursday, June 4: Animal Kingdom
Friday, June 5: Studios
Saturday, June 6: Magic Kingdom
Sunday, June 7: Epcot

Those are the "official" park days for Gay Day weekend, so those parks will have noticably higher crowds on those days. (I, on the other hand, will be following the above park schedule, except Thursday, which is my arrival day) ;)

But based on my trip two years ago, even with the crowds on those days (other than Saturday at MK), I didn't think the parks were much more crowded than other off-season times I've gone.

I now await this thread's closure. ;)

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Carey Poppins - Nanny and Disney Enthusiest
We're going the following week - from the 6th to the 14th. Hopefully it won't be too crazy - but I know by then a good portion of schools will be out for the summer. :sohappy: My DH's bday is on the 7th! :sohappy:
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New Member
We have went several times during this time period. I have to say that it is crowded. Wait times for big ticket attractions can range from 45 to 90+ minutes. However, having said that, I am going again during this time period-6/4 through 6/11. I would rather go during the summer than over Easter break. That was a nightmare:mad:. So, go, have fun, and plan for crowds!
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New Member
We went last year from 6/8-6/13 - crowds seems bigger then when we went in May'06 but less then July'05. No real groups were crowding it up, and Gay Days had just passed. There are some schools that are out but I don't think all schools are, so there isn't a full deluge -- wait times are decent. We plan to go from 6/7-6/14 this year.
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Well-Known Member
Wow lots of us going right at the same time! Usually we go May 31-JUne 6th week, however my husband couldn't get that week off. This year we arrive Sat. June 6th! Can't wait! As Rob said, rotate around that schedule and you will be set. The big plus we found was that you don't get hit with the Brazillian tour groups. That happened to us last July and it was awful!!!!
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Active Member
:ROFLOL:mad: Rob!

I found the crowds to be quite manageable during that time when I've been. Actually, I think it's a great time to go.

Because I'm crazy, we're going this year late June-July 12. Yeah, crowds are intense and it's hot, but I love WDW's 4th productions. The way I figure it, I'll be hot and sticky back home too. Might as well has fun doing it. :D
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