Have you spotted anyone famous at WDW?


New Member
In 2003, I saw Bill Nye the Science Guy. He was taking a tour of Mission Space right before it opened to the public and then after that he went to Universe of Energy and I laughed.


New Member
I've never seen anyone at the parks that wasn't doing a Disney-sponsered event at the time they were there... (mainly because I wouldn't recognize most famous people if they came up and introduced themselves ;)) The only celebrity I've ever recognized was Weird Al when I was in Hershey Park.. He was going to the bathroom right next to me...

Back to Disney... I have met the BaHa Men, and Mike and Sally from Mike's Super Short Show... I'm sure I've seen a few more, but I can't think of anyone off the top of my head... And, of course, I've seen a bunch of bands in the parks (Cheap Trick, LFO, etc...)...


Well-Known Member
I had the joy of seeing Michael Jackson. I was trying to squeeze in a couple of attractions at Epcot before heading to work and I ended up seeing him at Test Track boarding one of the vehicles. And then had him bottleneck Spaceship earth when I got to the top.

On another occasion, I got to hold ropes for Christina Agulera by the fish and chips shop at UK in Epcot. She was QUITE skinny, short and was plastered with makeup. My impressions of her went a complete 180 that evening. :eek:

Mom's the word

New Member
Saw Wil Wheaton, "Wesley" from Star Trek Next Gen a few years back at Disneyland, does that count? We were in line for Peter Pan and he had his hair colored purple (I think) and didn't look very happy over the way we kept glancing at him. We didn't try to talk to him or ask for pics or anything, guess he just wanted to be left alone and would have preferred if we looked at any of the other people in line with us, lol. Also, my son noticed the little girl from the first couple of Beethoven movies, Sara Rose Carr was it? She was with friends. Also, there was a big rumor going around a couple of years ago that Whoopie Goldberg had rented Disneyland for her B'day that evening - a couple of CM's at different rides mentioned it - so we were all keeping our eyes open but never did see her. :(


New Member
Nansafan said:
I didn't see him but my son and brother saw Steven Tyler getting off the boat at Small World while they were eating at the Pinocchio Village Haus. On another trip, while riding the TTA, same brother and son saw Ben Savage and Topanga (can't remember her real name) filming a spot near Tomorrowland.
I saw Steven Tyler while waiting in line for MS.


Account Suspended
Micheal Jackson, Hulk Hogan, Pres Bush Sr., just to name a few and they all satyed in the Grand Floridian atleast once :D

Littel Tib bit that I am sure most people know already. The Grand Floridian is where the old show "Thunder in Paradise" was made. Hulk Hogan is a jerk.


bhg469 said:
In my opinion the fact tht he is fat tony makes him an A lister.

That's Joe Montagna that does Fat Tony on the Simpsons. Joe Montana is the quaterback, played for the 49er's. Close though.

Sorry, that's in response to a post on the first page. The quote doesn't reference that he's referring to Joe Montana.


New Member
I have seen Billy Joel and Christie Brinkley together a long time ago at MK over by Space Mountain. I have also seen Drew Carey drunk as a skunk in Pleasure Island and he was really cool.


New Member
My boyfriend saw Harrison Ford (we're talking Star Wars era) at the Contemporary. He and his sister were on the elevator and on walks Harrison Ford. They were both too star struck to say anything. They said he pushed the bottom for the top floor. I am sure he was in one of the suites.

Unfortuantely for me, the only semi-celebrity I saw was Ibis, from MTVs Road Rules, this past Saturday on her cell phone, by herslef, waiting for the monorail at the Grand Floridian. Definitely no Harrison Ford!!!


Account Suspended
monorail_man said:
Hulk Hogan is a jerk.

You must have caught him on a bad day. He is usually really nice. Whenever I'm in Tampa I see him everywhere. The first day I was there last year I had on a yellow Hulk Still Rules shirt (it stood out well lol). I was walking through the mall and he was walking the other way and as he passed by he said "Nice shirt, brother!" I was in too much shock to say anything other than thanks. lol It's ok though because later that night I saw him with his son at Hooters and he was sitting in the booth infront of mine where we were facing each other. I wasn't wearing the shirt anymore but he looked over at me and said "I know you!" and laughed. That time I actually had a conversation with him and he was nice as can be. I have a picture of Hulk Hogan, me and about 8 Hooter's girls. lol He super nice. Especially for a guy that has to live with the fact that he played in Mr. Nanny, Santa With Muscles, and Thunder in Paradise. lol

Sorry, back to Disney.


New Member
Back in the late 80's I took my soccer team and their families to WDW while at a tournament in Orlando. While at Epcot the guys were playing a game of who could spot the prettiest girl that day(the guys were 15).Going through World Showcase around Italy I Spotted two of the most lovely blonds, long flowing hair and super bodies. I told the guys that I was the winner that day and pointed to the blonds in front of us, about 40 feet. The boys walked faster to get a frontal look at the two beauties, while I basted in the glory of my find with the other parents. When the boys got in front of the blonds they fell on the ground laughing. I ran ahaed to see what was so funny....My two blonds turn out to be the brothers Nelson( a pop-rock group, sons of Ricky Nelson). To this day if I see one of the guy of that team they ask if I've seen any good looking girls today. :D Merry Christmas :xmas:


Saw Nsync ...3-4 years ago. Walked right out of the cooridor where House of Blues in next to Wolfgang Pucks and straight over to Virgin Megastore. I knew it was Nsync ... cuz the first person out was Justin and he was surrounded by a human wall of muscle and then as we were walking from DisneyQuest toward pucks we were almost trampled by teen-agers screaming "JUSTIN - JUSTIN"

They walked to the back of Virgin Mega and then into a door in the back of that store.

Although ... I have been there 2x now where, at animal kingdom, I have bumped into rather regal looking people with advance teams and earpieces. Both times it was weird and I did not recognize who the folks they were guarding.


Mrs. WDWMAGIC [Assistant Administrator]
Premium Member
A few years ago we saw Jim kelly, former QB for the Buffalo Bills, running through Adventureland. I don't know if he's really "famous" anywhere else in the country, but he certainly is around these parts. :lol:


Well-Known Member
I was at Disney for the opening of AK and there were a ton of celebs. We saw Regis and Kathie Lee. We ate lunch at the Rainforest Cafe at the table next to Matthew and Joey Lawrence (Matthew was nice, Joey was a jerk). I also saw Leonardo DiCaprio in line for Space Mountain. This was at the height of his Titanic fame remember. He came in a side door and got right on the ride. I was only 14 at the time and was soooo shocked to see him! Another year my brother and I ran into Drew Carey in the gift shop at the Grand Floridian. It was right when Sounds Dangerous opened at MGM.


New Member
Justin Timberlake and Cameron Diaz (backstage @ Epcot by TT, i was coming out of the cast cafe)

a couple guys introduced themselves to me and my Co-cast member Abbi before they got on our boat, they played for the Chicago Bears (they ended up winning their game that weekend, we are still convienced that me and abs had something to do with it)...and then some basketball player.....he was HUGE....this was over the summer when Shaq just got traded to the Heat and like some sports guy was having a HUGE fundraiser @ millennium village....so there was a lot of famous people there........BUT the jewerly these guys had on...WOW

one day while do a run out in the Lagoon @ Epcot, Abbi (AGAIN) and I were chilling on the canada dock, and she swore she saw Jessica Simpson...BUT i don't know! LOL

Nic Cage was reported to be on one of our boats, but i never noticed him


New Member
I saw Mr. Eisner and other famous people for opening day of the Muppets at Walt Disney World at MGM when the live stage show opened. My family get the see the 2nd show they did . Also I met some of the muppets out side like Ms. Piggy.


New Member
for any of you car racing fans like me, i saw derek bell at tt last august. he was in line right behind me and we got in the same car. pretty fun to do a car ride with a pro race driver.

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