HELP!! Fellow Disney Magic Folks!!!!!

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I very much believe that homosexuality is wrong and therefore, I would try to avoid "gay days" as much as possible.

Welcome to the year 2007.......

As a straight white man who is in a relationship with a black girl, 50 years ago people like you (the person I quoted that is) would have had the same problem with us, as you do with homosexuality. I find it unfair for anyone to judge two people being in a relationship from different race, ______, or religon. Love is love, regardless.

But the reason we are all on this site is a common admiration for a theme park that celebrates the differences we all have throughout the world, and the common similarity that we are all human and all have dreams. So lets remember that when posting comments. Don't judge lest ye be judged (that too is from the good book, which I'm a student of).

As for the original post, and the question at hand, I'm sure the crowds won't be too bad, but maybe Disney would have information on crowd attendence during this time of year.

Happy New Year everyone.


Well-Known Member
I know that the original question has already been answered, but I just wanted to jump in and agree that you shouldn't have a problem. I was there in 2002 (during my cp) and things weren't a whole lot different. Crowds weren't really any heavier and I saw nothing offensive. The primary thing that stands out that I remember was that there were a lot of red shirts. I really don't think that you'll have a problem with your children asking questions. There is so much to do and look at when you're at WDW, especially as a child and especially as a child visiting for the first time (don't know if it's the first time for your kids...).

Just go, have fun, and act normal. :wave:

If you act uneasy, the kids will pick it up and might ask questions, but if you act normal they should be fine. And worse case scenario, they ask a question, then it sounds like you already have the right answers for them.


New Member
The concerns are not rooted in intolerance or homophobia. They are deeply rooted in my concern to keep my son innocent.[/quote]

I fully appreciate what you are saying and in an ideal world this would be perfect. But have you considered that if you don't go during the gay day events you may still have to explain why some men are holding hands with other men. What will you say if your child sees a heterosexual couple kissing? That is probably more likely and should be no different to explain


Naturally Grumpy
Glad that discussions on this topic have been civil. Unfortunately that often changes. With the initial question answered, we should let this topic rest. This is not the location for solving societal challenges of the world.

Have a Magical Day!


Ladies and gentlemen, please step down and move away from your soap boxes.:zipit: A concern was voiced and they were asking for some guidance for something that was in heart absolutely innocent in nature. He was looking out for his child,plain and simple. As I do subcontract work for and visit WDW as an AP at least 3 times a week, here is an honest, unbiased answer. You have NOTHING to worry about. The guests who visit the parks who are involved with the event, are kind,courteous ,and most importantly respectfull to themselves as well as others. My wife and I have no problem visiting the parks at that time of year.Most have fought their entire lives to gain the respect and understanding for who they are,from not only their family and friends, but society as well. A MAJOR majority are professional business men and women and are doing what everyone one else is doing,having a good time on vacation with their families. They are not out to ruin everything they have fought so hard for, by doing what society unfortunately has portrayed them out to be, which is flamboyant and showing public displays of affection,which they are not. Again I say,Don't worry about it and just have a good time with your family and enjoy Disney. Remember most importantly , NO CRYING OR SAD FACES ALLOWED AT DISNEY!:D


Well-Known Member
To answer the original question....I was there last year for gay days, and trust me, if I hadn't read it online, I wouldn't have known it was going on. Nothing was out of the ordinary, and Disney must do a great job of controlling anything if it should get out of hand, because we never saw a problem. The only time we saw anything that might even remind us it was gay days was at PI, late on a sunday night. And I don't think with a 2 year old, you'll be hitting up PI, so you have nothing to worry about. Just go and have fun!
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