How accurate is the Jim Hill report that the Dreamfinder may return to Figment?


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Well, now that the Walt Disney Company has finally completed its acquisition of Pixar Animation Studios, John Lasseter -- AKA the new Chief Creative Officer at Disney Feature Animation as well as the Principal Creative Advisor for Walt Disney Imagineering -- supposedly wants to send a message to the world that Disney is about to experience a creative rebirth. That this whole corporation is about to infused with imagination.

And what better way is there to get that particular message across to the general public then by once again redoing Epcot's "Journey into Imagination" pavilion. Only this time around, the Imagineers will supposedly be putting something back in that was taken out during that Future World attraction's infamous 1999 redo.


I hope this is true.. a redo of this ride.. with the return of the old feel of it.. would be awesome! :sohappy:


Account Suspended
I don't personally believe that Jim has any real contacts within Imagineering of any signifigance.

This just makes this a rumor - he could be right, he could be wrong, but I don't put more faith on it because Jim Hill said so.


mousermerf said:
I don't personally believe that Jim has any real contacts within Imagineering of any signifigance.'re wrong on that. Jim has EXTREMELY good sources at WDI.
And in this case, the refurb of JII....100% accurate.
The plan is there.
There is a budget in place for it.

Unless something throws it off's gonna happen. Personally, I'd rather see the money going to UoE or WoL...but that's just me.:rolleyes:


New Member
Lee said:'re wrong on that. Jim has EXTREMELY good sources at WDI.
And in this case, the refurb of JII....100% accurate.
The plan is there.
There is a budget in place for it.

Unless something throws it off's gonna happen. Personally, I'd rather see the money going to UoE or WoL...but that's just me.:rolleyes:

But imagination is something the kids will love. And I would very excited to see a better version of the Imageworks that see a refurb of anything else right now.

Just the light tunnel and the colors that made noises (the pictures are dumb, I want the colors.) are enough to make me happy.


Well-Known Member
Lee said:'re wrong on that. Jim has EXTREMELY good sources at WDI.
And in this case, the refurb of JII....100% accurate.
The plan is there.
There is a budget in place for it.

Unless something throws it off's gonna happen.
:D :D :D

While i agree that something should be done with UOE and/or WOL, I'm pleasantly suprised by this and welcome the change with open arms. I'm trusting Disney (not Imagineering, Disney -- the Imagineers always know how to get it right, it's the getting it done that way that sometimes gets thrown off) to get it right this time. Will Eric Idle remain in the attraction, would you happen to know? He's a comic genius, but he doesn't "work" with Imagination. Sorry Eric.

Yensid "I don't think I ever saw Dreamfinder, so this should be fun for me!" tlaw1969


Lee said:'re wrong on that. Jim has EXTREMELY good sources at WDI.
And in this case, the refurb of JII....100% accurate.
The plan is there.
There is a budget in place for it.

Unless something throws it off's gonna happen. Personally, I'd rather see the money going to UoE or WoL...but that's just me.:rolleyes:

Lee, have you heard:
-of any plans for reopening the upstairs area of Imagination
-if Dreamfinder will get a new modern look (dare I say shaved!:eek: )
-of a possible HISTA replacement
-of Epcot25 celebration/changes

Just wondering :wave: Thanks!


New Member
Connor002 said:
Never trust Jim Hill's rumors...

What rumors has he started in the past have turned out to be false? Why should I never trust him? I am not trying to argue or disagree with you, I just want you to clarify your point. I don't get what it is about him that makes people on this site go crazy. Because he posts rumors on the internet? Like that doesn't happen everyday. I am not saying you guys are wrong I would just like some explanation to why many people here can't stand him, rather than anti-Jim Hill posts.


Well-Known Member
Lee said:
And in this case, the refurb of JII....100% accurate.
The plan is there.
There is a budget in place for it.

Unless something throws it off's gonna happen.

:sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:

Lee said:
Personally, I'd rather see the money going to UoE or WoL...but that's just me.:rolleyes:

I'm not going to disagree, but if they bring the quality at the Imagination pavilion I don't think I could complain. I'm hoping that Disney is thinking that with that money they can make the pavilion "set" for 10 years or more and can later find money for UoE. And I kinda doubt we'll see anything at the WoL for a while. If the people on here that say Epcot doesn't need the WoL area for attendence purposes anymore, I'd rather see that money put into JII than into some other non-park project.


Well-Known Member
kiawahman said:
who is jim hill?

He runs a website.

I also don't quite get why so many folks dislike him and make claims that he is "never" to be trusted. He throws out Disney rumors, and I can think of lots of them that have been true. I can't really think of anything big he's missed, at least not lately.

Although I'm sure someone will link to some Jim Hill article from five years ago where he talked about something then-planned but that didn't get the final greenlight from corporate. Wasn't Hill the one who first talked about Project Gemini for Epcot? That never happened, right? Anything else? :confused:


Active Member
I have a confession to make. I've pretended to dislike Jim Hill so people on this site would like me. :)

Seriously, though, I've had trouble seeing why there is so much animosity against the guy. It's like you have to offer an apology first if you bring his name up around here. I too would like to know specifically what Jim has gotten wrong. Stop the railing and start detailing!

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