Help, Serious withdrawls


New Member
Bless your heart. I am anticipating my trip in 17 days! I used to be a CP when I was 16 (now 43) and loved every bit of it. And right now I feel like a kid, worse than any kid, dying with anticipation.

Yea, the magic will still be there if you work there. It will really shine when you family comes to visit you from wherever and you take them to disney, the magic just grows. Even after I worked there and still lived there, I used to go all the time. It was awesome having it in my backyard (I used to live by Bayhill--if you are familiar with that).

Anyhow, I say if you can wing it, go for your dream. I remember as a youngster how many people would come down there to visit, go home and pack their bags and belongings, and move back to stay. Thats how I think Disney gained most of their employees to be honest.

Good luck!


Active Member
I was just at the world for 2 weeks in Oct with wife, DD6 and DS 4. We went to MNSSHP 4 times and went to the parks everyday almost all day. I was not planning to go back until Dec 2008 but now the thought of waiting that long is driving me nuts. All I can do is think of Disney all day at work or in my sleep. It's gotten so bad that I'm thinking about leaving my job to pursue one at WDW. I just have to find cost of living and if I can live off what Disney pays or not and if I can swing it I'm gone. Am I crazy or does anyone else get like this? I think I'm addicted and don't know what to do? Does anyone have any suggestions?
Four times to MNSSHP? May I make a suggestion? Unless you seriously love the Halloween parade or something, maybe you could go once to the party and save the rest for the next trip down. Seriously, though, there are ways to maximize your money. It's possible to stick away the money for your trips and also find ways to save money on the trip itself. I live 10 hours away but I've been to down to Disney five times in the past 1 1/2 years. :sohappy:


Glad to see I am in good company. I went in October 2006 as well. I have a busiiness trip next week in Clearwater and I told my wife to bring our daughter and we will go over for a weekend. Hey, can you blame me, company will pay for gas and 1 nights hotel, I have the season pass so why not! I took a one day trip with another business trip in August and I find it was just the cure I need. Also try Sorcerer Radio on


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Original Poster
$40 a ticket is not the question here for MNSSHP which I do love and have gone to in 06' and 04'. I think there is great value in these nights also MVMCP which I went to in 05'. Considering the extra hours and schedule of events for those nights I would pay that anytime. Also I had Annual passes, so money to go down to the world is not an issue. If I'm on vacation then I will treat myself and family to whatever, at whatever cost. The only reason I can not go more often is airfare is somewhat more expensive than I would like it to be and I only have 3 weeks of vacation a year or I would probably be there more often.


I am also going through withdrawls. I haven't been since October 2004.It is driving my CRAZY!!! :p

All of the ideas people have given are great! But, I am really bad about using my DVR for the Disney travel shows. I even recorded a show called "Backyard Habitat" on Animal planet, because they made a habitat at a local hospital and at Animal Kingdom. Oh, and the show "Made" (with Cliff Claven) did a 60 second piece on how AAs are made...but it didn't show anything...but I still have it! About 60% of my DVR's space is taken up with these shows, and I watch at least 1 of them daily.

It is great to see that I am in good company!:wave:


Active Member
I can honestly say that living close to Disney does not ruin the experience. I can wake up on a Saturday or Sunday morning and decide to drive over to the parks for the day. And the best part about living so close and being a passholder is I don't have to rush to do things or feel like I have to 15 rides to make it worth while. Sometimes, I may go and not even get on any rides, but I will watch the people and the kids. Sometimes, that's even more entertaining than the parks themselves! :lol:

Being a passholder, I've defiantely discovered a part of Disney that most tourists don't see. If I ever move away from this area tho, I will need to be put on some medication to handle the withdrawals, that's for sure.


I can honestly say that living close to Disney does not ruin the experience. I can wake up on a Saturday or Sunday morning and decide to drive over to the parks for the day. And the best part about living so close and being a passholder is I don't have to rush to do things or feel like I have to 15 rides to make it worth while. Sometimes, I may go and not even get on any rides, but I will watch the people and the kids. Sometimes, that's even more entertaining than the parks themselves! :lol:

Being a passholder, I've defiantely discovered a part of Disney that most tourists don't see. If I ever move away from this area tho, I will need to be put on some medication to handle the withdrawals, that's for sure.
We live far from WDW, but this is the reason why we go at least once a year. If I had the $$$, we'd go even more frequently. It's nice not to have to rush around like a madman. And this year, we spent 2 days in Animal Kingdom to take in the sites we had never seen before. Some people don't understand that there's more to disney than a bunch of great rides and shows.


I think special help groups would really cash in on people like us.. they could have a disney-withdrawel 12 step program....haha
Here's my 12 step program:
3 days at each of the 4 parks in WDW. Or... 1 day in each of the 11 worldwide parks then a final day of watching the 24 hours of video recorded.:p


It has been 8 thats a lot looking at it..and I am finally returning in May of 07. Can't wait to see how much has changed over this long period of time, even reading about it is amazing...

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