Have you ever been stuck or evacuated from a ride?


Well-Known Member
We got stuck on Big Thunder Mountain at Disneyland. They didn't say anything about not taking pictures, so here's mine!






Active Member
Years ago hubby and I were evacuated from POTC. Our "boat" got stuck just before that little drop at the beginning of the ride, we sat there for a bit but I guess everything they tried just didn't work and the boat was stuck. Finally the lights came on and we were escorted onto the area to the left (the scene on the side) there is a door that is hidden and we went through that and eventually ended up outside behind the building where POTC is. A CM let us out through a gate in the back. It was kind of cool to have to evacuate the attraction via a hidden exit!


Well-Known Member
At 2:00 in the morning during an EMH, We had to be walked off Big Thunder Mountain. The train stopped just before the turn back into the station. They gave us free fastpasses and this was when Eisner was under fire as CEO and the CMs were all blaming him for the ride stopping. For 2am it was actually pretty funny :)


New Member
From the Monorail on the Epcot loop many years ago(1985) due to a fire:( ... We were evacuated to the roof and then were taken off by there by a RCFD Platform


New Member
I've only been evacuated from California Screamin' at DCA, but it was quite cool. We got stopped at the highest emergency exit platform for a good ten minutes or so when a couple of cast members came up in what looked like climbing equipment. Everyone on the ride got escorted down and we saw a few places backstage behind the Pier shops. We all got given two fastpasses each to reride the coaster later. By the time my mom and I got back to use our fastpasses however, we really only had time to go on it once, so we gave our two unused fastpasses to a brother and sister who looked around 9 and 12. With the queue being as long as it was at the time, they we're delighted :king:.

A number of rides have broken down while I've been on them but started up a few minutes later, I'm guessing to help wheelchair riders in and out.

My favourite break down (lol ... only Disney fans can create rankings like *that* lol) was on Dinosaur. It was right at the very end when you go into the 'time portal' trying to get back to our time, with the scientist shouting 'YOU'RE NOT GONNA MAKE IT! YOU'RE NOT GONNA MAKE IT!!'. Right at that point all the lights and sound cut out, it was pitch black and totally silent. While everyone just sat quietly in confusion, I spoke out quite loudly; "Well, I guess we didn't make it." :slurp: Gave everyone a good chuckle and we started moving a minute or two later.


Active Member
Splash mountain last september, just at first bend too - it was my first time as well!! :(

However, I could not stop laughing as the warnings were being repeated as the boats were starting again

" Beware, logs are in motion"

The childish side of me found it hilarious, I got some strange looks from others on the log :lookaroun
I've only been evacuated from California Screamin' at DCA, but it was quite cool. We got stopped at the highest emergency exit platform for a good ten minutes or so when a couple of cast members came up in what looked like climbing equipment. Everyone on the ride got escorted down and we saw a few places backstage behind the Pier shops. We all got given two fastpasses each to reride the coaster later. By the time my mom and I got back to use our fastpasses however, we really only had time to go on it once, so we gave our two unused fastpasses to a brother and sister who looked around 9 and 12. With the queue being as long as it was at the time, they we're delighted :king:.

A number of rides have broken down while I've been on them but started up a few minutes later, I'm guessing to help wheelchair riders in and out.

My favourite break down (lol ... only Disney fans can create rankings like *that* lol) was on Dinosaur. It was right at the very end when you go into the 'time portal' trying to get back to our time, with the scientist shouting 'YOU'RE NOT GONNA MAKE IT! YOU'RE NOT GONNA MAKE IT!!'. Right at that point all the lights and sound cut out, it was pitch black and totally silent. While everyone just sat quietly in confusion, I spoke out quite loudly; "Well, I guess we didn't make it." :slurp: Gave everyone a good chuckle and we started moving a minute or two later.



Well-Known Member
Many years ago, I got evacuated off of Splash Mountain at DL. It was pretty neat to walk backstage.

The most recent one was a few months ago. My friend and I were riding Indiana Jones and it stopped for about 5-20 minutes. The lights turned on and we had to be evacuated off. It was awesome to walk along side the track! I just wish I had my camera with me! We were given fast passes on the way out.


Well-Known Member
My brother and I were riding Test Track a couple of years ago when it broke down. We were actually pretty much done with the ride when it stopped. We stopped just under the "Thermal Imaging Screen." Obviously, that's just a few steps from the unload/load area. However, we sat there for about 10 minutes. Finally, a few CM's came up to our vehicle, released our seatbelts, and escorted us a few steps to the exit. We were all give the equivalent of a "Child Swap Pass." I'm not exactly sure what it said, but when it was fixed the next day, we got to enter through the exit area and ride with VERY little wait at all.

I thought that was a pretty good deal, especially when we were almost finished with the ride in the first place. I'm sure they were just thinking of the fact that we had to sit and wait for about 10 minutes before they let us exit the attraction. We didn't mind though!


Well-Known Member
Only time I've ever been Evacuated off an attraction as a guest was the Maelstrom while stuck on the lift hill. "You are not the first to pass this vay....." WE GET IT ALREADY JUST SHUT THE AUDIO OFF!!!!! Oh and I just remembered I was Evacuated off Everest but right after your encounter with the Yeti.

But as a CM, I have Evacuated the TTA many times (probably 50 in the 6 months I was in T-Land) as well as GMR (30 but most of the 101's were less than 30 minutes). Let me tell you, being a character during a down time at GMR is much more fun than being a tour guide! Especially when it takes a long time for maintenance to fix the problem!!!

Something else I just remembered... In all the time on Test Track and hearing about how much it breaks down, I'm surprised that I haven't been stuck on it. (I've been on it over 130 times.....)
I've been stuck on a couple of rides in the many years i've been going to Disney World. I've been stopped on Haunted Mansion, SpaceShip Earth, TTA, but i figure all those were to do with the cast members letting on the people in wheel chairs.

And the most annoying of the rides that i've ever been stuck on is a small world. The songs ok when you go through the ride without stopping, but when you hear the same thing over and over again for over 5 minutes it gets kinda old. Another one was Living with the Land at Epcot. Right before we were about to get off the boat stopped, and i don't know if it still has it due to the changes but, there was some music and it got so annoying that we had to ask the cast member to get it turned off.

We also got stopped on the Kilamanjaro Saffari at Animal Kingdom last year because we had to let the heard of Elephants walk accross the track. That was the best ride stop i've ever had. I love those Elephants!

I'm usually pretty lucky when it comes to getting through a ride the way your supposed to :)

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