Just got back from eight days of World Magic, and wow, it was awesome. New Magic bands, the great PORS, FOOD, rides, and more. So let's start the party! Who? The in-laws
Great people, true italian. But lets have a tease of the resort.
A little snack of some fried chicken, pretty good. One last chance at Kraken? Nope, no way, denied again. Well, let's pet some sting rays and get the heck out of here. Called our van guy, and he was there in 1/2 an hour, with cold air conditioning, comfy leather seats, and no stinky cab smell. Holy crap I hate that smell.
One more day, and it is a big one, breakfast, EPCOT, and dinner. Plus the biggest holy crap of the trip, figures it happens on the last day, or should I say night.