Eh...I’ve gotten the “angry right flank Boston guy” vibe on this one...
Nothing to see behind the curtain.
It may be just me...because I did work in a number of spots including TDO...but to contest that the standards are not QUITE there as they were under the old guard or even the second guard is indisputable. There were directives even in my day to “squeeze” the maintenance budgets. This isn’t imagined.
That doesn’t make the place is a “dump”. But as evident by most of my’s OK to have fun at a place while still pointing out flaws/areas to address. Capitalism 101: every time you pay, question what you get. It’s good for everyone involved in the long game.
In the US, we have bemoaned the diminishing yield/work Ethic for decades. I bet grumpy here does it. “People don’t know how to work anymore”.
It’s largely if you apply it to Maintenance at WDW...wouldn’t that by default mean their standards have slipped some just on workforce?
It’s common sense. But we like to fight against that concept these days.
Exactly. It’s not as if maintenance has declined to the point of being a safety concern (that’s reserved for Pressler-era DL ). But it has declined. Garbage bins should not be overflowing. Rooms should be cleaned to the same standard every day. Paint should not be faded to 10% of original color to be redone. Monorails should not literally be falling apart. Show effects should be working. Space Mountain’s track should have been replaced with the 2008 refurb. Etc. Ok, maybe the SM track could end up being a safety concern. Not that Disney would let the track at Space Mt get so back as to have to close the ride suddenly one day...