HoneyMoon vacation regestry


New Member
Me and my GF of 3 years just got engaged and are planing to go back to WDW for our honeymoon.

We really wanna do one of the big 8 day packages (parkhopper plus, dineing package, the whole 9) but I don't know if we can afford it. I have seen websites where you can register for your honeymoon (so people can donate towards your honeymoon as a wedding present) but nothing on a Disney vacation.

Anybody know about a site or service like that?


Active Member
I got married a year ago. My husband and I had lived together for three years prior to our wedding date. Before that I had lived on my own and he had also lived on his own. When we moved in together we had two of everything. We needed nothing. I did not register for my wedding. Like Nibblesandbits mentioned I didn't want to register for stuff I didn't need because someone else was paying for it. Also we don't use china or expensive crystal either, why register for it? Because we didn't register I ended up either getting cash or gift certificates. Also we got some unique gifts that we probably wold not have received if we registered. So my thought is what is wrong with someone registering for a honeymoon? I think it is kind of a neat idea. I think it is very tacky and somewhat offensive when someone suggests that they only want money for their wedding. However if you specifically register for a honeymoon and people contribute to it I think that is kind of cute. Whats the difference in buying plates/silverware/towels etc or buying into someone's honeymoon? In the end you are giving them something they want and something they will use. These days it is hard for young couples to pay for their own honeymoon. Honestly I've been married almost a year and I think I am STILL paying for my honeymoon, LOL. It is the one time (Hopefully) that you will take a honeymoon, it should be special. To me it is better to have something you want then somehting you don't and have to return. I would be kind of offended if I bought someone a gift and they returned it...
All in all, I think asking for money and asking for a contribution to a honeymoon registry are two totally different things.
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Active Member
A lot of people register for those off the wall expensive things knowing that NOBODY will buy it for them but that they will get 10%-20% off the price when they go to buy it after the wedding. Most stores offer the percentage discount to the bride and groom to complete their registry. And when it comes to a high priced couch that discount takes BIG BUCKs off the price!

As far as a honeymoon registry, why not?!?! You can contribute to it if you want or don't if you don't want. You can choose how much or how little you want to give. It is all up to you!

And as far as etiquette books go, they say there is nothing wrong with registering, the problem is when a person includes the registry information with their wedding invitation. It is okay for the people that are hosting the shower to include that information in the invitation for the shower but not okay for the bride and groom to include that info in the wedding invite.
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Well-Known Member
thrupaytonseyes said:
A lot of people register for those off the wall expensive things knowing that NOBODY will buy it for them but that they will get 10%-20% off the price when they go to buy it after the wedding. Most stores offer the percentage discount to the bride and groom to complete their registry. And when it comes to a high priced couch that discount takes BIG BUCKs off the price!

As far as a honeymoon registry, why not?!?! You can contribute to it if you want or don't if you don't want. You can choose how much or how little you want to give. It is all up to you!

And as far as etiquette books go, they say there is nothing wrong with registering, the problem is when a person includes the registry information with their wedding invitation. It is okay for the people that are hosting the shower to include that information in the invitation for the shower but not okay for the bride and groom to include that info in the wedding invite.

interesting to know

almost dangerous to know :lol:

thanks :D
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New Member
Times they are a-changing

While I appreciate all the opinions voiced on this topic, we simply have to admit that things are not as they were. My husband and I married in '95 and I got physically ill registering for gifts. It seemed awfully presumptuous to me to say, "OK, here's what you can pick from to give me." So, I can totally identify with that feeling. I guess I have just grown to realize that while some people appreciate such specific "hints" and wide range of choices, you're also gonna have folks who choose to give an item that is not on your list. And I appreciated every gift given whether it was on my list or not. To this day I can tell you who gave me the beautiful silver lasagna server (also known as a pretty spatula). It wasn't an expensive gift, in fact, it wasn't even on my registry, but I love it and remember who gave it to us.
Also, folks are marrying later in life and many have already set up housekeeping. Some folks are going to be uncomfortable with the thought of registering for a honeymoon. Others are going to be offended if you register for an expensive Kitchen-Aid Mixer. I had one relative (in-law) who was offended that I didn't register for REAL silver. The bottom line is TO EACH HIS OWN. Registries are not requirements, simply alternatives or suggested gifts. Remember, it also used to be taboo to wear black to a wedding.;) Sorry for the long post! I just have friends who are going through something similar and are truly struggling with it.
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Well-Known Member
With registering...am I going to be disappointed that people didn't get me what I had on my list? no. Not at all. I mearly have the list as a guide as to the things that I think I would end up using. For me, my registery is not the end all, be all of information. If somebody wants to get me something that I am not registered for, it's the thought that counts.

As I said, I see a registery as more of a guide than as specific requirements.
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