HoneyMoon vacation regestry


New Member
Me and my GF of 3 years just got engaged and are planing to go back to WDW for our honeymoon.

We really wanna do one of the big 8 day packages (parkhopper plus, dineing package, the whole 9) but I don't know if we can afford it. I have seen websites where you can register for your honeymoon (so people can donate towards your honeymoon as a wedding present) but nothing on a Disney vacation.

Anybody know about a site or service like that?


Well-Known Member
wannab@dis said:

Yeah, 5 years into our marriage and we STILL have a large rubbermaid container of towels that are brand new.
:lol: wanna donate to the "alicia needs to move out of her house and her mother will flip out if she takes towels" fund?

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Well-Known Member
TAC said:
With all those trips with hubby to be, you could have amassed a pretty big collection by now. :p


so far just hubby to be-to be

besides...he pays for most of my trips...so should i ask him to buy me towels instead?
i dont think so
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Active Member
It is not crass or in bad manners to ask that in lieu of a gift money be donated to the honeymoon fund. I guess you also consider the in lieu of flowers for a funeral money be donated to a particular fund to be crass too.

There are many people who have all the things for a household already and so what to you get someone like that, a stupid knick-knack to sit on the shelf and collect dust. I hate when people think they "know me" and try to buy me something, it is usually not what I want and ends up being donated to someone who sells stuff at his yard sale, thrown out or given to the kids. I think the fund is a great idea and at least you are giving the couple something that they REALLY want, instead of something you think they want. I never quite understood the whole bringing of a gift to a wedding anyway, just give cash it's easier.
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Well-Known Member
Yellow Shoes said:
Time to get some wedding etiquette books, everyone.

Asking for money as a gift is in extremely bad taste. It is considered crass and classless.

Bridal experts just barely tolerate the whole bridal registry process, which is also telling people what you want.

Gifts are given to the bride and groom to help set up housekeeping and to celebrate the occasion.

As a wedding guest, I am not responsible for your honeymoon.

If you can't afford it now, make it a saving priority for your first anniversary.

While I agree that asking for money is not the best thing to do, I have no problems with a Bridal Registry. I would much rather give the happy couple something that they want/can use than some senseless piece of fluff that is my tatse, but not theirs. I have a few of those and they sit in a closet, unused.

If somebody chooses to give money as a shower/wedding gift then the couple should use that however they see fit and its really nobody's business.
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Well-Known Member
Dwarful said:
Well, hopefully, if you are invited as a guest to the wedding you know a bit about the couple. I am not against registries for department stores, Target etc., as it gives you a good list of items needed for the couple with a variety of price ranges. However, I've seen a few registries lately and thought "who helped this couple? do they have any idea what a working household needs?" But saying "skip the gift and give us a trip" to me just sends the wrong message.

I have seen those registries too...sorry, but I'm not buying you a leather sofa. I recently questioned a young bride to be about this and was told "they told us to pick one or two of everything in the store"! :eek: (nobody bought the sofa)
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Well-Known Member
shoppingnut said:
It is not crass or in bad manners to ask that in lieu of a gift money be donated to the honeymoon fund. I guess you also consider the in lieu of flowers for a funeral money be donated to a particular fund to be crass too.

I have to disagree here. Asking me to help pay for your trip is not polite, if I choose to give you money then spend it anyway you want; if I choose to give you a gift it should be accepted graciously. Of course, it could always be returned.
Giving money in a deceased one's name is a wonderful to memorialize their dedication (as in a scholarship in a deceased Coach's name, etc) or to help to find a cure for whatever they succumbed to. That is neither rude nor crass.
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Active Member
tigsmom said:
I have to disagree here. Asking me to help pay for your trip is not polite, if I choose to give you money then spend it anyway you want; if I choose to give you a gift it should be accepted graciously. Of course, it could always be returned.
Giving money in a deceased one's name is a wonderful to memorialize their dedication (as in a scholarship in a deceased Coach's name, etc) or to help to find a cure for whatever they succumbed to. That is neither rude nor crass.

I disagree as I feel that you are asking for money in both situations.

So if you have a couple that both own their own homes and can well afford a wedding and don't need a shower, I find this to be the best alternative. And, there are many people that fall into this category. I would think that there honeymoon would then be special because it wouldn't be "just another vacation" that they paid for themselves. The will remember it as the best gift ever.
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Well-Known Member
shoppingnut said:
I disagree as I feel that you are asking for money in both situations.

So if you have a couple that both own their own homes and can well afford a wedding and don't need a shower, I find this to be the best alternative. And, there are many people that fall into this category. I would think that there honeymoon would then be special because it wouldn't be "just another vacation" that they paid for themselves. The will remember it as the best gift ever.
I can see how some would see "asking for cash instead of a gift" is a little odd. However, we usually ask the couple if they would rather have money, gift card or a gift from their registry. We do it for just the reason they may not want to ASK for money. Sometimes, that money can be very helpful getting started or for the honeymoon.

In addition, I think a honeymoon should be anything but ordinary if they can afford it. Sometimes, the money given as a gift may well be the difference so they can afford that special trip.
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Well-Known Member
this is a subject that is very near and dear to us because we are getting married next month and honeymooning at wdw. we did our registries at some stores and have no problem with that. however, although we do need money as we are young and starting out (and trying to go back to school) we did not feel comfortable asking for money. some of our close friends and family members are giving money cause they know our situation, but that was totally their decision.

tracy & alex
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Well-Known Member
tracyandalex said:
this is a subject that is very near and dear to us because we are getting married next month and honeymooning at wdw. we did our registries at some stores and have no problem with that. however, although we do need money as we are young and starting out (and trying to go back to school) we did not feel comfortable asking for money. some of our close friends and family members are giving money cause they know our situation, but that was totally their decision.

tracy & alex
:sohappy: :wave: thumbs to you and good luck!
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Well-Known Member
tracyandalex said:
this is a subject that is very near and dear to us because we are getting married next month and honeymooning at wdw. we did our registries at some stores and have no problem with that. however, although we do need money as we are young and starting out (and trying to go back to school) we did not feel comfortable asking for money. some of our close friends and family members are giving money cause they know our situation, but that was totally their decision.

tracy & alex

As well it should be! And you should be free to use it any way you see fit!

I usually give money as a wedding gift, but never as a shower gift.
Best of luck to you both! :wave:
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Well-Known Member
TAC said:
Huh? How is saying, "in lieu of flowers or money, a donation to (such and such) charity would greatly honor (the deceased)." asking for money ???

Certainly the deceased isn't getting the money. The family is suggesting that a donation would honor the person who died. In fact, my grandfather was sick for several months before he died. My parents had a hospice care facility take come into my parents house and take care of my grandfather. The obit said to make donations to hospice because a) it's probably what my grandfather would have wanted b) donations to hospice will help them, which will allow them to continue to service their patients. And, I'll even say that some well wishers still gave money in a card, which my dad did donate to hospice.

And just like the flowers, your friends and family are under no obligation to give/send anything! It is totally up to the individual. When my parents passed away some gave mass cards, some gave memorial gifts and only family sent flowers. Some came to the wake, but no cards, etc and thats just fine too.

Guests attending a wedding are expected to give a gift unless you are specifically requested not to, but just what that gift is (and how expensive it is) should be up to the individual.
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Well-Known Member
My husband and I were married way back in '95, we scrimped and saved for our dream honeymoon to wdw, we did do a gift registry at 2 nearby Department Stores, Target and one local wedding shop. We also received about $3,000 in cash. The cash was appreciated..thats how hubby got a great lawnmower, we got new appliances and had some for our honeymoon. However, all those who gave cash did so of their own free will. I don't like the whole..we don't want any stupid gifts..we don't need one single thing except a great honeymoon and so we want you to come to our wedding and then help send us off. To me, it just sends the wrong message. Gifts are not supposed to feel demanded. The giver is supposed to feel like giving the gift, not forced into it. By inserting those little registry notices in invitations IMO it says "heres the date and here is where to get us our stuff".

As far as funerals, many times families get more flowers and plants than a botanical garden would know what to do with. That is why many say in lieu of...for my dads funeral we did this for the Illinois Veterans Home in Quincy IL and I know that they appreciated every penny that they received in my dads honor. Totally different thing, you may go to a funeral / visatation without sending anything, your giving of your time to recognize the deceased is gift enough, if you want to do more...great.
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Well-Known Member
tigsmom said:
I have seen those registries too...sorry, but I'm not buying you a leather sofa. I recently questioned a young bride to be about this and was told "they told us to pick one or two of everything in the store"! :eek: (nobody bought the sofa)
wow...I'm going through this right now...signing up for regestries...and wow, I can't believe somebody put a leather sofa on there! I want to put a variety of items on my list that is of all price ranges, but the highest price range I have on mine is (I think) $199. Most of the items are in the $30 to $50 range. There are some less, some more.

I would never register for a couch though...I had enough trouble registering for the $199 item, but did it in case somebody wanted to go 3 or 4 ways.
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Well-Known Member
nibblesandbits said:
wow...I'm going through this right now...signing up for regestries...and wow, I can't believe somebody put a leather sofa on there! I want to put a variety of items on my list that is of all price ranges, but the highest price range I have on mine is (I think) $199. Most of the items are in the $30 to $50 range. There are some less, some more.

I would never register for a couch though...I had enough trouble registering for the $199 item, but did it in case somebody wanted to go 3 or 4 ways.

That is a very good idea and I've gone in on shower & baby gifts with people when I knew the couple could use the expensive item.
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New Member
Yellow Shoes said:
Time to get some wedding etiquette books, everyone.

Asking for money as a gift is in extremely bad taste. It is considered crass and classless.

Bridal experts just barely tolerate the whole bridal registry process, which is also telling people what you want.

Gifts are given to the bride and groom to help set up housekeeping and to celebrate the occasion.

As a wedding guest, I am not responsible for your honeymoon.

If you can't afford it now, make it a saving priority for your first anniversary.

Whatever....better than getting a bunch of stuff you don't want, won't use and will probably end up re-gifting anyway.

Some people might find contributing to a honeymoon okay....sounds more sensible to me than getting a bunch of china or crystal that might get used once per year.

And if you are a wedding guest...no one is forcing you to contribute to the honeymoon...so lighten up.

If eveyone else thinks it's tacky....no one will contribute...so there...no harm done.
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Well-Known Member
TiggerRPh said:
Whatever....better than getting a bunch of stuff you don't want, won't use and will probably end up re-gifting anyway.

Some people might find contributing to a honeymoon okay....sounds more sensible to me than getting a bunch of china or crystal that might get used once per year.

And if you are a wedding guest...no one is forcing you to contribute to the honeymoon...so lighten up.

If eveyone else thinks it's tacky....no one will contribute...so there...no harm done.
I know...that's why I had trouble with my registry. I didn't want to register for things I knew I'd never use simply because "somebody else was paying for it." That's why I didn't register for something like china or crystal. No one in my family has ever used that. We just don't do fancy meals. So I didn't register for it.

The one thing that I wanted to register forwas the complete set of $ex and the City DVDs and the complete set of Seinfeld DVDs. I thought it was a good idea b/c we 1. don't have cable and 2. it gives us something to do together, but my mom said it was tacky to register for that so I took it off.

Maybe I'm just more or a realist, but I don't think I should be a brat about registering and register for everything under the sun simply because I can. I only register for things that I know will come in handy when creating my life with my fiance. (Plus, we have the honeymoon taken care of. We paid for that ourselves. But even if I hadn't, I more than likely wouldn't ask people to help pay for it.)
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