Back to the original subject.....
On a trip to Washington DC, we went to Arlington Cemetery and where the Monument to the Unkown Soldier is, there is an amphitheater (or whatever u call it) where at certain times, a guard comes and gives a speech explainning how they are trained to guard the monument, what the things in their uniform mean, how still they have to be, etc.
Well... we waited for the time to have this explanation with the guard, then he comes out and talks to us like for 30 minutes or even more; we were about 25 people all scattered in the benches, and he told us all that info and details, and how well groomed they have to be and that the uniform can´t have any wrinkle or they are sent back to change, etc. At the end of his presentation, he said good bye to us and thanked us, etc... People were leaving and Maria pointed out very discreetly that he had a thread hanging on top of his shoe. Needless to say he was embarrased and surprised that I spotted it and thanked me! Had to be me....I know...
(noone else noticed... just me and my bf who were seating in first row... I´m not that mean to say it aloud!)