help me choose which park to go to


Well-Known Member
In March, my sister, her husband and their two boys, ages 2 and 4 will be in Orlando for ONE DAY after going on a cruise. Part of their cruise package included one day tickets to WDW - I am pretty sure they must be one park tickets. I am trying to figure out which park to recommend for them.

Magic Kingdom seems like the obvious choice, BUT it will be a Saturday so probably crowded. They live in the West so will probably have the opportunity to go to DL without too much trouble. IF they ever want to - the only reason they are doing WDW is because I'm driving down to meet them there - even though their tickets and hotel are paid for. Aaargh! Also my sister says her husband "doesn't do rides" but surely that's because he has no clue what a Disney attraction is like!

She is leaning toward AK but it has such short park hours and I just don't feel like it will do the job of "infecting" them with the Disney magic as well as MK.

Help me figure out what our best plan is - and how to convince my sister! Please!

Can anyone help me?


New Member
Hi Nicole,Well my advice is MK,theres so much for everyone to do,and if i've done my research right, then there's alot on rides and attractions that are different (different style to the HM,or the slight difference between the two different POTC) or that are only found in the magic kingdom (COP comes to mind) Who could forget the two castles. I know myself if ever i'm in Califorina it's going to be a must on my trip to got both disneyland and DCA.Then you can't go wrong with ECPOT, if they arive in spring soarin will remind them of home,i'm sure they will get a kick out of world showcase as well,it's disney no matter what park you choose you'll always have fun.
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Well-Known Member
2 and 4 year old boys? Before we went on our first trip in 2001, my youngest sons were 2 and 4. Describing Buzz Lightyear's Space Ranger Spin and The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh were all I had to do to get them ridiculously excited about their first trip to WDW. Not only did they end up loving those rides, but they had a blast on Tom Sawyer's Island, as well.

The MK was easily their favorite park that year and, well, every year since!
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New Member
Magic Kingdom! The kids will enjoy this park much more than any other at there age. Yes, Saturday is the busiest day for Magic Kingdom, but I think it would be a mistake to go anywhere else. I would tell her to make a bee line for Snow White, Peter Pan, Winnie the Pooh when the park opens, they usually have a wait of 45 min plus (not sure if they are fast pass rides), best to get those out of the way while is still cool. Then the kids are pretty much taken care of, the other rides either have fast pass or wait time aren't that long.
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Mom's the word

New Member
I have to agree with MK given the ages of the kids. It's simply the best park for that age group in terms of rides and variety of activities. Saturday may mean it's crowded but you can do the fast pass thing, get there for park opening to beat some of the crowds, eat at off times and use all those great tricks to minimize the hassles that come with busy days.

If they really don't sound interested why not AK? My brother doesn't like crowds and is very casual about rides but he really enjoyed AK on our last trip there. If you get there right at opening and plan the day carefully they might just catch the Disney magic! The shows at AK are really fantastic, little ones love Pocahontas and her Forest Friends and it's hard to beat seeing all the live animals everywhere in the park.

Personally, my son disliked Epcot when he was little, all he was interested in was rides and culture, great food and live street show type entertainment were lost on him unless they involved Disney characters.

Tell your sister it's only one day but a lifetime of memories for all of them - plus the tickets are already paid for so they really shouldn't let them go to waste. ;)
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Well-Known Member
Make this another vote for Magic Kingdom. As much as I adore EPCOT It id a discovery thing not a magic thing. MGM Might be a runner up to MK, but I Am not sure that this has enough magic to beat out MK. I agree with you about the hours for AK and again I feel like this is more of a discovery kind of park. Just my humble opinion!! Belle
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New Member
Master Yoda said:
MK. With a 2 and a 4 year old as well as someone that won’t do rides it’s the only choice.
But as so many people moan about Animal Kingdom being short on rides then that would also be a good choice ;)

Bottom line is that it's down to your friend's tastes. If they have not been to a Disney Park before Magic Kingdom with little one's does seem the best and natural choice - depending on how packed it will be that Saturday. Remember, Easter is in March this year and if they are down then, it will be packed.

However they know their own tastes and that of the kids. If the children are going to burn out half way through a twelve hour day at Magic Kingdom, then the shorter hours of Animal Kingdom is not such an issue.

If they go the way of Animal Kingdom, when it closes they can head to one of the resorts for dinner and still be in the Disney Magic.
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New Member
barnum42 said:
But as so many people moan about Animal Kingdom being short on rides then that would also be a good choice ;)

Bottom line is that it's down to your friend's tastes. If they have not been to a Disney Park before Magic Kingdom with little one's does seem the best and natural choice - depending on how packed it will be that Saturday. Remember, Easter is in March this year and if they are down then, it will be packed.

However they know their own tastes and that of the kids. If the children are going to burn out half way through a twelve hour day at Magic Kingdom, then the shorter hours of Animal Kingdom is not such an issue.

If they go the way of Animal Kingdom, when it closes they can head to one of the resorts for dinner and still be in the Disney Magic.

You took the words out of my mouth - I agree wholeheartedly.

With kids that age, and coming from a trip, I think the best choice is AK. Less crowds, less hours and still very very amusing.

GO TO AK! :)
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Original Poster
Okay, sorry for the late response, had a minor computer crisis.

Thanks everyone for the advice, it seems pretty unanimous. I think I will "force" my sister to go to the Magic Kingdom. Ooooh...I should send her my 2004 vacation planning video (since I have it on video AND dvd - or is that 2003?) That is sure to get them excited!
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