Well-Known Member
Sorry maybe I wasn't clear enough....it is not a long walk as in too far...a long walk as in maybe something besides food and shopping would keep it a little more interesting.....that is what I meant. I have no problem walking at WDW.....I do have a problem with your snotty retort that has nothing to do with the OP's statement. I was making a suggestion that is relevant to the topic. I do not believe your judgemental (and incorrect) comment has a place in this thread. Maybe I wasn't clear with my original post but your response is pretty clear as to what kind of a person you are! I see you have been a member of this forum for quite some time....tell me what is it called when people make a rude comment towards others which has nothing to do with the topic being discussed? If you wish to continue discussing this in a mature way please feel free to PM me so we do not hijack this thread. Thank you.
Its a discussion forum your entitled to your opinion, and I am entitled to mine ... my apologies if your comment was taken out of context by me, it was not a 'snotty' retort, rather cold hard facts about society as a whole ... I did directly offer an opinion to the OP's initial thought earlier in the thread, I was unaware that you were not allowed to comment on other peoples comments in a discussion forum.
Regarding your latest comment ... between the walk from Muppet Vision to Tower of Terror you have Star Tours, The Great Movie Ride, Indiana Jones, and other eye candy, and of course the food, shopping and street entertainment. So I fail to see how there is not more to keep your attention in the spaces between the two attractions than just food and shopping. :shrug: