Help me convince my parents to go...


Well-Known Member
Help me convince my parents to go... *Update*

I'll try to give you the "Reader's Digest" condensed version of our story here...

I have a trip planned with my family (me, DH, DS, & DD) for September. My brother (the one and only) is also coming with us. Now, I live fairly close to my parents and do get see them quite often during the year. But my brother lives very far away and it's been a year already since my parents have last seen him. Now for the sad part of the story, my brother was planning on getting married in June but unfortunately (due to details I will leave out of the story) that has all been canceled. The trip to WDW was actually going to be their honeymoon. Now my brother still plans to go on the trip. He says, he still needs something to look forward to and he wants to spend some quality time with his only niece and nephew. Anyways, my parents were supposed to be traveling to see him for his wedding but that is obviously not happening!

I think my parents should come to WDW with us! I don't know when they're going to see my brother again (He has no plans to travel home). And I don't know when their only two children will be on vacation together (of course their only two grandchildren will be there as well)!!! My parents usually try to take one vacation a year and now they don't have a trip planned for this year. I think this would be a great chance for our family to be all together in light of the situation!

Normally I wouldn't have to convince my parents to go to WDW. (They have been there before but their last trip was 15 years ago!) My dad loves Florida and WDW (he was the influence that turned me into the Disney nut that I am!) My mom on the other hand is not crazy about WDW or Florida. Don't get me wrong she has enjoyed her vacations in the past (especially when me and my brother were kids) but she's not one for the heat and she doesn't do many rides. My dad is getting a little older and he's concerned that he won't be able to handle the heat like he use to. I still think this would be a great vacation for them. I think their problem is they are comparing this trip to trips in the past. Unfortunately, all our trips in the past were very rushed and we only spent one day at each park - so of course we ran around like a "bunch of chickens with our heads cut off", exhausted at the end of the day!:snore: This doesn't sound like an attractive vacation to them anymore! But we're going for 10 nights and I'm trying to convince them that it will be different this time and they'll have time to relax, do what they want when they want, go back to the hotel to rest, etc... They've never stayed on site before and they've never really eaten at Disney before either. This will be such a different Disney experience for them - how do I convince them to go!?!

Thanks for your help (sorry, didn't mean to write a novel)!:wave:


Thanks everybody for all your thoughts and suggestions. I brought it up with my mom last night using some of tactics and ideas that some of you posted here and... she called this morning and said they want to come!!!:sohappy: She's already called her work to she if she can get the time off (which shouldn't be a problem) and they want to come for the whole 10 nights. I've already changed a few of my ADRs to include them.

So, now you all have to tell me what to plan for my folks!:) Like I've already mentioned I've added them to a couple of our TS meals and I've planned a couple with just them and my brother. Now I want to pick out a couple TS restaurants for them to eat alone... so much planning (but it's fun:animwink:)! If you guys have any suggestions I'm all ears. Actually, you can give out any advice (restaurants or anything else) that you think I might need!

Thanks everybody!:kiss:


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Original Poster
by the way what is that mickey on your plate? It looks so cool. Is that from one of the restaraunts at Disney?

That's a Mickey Waffle! We had them at Chef Mickey's but I think they serve them at other places as well. My son loved them so much I took a pic to put in our Disney scrapbook. When I joined the boards I was looking for a unique pic for my avatar and when I saw the waffle pic I knew it was perfect!!!:lol:

As for my original question - thanks again everybody for your responses. You have given me some thoughts and suggestions. If my parents don't go along with the idea I will be dropping it, don't worry! I'm just going to try and explain why I want them to go, why it would be a good trip, and that they might regret not going! Unfortunately using the kids won't work for me in this situation (although the thought had crossed my mind even before some of you brought it up:goodnevil)! My kids are only 2 & 4 and if I tell my 4 year old that there's a possibility that nanny and poppy are coming with us... we'll never hear the end of it!

I think I'm going to try the "only complete family trip ever" tactic first and then tell them about all the wonderful things they'll be able to do that doesn't include wild rides and baking in the sun! I'll let you know how it goes, I may work on my mom tonight...
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New Member
That's a Mickey Waffle! We had them at Chef Mickey's but I think they serve them at other places as well. My son loved them so much I took a pic to put in our Disney scrapbook. When I joined the boards I was looking for a unique pic for my avatar and when I saw the waffle pic I knew it was perfect!!!:lol:

As for my original question - thanks again everybody for your responses. You have given me some thoughts and suggestions. If my parents don't go along with the idea I will be dropping it, don't worry! I'm just going to try and explain why I want them to go, why it would be a good trip, and that they might regret not going! Unfortunately using the kids won't work for me in this situation (although the thought had crossed my mind even before some of you brought it up:goodnevil)! My kids are only 2 & 4 and if I tell my 4 year old that there's a possibility that nanny and poppy are coming with us... we'll never hear the end of it!

I think I'm going to try the "only complete family trip ever" tactic first and then tell them about all the wonderful things they'll be able to do that doesn't include wild rides and baking in the sun! I'll let you know how it goes, I may work on my mom tonight...

thanks for answering my? that waffle looks good I just may have to get one in December.Good luck with the folks, I think you're doing the right thing.:wave:
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Well-Known Member
i'll agree with an earlier poster, if there are residual hard feelings from the wedding, then maybe you should stay clear of talking them into it.

but otherwise, get their buts there! i had a similar problem with my folks just one year ago- minus the wedding issues. my parents really don't relate to my disney obsession, although i can see a huge difference since the trip! we took the whole family down as a gift, we paid for lodging and airfare, so i;m sure that didn't hurt either. we mentioned to them how important our kids thought it would be, as well as having made a bit of an investment already. so, yes if there are no hard feelings, guilt can be proper. lol!

the other side is that my parents also have health issues that the heat and excessive walking just don't agree with. that's when you show them one of those oh so easy to find "disney info shows" one cable. they always explore the alternatives to the norm.

some quick background: my parents did take me to disney twice as a kid. we're from pa, couldn't afford many real vaca's so they really stuck with me- hence the beginnings of my obsession. we actually drove the first time to save money ( i later did the same with my family for the nostalgia! not so sure i'd do it again) so the trip was special.

my parents love to travel now that they can afford it, so that clearly helps. one other caveat was scheduling a behind the scenes tour for the trains- my dad's a train collector.

i guess what i'm saying is play to the strengths of wdw. there are tons of out of the box disney things to do! golf, spa, food, water recreation, shows- duh, great hotels, great shopping, wonderful architecture, amazing art, and oh-by-the-way, the joy of their family!

i'm sure i've missed about about 1000 things for them to do. how about world showcase?!?!

have fun either way!!!!
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Original Poster

Thanks everybody for all your thoughts and suggestions. I brought it up with my mom last night using some of tactics and ideas that some of you posted here and... she called this morning and said they want to come!!!:sohappy: She's already called her work to she if she can get the time off (which shouldn't be a problem) and they want to come for the whole 10 nights. I've already changed a few of my ADRs to include them.

So, now you all have to tell me what to plan for my folks!:) Like I've already mentioned I've added them to a couple of our TS meals and I've planned a couple with just them and my brother. Now I want to pick out a couple TS restaurants for them to eat alone... so much planning (but it's fun:animwink:)! If you guys have any suggestions I'm all ears. Actually, you can give out any advice (restaurants or anything else) that you think I might need!

Thanks everybody!:kiss:

I just added this update to the original post if anybody's interested!
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Active Member
How about a carriage ride at POR or Fort Wilderness just for the parents? thats wonderful they are going. have a magical time.......
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I just added this update to the original post if anybody's interested!
Hooray!! So happy that your parents agreed - I know that jubilant feeling well! Once my parents agreed I had them look through a couple guidebooks, and we planned the meals (sounds as though you have that covered). Since our first talks about it my parents have picked out a few activities. My dad is going to do the Richard Petty Experience (drive-along), mom - parasailing with my sister (fell over on that one)! They have one night that my sis and I are paying for a nice dinner @ Victoria and Alberts as this year marks their 35th anniversary (though not til Sept, we felt they deserve this) and are going to take a carriage ride following dinner. The adults in our group, my parents included, have also decided to go to the Adventurers club one of our nights. In addition my Mom loves EPCOT and so they have planned a day with our whole group to tour the World Showcase, and Illuminations - and Dad has another day scheduled with the big kids to do future world, while Mom is going to hang out with the littlest princess in our bunch. We are talking a round of golf with my dad too. There is so much to do at WDW without having to race from attraction to attraction, and my parents are really getting excited, as this trip is turning out to be more relaxing than they expected! Good luck!
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Oh! I forgot too that we have planned an evening to watch the 4th of July fireworks from the beach at the Poly (my absolute fave resort!! So sad they don't have villas!). My family and my sisters family is having dinner at Cindy's in the MK that night and will be meeting my parents at the Poly after. My mom is going to bring a picnic bag with munchies, drinks, and a blankie, we are going to head to my fave view from the beach and enjoy the show together. Not sure when you are going - but the fireworks from the Poly is beautiful. For my group this is a big deal, as we are going to be missing our hometown's 4th of July celebration for the first time in my life (that's 32 years!) and we thought what better way than to do the 4th up just like we always do - fireworks with the family :)
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