Hoop De Doo at FW Or Luau at Poly?


New Member
Original Poster
I've been to Disney a lot, but I've never done either of them... I'd really like to do both of them eventually, but we're trying to cut down costs on dining, so we're only going to do one of these two choices... We're going in January, not that the date should make too big a difference in the decision-making (or so I think)...
Anyone have preferences?


New Member
Since you are going in January when the weather could be a hit (beautiful) or a miss (CHILLY!), I would do the Hoop Dee Doo only because it's indoors. You'd be sorry if you went to the Luau on a night when temps could be in the 30's, or they could even cancel the show.

I've been to both, and they are both a great time. You can't go wrong with either, I would just take the possibility of cold weather into consideration.


Hoop Dee Do

Since you are going in January you may not even have a choice ( I used to go in January every year and the Luau was often closed), but I would still reccomend the Hoop Dee Do first. It is 1 of the hokiest and most original shows I have seen and everyone I know that has seen it has loved it. Definitely try to make it to the Luau on a future trip.


Well-Known Member
No question.......


Better food, better show, more fun.....and UNLIMITED SANGRIA!!!!

(That's what puts the "HOOP-DEE" in your "DOO"!!!)

:lol: :wave: :lol:

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
Do the HOOP!!!!

The food is excellent. The show is fantastic. The servers are funny. The last two times I have been there I have had a server named Bob, who, if you spell his name backwards is, well, Bob.....


Well-Known Member
We've done both and I must say that the Luau was disappointing to say the least.

We never miss Hoop-de-doo on any of our trips. The show is fun and the food is great.

I would also agree that the weather in January is not in the Luau's favor. That is when we went and it was freezing!!


Well-Known Member
Hoop-de-Doo ! ! ! !

:slurp: Haven't done the Poly Luau, but will be doing the Hoop-de-Doo for the 3rd time in Sept. It is really great fun! Tip: Learn a few "songs" :sohappy: on the washboard and let your server know you've been practicing!


New Member
it really depends on what you want.

I Love the Hoop-Dee-Doo. it's the funniest and best dinner theater ever (which says alot because I'm not a big fan of dinner theater)

plus the ribs are fantastic. and let's not forget the strawberry shortcake


New Member
We did both on a trip in 2003. Hoop de doo is the way to go! The food was "better" (kids liked it more), and the entertainment and atmosphere just made us like that show over the luau.

To summarize:

Hoop De Doo
Hoop De Doo
Hoop De Doo

Have fun!


New Member
Yahoo?? Hoop dee doo!!!! this is by far the better choice...the :slurp: food is amazing:slurp: , songs are catchy, and the servers are hilarious......you can't go wrong seeing the show that just pulled in on the stage coach

Oh they come from all over when they come....


Active Member
:slurp: And in the process of enjoying the Hoop-de-doo you'll have the opportunity to discover another treasure at WDW, the Ft. Wilderness Campgrounds. Every evening there's a campfire where Chip and Dale appear with sing-a-longs and a classic Disney movie. In addition, there's Trail's End, one of the more affordable all-you-can-eat buffets, just a quick ferry ride from MK.


My pick

I've done both a number of times and while they are both dinner shows with audience participation if I had to just pick one it would be the Hoop-de-doo.

It is suppose to be funny with song, dance, jokes, and good food - and it is. It is harder to get to than the Luau if you are relying on Disney transport. Best be is NOT to use the bus system but to go to the MK and take a launch over to Wilderness Lodge. It is a short stroll from the dock to Pioneer Hall. As it is January remember the nights can cool off so take a jacket for the trip back if you go back across Bay Lake. The cold wind off the lake can be pretty cold and unBEARable, (inside joke for those of you that have been :lol: ). Alternatively, if you aren't going back to MK the bus system at WL is fine.

Mom's Strawberry Short Cake is yummy!

The Luau is mostly performance of various tribal dances and music with a fashion show that drags. The fire-eating/twirling however is astounding. Every time I have done the Luau the menu has changed - for the worse.

One thing they have added in recent years is interaction with the CMs prior to the show highlighting native customs and traditions. If you decide to do the Luau however go early enough to enjoy that and have your photo made.


Le Meh
Premium Member
Liked Hoop Dee Doo show better than the Luau, but liked the food at the Luau better than hoop Dee Doo......but, given the month you are going....I would do Doo.... :lookaroun


RunDisney Addict
Hoop de doo...especially if you've never seen it. I've been there 3 times, and the show changes slightly each time....so if you like it this time see it again next time...then again the time after that. It's tradition with us now.

Plus...great food and drink. I laugh at the same stupid jokes every time :)


New Member
I've never had the chance to do the Lauau, but man, HOOP DE DO IS AWESOME!

I was laughing my pants off...I loved our server, and the cast is amazing. Plus, my older sis got pulled up onstage, put in a crazy costume, and had to preform the can-can for us all! (I put one of the pics from that in my photo album) Good thing she had danced since she was 2! Well, I guess it would have been funnier if she didn't know what she was doing.

"She was no swimmer.....
she was no swimmer..........
she couldn't swim!" (one of the best parts for me :lol: )

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