Haunted mansion


New Member
HMH is a great addition to DL. It's a great way to reinvent an old ride without permanently changing it. That being said.....I think (as previously mentioned) it suits DL's demographics better than WDW's.


New Member
We used to go to HMH every year when we lived in CA. We loved the change to it. I had heard though, from a CM in Orlando, that when HMH packs up it goes to Tokyo. TNBC is HUGE over there. I had to laugh because one year our youngest was Jack The PUmpkin King in his Santa suit for MNSSHP and a group of Japanese kids saw him and *freaked out* They ALL had to take a picture with him and then they took a picture as a group with him. He was the hit of the night with the guests and with the CM as well.

Anyway, that is what I heard happens with HMH decor. It goes to Tokyo for a while and then goes back to CA.

I would love to see something like that at MK although I don't want them messing with HM too much. That is my absolute favorite ride.


Well-Known Member
pixiegal said:
Anyway, that is what I heard happens with HMH decor. It goes to Tokyo for a while and then goes back to CA.

Well, no, not really. Tokyo already has their Haunted Mansion Holiday that they do each year. I went on the Tokyo version of HMH back in October, at the same time HMH was running at Disneyland. They aren't "sharing" the decorations.

They install all new animatronics and major, huge set pieces for this ride remake. It's not really something you can easily pack up and ship overseas, and they definitely aren't sharing anything. The Tokyo version had all of the same stuff as the Disneyland version, but it was a bit different because the Tokyo Haunted Mansion is more like the WDW Haunted Mansion in appearance and ride layout. The Tokyo CM's even had the Holiday costume pieces that the Disneyland CM's wear during HMH; the crazy bat ties and purple capes and stuff.

It's an amazing show, on both sides of the Pacific. And the lines for HMH in Tokyo were just as long as the lines for HMH in Disneyland. It's very popular in both countries.

They also do Small World Holiday now in Tokyo, and it's also just as popular as Disneyland's original version which continues to operate each Christmas season. Rumor is the Tiki Room is the next attraction to get the Holiday treatment at Disneyland.


TP2000 said:
Well, no, not really. Tokyo already has their Haunted Mansion Holiday that they do each year. I went on the Tokyo version of HMH back in October, at the same time HMH was running at Disneyland. They aren't "sharing" the decorations.

They install all new animatronics and major, huge set pieces for this ride remake. It's not really something you can pack up and ship overseas. The Tokyo version had all of the same stuff as the Disneyland version, but it was a bit different because the Tokyo Haunted Mansion is more like the WDW Haunted Mansion in appearance and ride layout. The Tokyo CM's even had the Holiday costume pieces that the Disneyland CM's wear during HMH; the crazy bat ties and purple capes and stuff.

It's an amazing show, on both sides of the Pacific. And the lines for HMH in Tokyo were just as long as the lines for HMH in Disneyland. It's very popular in both countries.

They also do Small World Holiday now in Tokyo, and it's also just as popular as Disneyland's original version which continues to operate each Christmas season. Rumor is the Tiki Room is the next attraction to get the Holiday treatment at Disneyland.

The Holiday Tikki Room would be adorable!

although if the overlay issues with the WDW attractions prevent it from coming into being, how come the Country Bears get a holiday version?


New Member
TP2000 said:
Well, no, not really. Tokyo already has their Haunted Mansion Holiday that they do each year. I went on the Tokyo version of HMH back in October, at the same time HMH was running at Disneyland. They aren't "sharing" the decorations.

They install all new animatronics and major, huge set pieces for this ride remake. It's not really something you can easily pack up and ship overseas, and they definitely aren't sharing anything. The Tokyo version had all of the same stuff as the Disneyland version, but it was a bit different because the Tokyo Haunted Mansion is more like the WDW Haunted Mansion in appearance and ride layout. The Tokyo CM's even had the Holiday costume pieces that the Disneyland CM's wear during HMH; the crazy bat ties and purple capes and stuff.

It's an amazing show, on both sides of the Pacific. And the lines for HMH in Tokyo were just as long as the lines for HMH in Disneyland. It's very popular in both countries.

They also do Small World Holiday now in Tokyo, and it's also just as popular as Disneyland's original version which continues to operate each Christmas season. Rumor is the Tiki Room is the next attraction to get the Holiday treatment at Disneyland.

Oh I didn't mean to say it wasn't popular in the states. Just that I experienced first hand just how popular it was with the reaction to my youngest son's costume. I could reiterate that this was something that a CM at WDW told us. And, that was the reason he was given as to why it didn't come to WDW. Thanks for clarifying.


Well-Known Member
S.E.A. said:
although if the overlay issues with the WDW attractions prevent it from coming into being, how come the Country Bears get a holiday version?

Very good point! Yes, there are different demographic audiences at Disneyland compared to WDW. But popular, succesful things like Haunted Mansion Holiday and Small World Holiday boil down to one thing.... Showmanship.

Disneyland does this stuff to make money, of course. But they also do it because it's a great show that hordes of people really like. And the folks running Disneyland are showmen. If people living in Laguna Beach and San Diego really enjoy HMH and Small World Holiday at Disneyland, then people living in Atlanta and Boston will enjoy it at WDW as well.

Showmanship, people. It's all about putting on a great show for your audience. And Haunted Mansion Holiday is one heck of a good show. And now the Japanese agree.


New Member
I really hope they wouldn't change tiki room. It is one of the very few original attractions left that has Walt's signature touch on it. It may be outdated to some but honestly that attraction (along with the original HM) are the only things that truly give me that nostalgic feeling. My personal opinion is that the tiki room at WDW isn't nearly as good as the original. But I guess I am a little old fashioned in some ways and with some of the attractions.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
pixiegal said:
I really hope they wouldn't change tiki room. It is one of the very few original attractions left that has Walt's signature touch on it. It may be outdated to some but honestly that attraction (along with the original HM) are the only things that truly give me that nostalgic feeling. My personal opinion is that the tiki room at WDW isn't nearly as good as the original. But I guess I am a little old fashioned in some ways and with some of the attractions.

That's because it has been bastardized.


New Member

I made a trip to DL from Wyoming just to see the holiday overlay and I was very impressed! It was like a whole new experience! Totally cool. I had a pretty good source say it was going to WDW next season. I can't tell you how depressing it is to hear people "bashing" something when they haven't even experienced it. Even the purists will be mightily impressed. Please people... keep an open mind. Like my mother used to say..."how do you know you wont like it until you try it."


Well-Known Member
bearwy said:
I made a trip to DL from Wyoming just to see the holiday overlay and I was very impressed! It was like a whole new experience! Totally cool. I had a pretty good source say it was going to WDW next season. I can't tell you how depressing it is to hear people "bashing" something when they haven't even experienced it. Even the purists will be mightily impressed. Please people... keep an open mind. Like my mother used to say..."how do you know you wont like it until you try it."

First, don't let anyone's opinions of anything Disney (or anything else, for that matter) depress you. If you enjoy something, enjoy it - but the discussion here isn't really "bashing", but simply stating the facts of why HMH isn't terribly appropriate for WDW.

It's not about not liking it just fine at Disneyland, but that it just doesn't fit at MK like it does there. Just because the parks are designed a great deal alike, their clientelle is much different.

Disneyland needs to do things like HMH because they have a largely local client base. They need to keep bringing in those locals if they want to survive the slower season (which is when much of HMH is actually up, save the actual holidays), and much of their local advertising is done with events such as this.

WDW is a different beast entirely; to be frank, they can't exploit it in marketing so it doesn't make much sense for them to do it. People who watch an ad in San Francisco advertising HMH and they can plan to visit Disneyland the next weekend, whereas Mom and Pop Jones in Podunk, Iowa with 2.7 children aren't going to be targeted with a "if you come to WDW between December and February you can see our HM with an overlay!" series of ads.

You also have to remember that MK may be physically bigger than Disneyland, but MK really would have a hard time surviving that regular a down time with one of it's major E-ticket attractions. There are less overall attractions at WDW, and closing it for weeks (and the same weeks) each year would be a lot tougher on MK than it is at Disneyland.

It's just not practical to bring it to WDW.



Well-Known Member
I would love to see it, but from a marketing standpoint, I don't think it will happen any time soon.

WDW has a much larger crowd the DL. The Halloween party at the MK is a success and draws a huge crowd.

Also, if they don't move the layover and you have to go to DL to see it, eventually you will go! You will go and see it, say great, and then be happy to run back to WDW for the next visit because that is (IMO) the better collection of parks.

That said, who knows? I'm not within the realm of secret knowledge. I'm just a fan who can speculate. :)


Well-Known Member
AEfx said:
You also have to remember that MK may be physically bigger than Disneyland, but MK really would have a hard time surviving that regular a down time with one of it's major E-ticket attractions. There are less overall attractions at WDW, and closing it for weeks (and the same weeks) each year would be a lot tougher on MK than it is at Disneyland.

It's just not practical to bring it to WDW.

Now there's a good point that hasn't been mentioned before.

WDW's Magic Kingdom has a lot fewer rides than Disneyland does. They likely can't absorb the impact of one of their big E Tickets being closed for an extra month out of each year as well as Disneyland can. Let alone closing two E Tickets for the same Holiday season; Haunted Mansion Holiday and Small World Holiday.

Heck, they split up the WDW Pirates rehab into two parts so they could have the ride opened for the Easter Vacation weeks. Whereas at Disneyland they closed Pirates the first of March, and are just keeping it closed for almost four complete months to do this big rehab.

Disneyland can afford to close an E Ticket ride or two even during the busy weeks like Easter break, just because it has more rides than WDW's Magic Kingdom does. And certainly the closures for the two Holiday rides during traditionally slow months; HMH - September & January and Small World Holiday - October & January.

The overall park ride capacity has to have played into at least a small part of the decision to not attempt Haunted Mansion Holiday or Small World Holiday at WDW.


New Member
Well... being the huge Nightmare Before Christmas fan that I am, I would obviously love for them to do something along those lines down in WDW, but for some reason I just don't see it ever happening/working out. Like someone mentioned previously, I would much rather have them open a full-fledged separate ride dedicated to the movie rather than use it to simply decorate the Haunted Mansion. But then again I think that is also asking a bit too much at this point.


Active Member
WDW should upgrade lots of things of its Haunted Mansion first before thinking anything new. The audio condition is really bad right now. DL is not only adding Hoilday overlay but also continue refreshing audio and new special effects.


Well-Known Member
jaredliu said:
DL is not only adding Hoilday overlay but also continue refreshing audio and new special effects.

Very true. It should also be noted that the continual freshening and maintenance of Disneyland's Haunted Mansion is largely due to the fact that the attraction has two rehabs per year; 3 weeks or so in September and then at least another 2 weeks in January.

This past year Haunted Mansion got an even more lavish extended rehab, even though it had been closing for rehabs regularly since 2001. It was closed from mid January through mid March, and the outcome of that is the new attic scene effects and bride animatronics just installed.

Rehabs are a good thing. Believe me, from the looks of WDW's Haunted Mansion the last time I rode it, it could use a very thorough rehab followed by a long term plan of yearly closures to keep it fresh.


Park History nut
Premium Member
As it stands legally it won`t happen; Tim Burtons contract with TWDC specifically states the overlay is only to beused in Anaheim and Tokyo.


Well-Known Member
jaredliu said:
The audio condition is really bad right now.

That is not true anymore -- the sound system has been fixed over the past four months or so and is cranked up louder than it has ever been...

But I agree the whole ride needs a rehab. Lights need to be fixed, paint repairs need to be done, mirrors need to be readjusted, etc.

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