Holding in a laugh at disney.


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It seems like every time I go to disney something imbarising happens to someone but is funny to me happens. Mostly when it is least expected. What's yours. Mine is this one guy was running towards the bathroom and he was waddling/running in an odd way while texting and went right into a wall. I guess cartoons come to life in WDW.


New Member
I can tell you something embarrassing that I did. The first time I went on ToT I didn't know about the handles. Every time we dropped I tried to grab for something to hold on to, which most often ended up being the knee of the stranger sitting next to me. Needless to say I scurried off that ride in a hurry.

If any of you were the innocent bystander I was sitting next to you all those years ago, I apologize... I swear I wasn't then, nor am I now a perv, just a bit of a chicken. :ROFLOL:


Well-Known Member
I can tell you something embarrassing that I did. The first time I went on ToT I didn't know about the handles. Every time we dropped I tried to grab for something to hold on to, which most often ended up being the knee of the stranger sitting next to me. Needless to say I scurried off that ride in a hurry.

If any of you were the innocent bystander I was sitting next to you all those years ago, I apologize... I swear I wasn't then, nor am I now a perv, just a bit of a chicken. :ROFLOL:

What....you mean there are handles in there! I did not know this and did the same thing you did. Fortunately for me, my daughter was the person next to me. :ROFLOL:


New Member
What....you mean there are handles in there! I did not know this and did the same thing you did. Fortunately for me, my daughter was the person next to me. :ROFLOL:

The funniest thing is that I was the one who always wanted to go on the ride, but couldn't drag my boyfriend anywhere near it. After 3 trips and 3 beers at the Brown Derby he was finally ready to go, and I was the one who turned out to be the bigger chicken. (Don't tell him I said that.) :p


Well-Known Member
I can tell you something embarrassing that I did. The first time I went on ToT I didn't know about the handles. Every time we dropped I tried to grab for something to hold on to, which most often ended up being the knee of the stranger sitting next to me. Needless to say I scurried off that ride in a hurry.

If any of you were the innocent bystander I was sitting next to you all those years ago, I apologize... I swear I wasn't then, nor am I now a perv, just a bit of a chicken. :ROFLOL:

Thats harmless compared to the guy who's hand ended up grazing my crotch for a split-second after the first drop... :lookaroun:eek: I know he didn't mean for it to happen, he just wasn't ready for the unexpected drop. At least I hope... :zipit:


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I am surprised but thrilled that I didn't get like 1,000,000, fart stories that would be annoying and they all turn out the same.


Active Member
I can tell you something embarrassing that I did. The first time I went on ToT I didn't know about the handles. Every time we dropped I tried to grab for something to hold on to, which most often ended up being the knee of the stranger sitting next to me. Needless to say I scurried off that ride in a hurry.

If any of you were the innocent bystander I was sitting next to you all those years ago, I apologize... I swear I wasn't then, nor am I now a perv, just a bit of a chicken. :ROFLOL:

One time I took a first timer on the ride and there was a total of 4 of us in the row. After buckling our belts and and the door closed my friend asked where the handles were and felt around as the lights went out and the elevator gets dark. The comedian in me couldn't help but add "that's not a handle...", the whole group enjoyed it even the guy behind me added "that's a man-handle!" haha. I know it's disney but sometimes i cant help myself.


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Ine time we were on the tower of terror and my mom had brought on a bucket of popcorn and when we went down it went up, When we got off the ride in the picture the bucket is on my moms head. This was back in 99.


Well-Known Member
Thats harmless compared to the guy who's hand ended up grazing my crotch for a split-second after the first drop... :lookaroun:eek: I know he didn't mean for it to happen, he just wasn't ready for the unexpected drop. At least I hope... :zipit:
I'm sure he didnt notice anything :animwink:
or he would have apologized


Well-Known Member
I witnessed MYSELF pull a bonehead move. But his isn't much better than a 'fart story'. Sorry.

I was at the Port Orleans (now the French Quarter) pool and had to use the restroom. I went to the facilities by the pool bar, took a seat,( I don't know how to say this with class ) and dropped a 'duece'.

I then heard female voices enter and realized my mistake.
I had to wait in terror for another five minutes until the restroom cleared before rushing out.
Unfortunately my wife (now ex-wife) witnessed me bursting out of the ladies room.
She didn't stop laughing for 2 hours!

To this day, some 17 years later, she still loves to bring up this incident whenever she finds an opening.:brick:


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In the Parks
We were leaving Blizzard Beach while it was raining and someone in a EVC came late. Everyone was sat. So a few people had to move out of that reserved spot. The woman got on and the bus driver called her family over and yelled to not run. So the little idiot kid that was with them decided to run and jump onto the ramp to get on the bus. As soon as his foot touched the ramp he got BROKE. He was ______ up in the air with his body looking like he was laying down in mid air. Thats how he landed. I couldnt help it, it was MAD funny. The minute his parents saw he was okay I just cracked up. Had he not be warned it would have only been 5% less funny. But since the driver yelled at him to not run even if he did get hurt he would have deserved it. I mean god forbid he got a little wet leaving a WATER PARK.


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When not to many people had bluetooth I was using one and I was standing on the epcot logo imbedded into the concrete and I was telling because there was bad service and my friend was telling me about something funny that happened and all anyone saw was me yelling and laughing to myself. I hung up the phone and I looked up and there were like 20 people staring at me and trying not to laugh. No one could see it either because it was hidden under my hat.


Sappy alert....
One thing that seems to happen to me at least once on each trip is a small child will absent-mindedly think I'm his/her mother while in line or standing around in a crowd (I guess I'm hopelessly average!).

I'll suddenly have some arms wrapped around my leg, or a little hand grasping for mine. Inevitably, a split second later, said child realizes the mistake and looks up to give me a frightened expression, sometimes horrified, and runs to mom.

It's so hard not to laugh, because their faces always look so funny, but it's such a sweet thing to have happen... but the kids are already embarrassed, so I have to hold it in, smile at them and say something like "it's okay, I'm a mom too."


New Member
A few years back my wife and I had just arrived to the MK and decided to start the day off with a pretzel. We sat down near Ariels Groto to enjoy the snack when a few birds decided to "unload" on me. I can't describe the mixed feelings of Disney joy with utter disgust of just being pooped upon. I had to walk to the restrooms with on-lookers gawking and making funny remarks, luckily I have a sense of humor. To this day I will never eat a pretzel in the MK again and I used to like Scuttle.


New Member
On an earlier trip this year (January, I think) my husband and I left MK at park closing and were walking up the ramp to the monorail to head back to the TTC. When we got up to the top there a woman in front of us who was talking to her kids on her cell phone. She was apparently on vacation at Disney with her husband sans kids and was telling them goodnight.

So here's the funny part: she had one of those toilet seat covers sticking out of the back of her pants. I mean, this was at least halfway out and was bright white against her black pants, you really couldn't miss it and it was just hanging there blowing in the breeze. Now there were at least a few hundred people there so there were ample opportunities for SOMEONE (hello, her husband?) to tell her this was there. So I let her know she had something sticking out of the back of her pants, she pulled it out, and the look of shock and horror on her face was apparent. She was mortified but very grateful someone let her know. Hopefully they're still married after that incident. :lookaroun


Active Member
Back in 96, I saw a lady fall into the water at the unload station at Pirates of the Caribbean!

As she was stepping out of the boat, she hesitated for a second - but the CM must have thought that it was clear to send it back to the load area.

She was on the back row of the boat and as soon as it started moving, she lost her balance and went into the water!

I saw the CM say "Oh ****!" when he realised what he had done.. I wouldn't have liked to be in his shoes!

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