Help, Serious withdrawls


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I was just at the world for 2 weeks in Oct with wife, DD6 and DS 4. We went to MNSSHP 4 times and went to the parks everyday almost all day. I was not planning to go back until Dec 2008 but now the thought of waiting that long is driving me nuts. All I can do is think of Disney all day at work or in my sleep. It's gotten so bad that I'm thinking about leaving my job to pursue one at WDW. I just have to find cost of living and if I can live off what Disney pays or not and if I can swing it I'm gone. Am I crazy or does anyone else get like this? I think I'm addicted and don't know what to do? Does anyone have any suggestions?


New Member
Welcome to the club. I think if I were a crack addict it would be cheaper.

Simply use the web to plan and discuss Disney. Find some Disney magic near to your home. And look forward to your upcoming trip.

It's hard to remember to live life, but you can do it.


New Member
ive never worked at disney, so you probably shouldnt take my work for it, but working there might ruin the experience... it wont be as special to go, and if the working conditions suck, itll taint it. i worked at a mall for only about 6 months, and i cannot go to malls anymore. if youre that obsessed (i am too!) maybe you should relocate to somewhere closer to the world...not so close youll get sick of it, but somewhere where you can easily drive there a few times a year. thats just what i would do.


New Member
well i am always having withdraws. one thing i have found is places like this and all kinds of site on the net that are disney. i love looking at other peoples pics. i also started collecting disney music and walt disney viedos. anything to let me feel disney. i even got the new vacation video so i could just have a peace of disney


Well-Known Member
This is all some good advice! Video, pictures etc... all should help with your withdrawl. If you find it doesn't then a family meeting is in order, just to make sure you are all on the same page. I started collecting disney artwork and taking shorter trips more often, picking up and moving sounds good BUT it is not very practical for my family. Good luck!


Active Member
I know exactly how you feel! I haven't been to WDW since July 2004 and am really feeling "the loss". It's actually a whole lot worse when I first get home from a trip. At this point, I thought I had gotten past it. But I am starting to plan to go back in Summer 2007 and am starting to feel the ache to be there right now. There is a flagship WDW store in NYC where I go just to get a small taste of the magic. They have character Meet-and-Greets where they even us the same WDW Photopass that they use in the parks!


Well-Known Member
Well, for sure, you need to get another trip in that's not two years away. Absence doesn't always make the heart grow fonder, but with Disney, it almost always does. You need to build up your anticipation, but two years would drive anybody crazy. Finances permitting, you need to get back sometime in 2007, and start a countdown calendar; that way it's always on your mind and it's always closer than the last time you checked. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Collecting artwork and music has been a big help to me- I'm always looking online for the background music that they use in the parks, and it really helps! Makes you feel like you're there. Looking at pictures helps a lot as well and YouTube for rides/home videos is also cool. The forums here are also helpful- we've got the regulars who update for those of us who live farther away from the magic than we'd like.

Hang in there...I waited 6 years between my first trip to WDW and my second and it was just too long...when there's a will, there's a way, and if you want to get back sooner, you can make it happen. :wave:

The Great One

New Member
I'm in the same boat!

Applied for a job via some company in England and (hopefully) hearing from them very soon!

I was so biten by the WDW bug it isn't even funny!


Yes, I know the feeling too well. My wife & I honeymooned there 15 years ago (I feel old when I say that) and it was all over. Full fledged Disney Fanatics. That was my wife's first time & my second. I was there at the age of 7. Now, with 3 kids, hard work, the help of God and some creative accounting, we can "justify" going every year. It took time to get our finances to this point, but I figure who needs a retirement fund anyway. Just kidding, but put it this way; we just returned (12/11/06) from our trip to WDW and are planning our next one for the summer. Yep, Disney Fanatics.

To feed my hunger I spend countless hours on Disney fan and info sites (like this one) and started a site of my own ( I am usig the site to express my feelings and tips based on my personal experiences with "the D word". Unfortunately I have to work to pay for my Disney addiction so I don't have the time available to build my site... I wish my boss would just understand...

Welcome to the club!:wave:


Yea I'm feeling ya. I was at the world in June, and I'm already dying to go back. I have a couple ways of feeding the hunger. I go to Mousegeeks and download some park music and videos, and I'll play Rollercoaster Tycoon and make replicas of the parks.


Well-Known Member
I think everyone here can relate, I haven't been since march of 2005 and we only went to mgm for a day, so my last real trip was in 2004. It's killing me right now waiting for April to come, but to compensate, I like to download disney music and videos and browe online photo albums. Like you, I am also considering a career with disney after high school. If you think you can support yourself off of disney's wages, then i say go for it, you only live once.


Active Member
:wave: We just got back from our trip to the world on Dec. 15 and I cant stand it either. I want to go back NOW. its awful. I have the disney planning DVD I can watch and pics and youtube videos that help, along with the music. this sure is an awful addiction, isnt it??!! ha.ha. drives ya crazy!! lol. I guess I better start planning another trip or something. wish I was way rich. that would sure help. I would buy a house right next door to MK. yahoo!! glad I am not the only one, though, with the serious withdrawals. :lol:


My family's so bad, we plan our next trip to Disney, while at Disney. We're conning my dad into going to a Gastroenterologist Conference at the Beach Club in June so we can get cheaper lodging, and we're already planning a 600 point DVC splurge in Summer of 2008. I read a disney book everyday, listen to disney music, talk to disney lovers, and look at pictures. We're all fanatics, or addicts, and there's NOTHING wrong with that!:wave:


A word of caution: All the internet videos and music downloads from WDW can end up hurting your next trip. When I came across the music for Spaceship Earth, I kept playing it over and over, so the overall feeling of the ride was not as strong when I did finally get back to Disney. Don't listen to ANY attraction music, it is nothing more than a quick high that could hurt you in the long run lol.

As for working there, I was a CP for four months and never really got sick of the parks at all. I was at a park almost every night (usually Epcot), and it never got old once. However, something is definitely lost when you are no longer a guest - getting off the plane and driving to your hotel, anticipating your first steps onto the property.... it's just not the same when you're a Cast Member. There are benefits though, like finally having time to explore every resort, get your fill of every attraction, etc.

My advice: Try to get a month off of work and spend it at Disney lol. That way, you will get your fill of all the parks and hopefully the whole property, but you will still feel like a guest each time you go back.
Welcome to the club! :wave:

My name is Jake and i'm a Disney-Holic/Former Cast Member/Future Cast Member.

Disney Withdrawl unfortunately is something that doesn't go away. Me personally, I was a Cast Member for 8 months on the WDW College Program. I practically lived at the parks. Working there didn't kill the magic one bit. I've been a Disney Trivia Nut since I was a little kid and learned so much more while I was out there. I rode all the rides. Took pictures with all the characters, and took the time to hug each and every one of them. Living in Orlando and working for Disney made the magic even more special for me. Walt Disney World became my home. Withdrawl for me is a bad case of homesickness.

So what do I do? I wear all my Disney shirts that I bought while I was out there everyday (Yep, I bought a bunch), I listen to the CDs I collected, Drive around in my car decked out with Disney Accessories, and i'll admit it...I lay down and take a nap with all the plushes I bought :lookaroun

Anyways, I know i'm going to wind up back there in the future. But the anticipation can be hard sometime. Just try enjoying the withdrawl. Take some time to daydream. Think about the memories from your time at Disney. I think about all my friends out in Florida. Also turn on some Disney music. Don't be embarrassed. Sing along with it, you know the words. And finally, Talk with fellow Disney Fans. This is a wonderful place to chat and let your love for Disney shine.


"Adults are only kids grown up” -Walt Disney
well i would just collect lots of disney videos and music =)... listen to the music in your car that totally brings me back to the world... eventually you'll end up with lotssssssssssss of posts on the boards like sum of the disney freaks who have hundreds upon housands of posts =) got to love the disney freaks like us
Oh gosh, I've been going through the worst Disney withdrawls the past month. It's kind of like a constant pressure on my chest. Listening to Disney music and watching Disney movies have done wonders for me. I still haven't really tried to watch anything park related yet (ie: the planning video) because I'm not sure how I would handle it. I tried to go to the Disney Store the other day, but I ended up having a bit of a nervous breakdown, which was kind of embarrassing :lol:


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Original Poster
Thanks for all the ideas, most of them I already do and find it to not be enough. I check these boards at least 3 times a day just to hear all the wonderful stories and see great pics but nothing can beat being there yourself. I guess I'll keep dreaming until I can finally go back. Thanks again.


Well-Known Member
My wife and I honeymooned there in Sept 03. We went largely for her benefit. She's a huge Mickey Mouse fan and had never been there before. I'd been on two one-day trips as a kid and didn't really care one way or another.

We both enjoyed the trip. But I was surprised just how much I enjoyed it. I was a little burned out when we got back and I didn't expect to ever want to go back... or at least not until I had kids who were old enough to enjoy it.

Then, little by little, I found myself wishing I could go back. Soon, I was checking out forums like this one. Then I began listening to WDW music and looking at complete strangers' vacation photos.

Now we have a toddler and our next trip is probably a few years off. I am anxiously looking forward to going back (whereas my wife, the Mickey fan, isn't really all that excited about the idea). The wait is going to be (and already has been) a long one. But I know it will be worth it when I get to take my daughter for her first trip.

In the meanwhile, I bide my time with videos, books, etc. And this site is a godsend.

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