New Member
darthdarrel said:Personally I can not for the life of me understand why Steve does not close this thread!
All it does is anger some and hurt others.
Do I like Ashlee simpson? ...NO!
Everyone on these boards have thier own musical tastes, personally I can not stand Metallica either! I would rather be sliced open with a thousand razers then listen to a Metallica song. That does not make me any better then anyone on these boards, it just means I have a differant taste in music. Static and everyone else you have to know that there have always been "pop" music and always will be, look at Leif Garret,David Cassidy and Tom Jones and in the 80's look at The NEw kids on the block and Boys to men and Tiffany and look in the 90`s with The Back street boys and Nsych and Brittany Spears and Christina Aguelarra. You can Bash Ashlee all you want and all you are going to do is hurt someones feelings, cause music is something personal to alot of people.
So Steve I beg you close this thread before more people feelings are hurt.
It's a discussion forum. Why would Steve close this thread?
Not every topic is gonna be something that we *all* agree on. Just because there's disagreement, we should close a thread?That's just dumb.
If it hurts your feelings, stop reading. No member is being personally attacked. No malignant or harsh words are being uttred to other members. Until that happens, let the thread stay.
I'm not bashing anyone's taste in music. If you like pop, hip-hop, rap, etc...listen to it.
I'm simply relating why so many people truly dislike Ashlee Simpson. She stands for so much that is wrong in this world (laziness, lies, nepotism). Why would anyone choose to support that?