Somewhat. We are going back to where my parents live the weekend after next to look at some halls and churches. That is really all I have done. I think I know the color I like for bridesmaids, have looked at some dresses online but haven't went beyond that.
I need your prayers as well. I think I was telling you guys how we might move to Chicago for Damon's job a few months ago. Well, we aren't moving anymore (Thank the Lord). Damon got a different job where is mostly traveling and selling in his territory. I have been wanting to move back to where I lived before in Grand Rapids ever since I got here. I hate it here, and I miss my old job terribly! They are always calling me asking me when I am going to come back and I have to always say sorry I can't. Damon knows how badly I want to go back, he is now thinking with this new job we may be able to. Since he no longer has a home office to report to and he is mostly working from home and then traveling around he is thinking we may be able to go back. It is not for sure and he wants to work a few weeks or a couple of months here first to see how it is going, but more and more he is saying it is a possibility.
I hope that God wants us to be there. I know I would be much happier in my life. I would be alot closer to my family, I would be at the job I love with the Christian people surrounding me, and I would just be happy. Damon makes the money mostly though, so wherever he needs to be, I of course will be. But wouldn't it be lovely if we could both be happy there?
Sorry for the long rant. Just please pray that it's God will for me to go back there.