Haunted Mansion vs Pirates of the Caribbean

Better ride?

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Well-Known Member
My girlfriend and I have had this discussion before and I always vouch for Pirates, although the two are incredibly close in terms of quality / my personal preference. Haunted Mansion is incredible, the atmosphere, the iconic building, the eerie atmosphere leading to a cheerful party of ghosts, the music, it's all incredible, but I think Pirates is more unique to me and has a few more things to add variety. Both attractions have little details everywhere you look, but there are a few things about Pirates specifically that I love. I have always been amazed since I was little and rode Pirates for the first time that it just looks like any other building in NOS, that it could have a restaurant or a shop inside, but once you go in you're transported to another world. Does it make sense? No. Does it have to? Absolutely not.

You are teleported in an instant to another world. Seeing people riding by in boats right as you enter gives you a preview of what's you're about to experience. The launch dock is just a little wooden dock in a bayou, as soon as you launch you're on a slow boat ride through a dim bayou, fireflies twinkling around you, and to your right is a restaurant. There's very faint chatter from it, the restaurant is dimly lit, but it provides some atmosphere so it feels like you're in a real place, because they're real people over there. Then you go through some tunnels that look like normal brick buildings, and then a talking skull leads you to some physical thrill, a pitch black drop that you don't know is there the first time you ride. The thrill of the drop, along with the little bit of water splashed on to you can be refreshing on a hot summer day. Not to mention the iconic smell of Pirates water. You go through so many locations on such a long ride: the bayou, the caves, the ship battle, the town itself, into the prison, and then UP a waterfall. There is literally something new to see each time you ride, I can't count how many time's I've ridden it but I always notice something new each time. Sure some of the changes have been detrimental, but the overall feel of the ride has remained the same.

Although you aren't the person experiencing the action like in Haunted Mansion I prefer the fact that you're just riding in a boat alongside the action. We know modern Disney focuses on making sure it's YOU who is a character in the ride, but you don't always have to be an active participant. I love the music, the atmosphere, the sheer number of animatronics, all the action surrounding you in the town scenes, it's all so incredible. It genuinely makes me feel like I've been transported into a town in the Caribbean being ransacked by pirates, even though I'm in a big warehouse in Anaheim. Plus it's a 15 minute ride in an air conditioned building which is extremely nice to relax on during a long day at the park. Pirates is always my first ride when I can help it, when I visit with my family I am the Disney park fan so I always make sure we ride it first (sometimes we will hit Indy first to avoid the massive line later, but a majority of the time I make sure we do Pirates first) as it is the perfect way to start a trip in my opinion, with what I would argue is the most timeless ride Imagineers have ever created.


Well-Known Member
Haunted Mansion for me is a great ride until the graveyard. Does anyone else feel that way? I don't need the ride to be truly terrifying and scary, but the first 3/4ths of it sets up the tone so nicely and then there is just a happy dance/song at the end.

I think it's a perfect example of who the Imagineers were in the 1960's; late middle-aged men and a few women who were not exactly on the cutting edge of pop culture. I doubt the 55 year old Marc Davis and Claude Coats were smoking a Santa Monica doobie and listening to The Grateful Dead when they were putting the finishing touches on Haunted Mansion's graveyard scene in '67 or '68.

Just as the big Hollywood musical of the mid 20th century was dying, the 1960's Imagineers were still building expensive E Tickets that hewed to the post-war Hollywood formula of ending with a wild musical production number.

Pirates gets the same thing with the Burning City treatment with all the drunks singing Yo Ho! at us, but is only saved because to get back under the railroad tracks in the building they had built in 1962 assuming it was going to be a basement wax museum, they had to pull the musical back in to a narrow corridor that gets the boats under the railroad again and leads to the lift hill back up into the park.

It effectively pushes the Pirates Big Musical Finale'! backwards into the middle section of the ride, and allows the ending scenes to be more moody and realistic. But again, we only get that because the building itself was repurposed from a 1962 construction site for a wax museum in a basement.

But at Haunted Mansion, the unloading area and speedramp are directly under the train tracks so they still had a huge warehouse to work with as the grand finale'. Thus, you get a big musical production number as the big finish.

Because that's what the aging Imagineers of the 1960's thought was "entertainment!", and Walt obviously didn't disagree.
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Well-Known Member
Haunted Mansion for me is a great ride until the graveyard. Does anyone else feel that way? I don't need the ride to be truly terrifying and scary, but the first 3/4ths of it sets up the tone so nicely and then there is just a happy dance/song at the end.
I don't think the graveyard scene is bad or anything, it is still a fun goofy scene and I love seeing all the different spirits partying at the end, but I just prefer the more spooky atmosphere of the rest of the ride.


Well-Known Member
I know I had argued in favor of HM, but should we consider age range when bequeathing the title of “Best Ride”? When I was very young, Mansion was too scary for me, but Pirates was always a beloved adventure.
That is a good point but I think for this discussion it is what we currently think as older Disney Park fans is the superior ride either in terms of how much we enjoy the ride or in terms of the execution of the ride. I do understand your sentiment though, for example I really enjoy Space Mountain but the first few trips I went on with my family I was afraid to ride Space Mountain (I thought it actually went to space and couldn't hold my breath very long, I didn't think I could last the whole ride without being able to breathe, gotta love kid logic) but if I were to talk about the ride in terms of being a better ride than another I would not let my previous fear of it as a child interfere with my decision now.


Well-Known Member
This is a good point! You are right that it is very 60s entertainment. It always was such a big tone change for me as a kid, it goes from a haunted house to a happy musical number with corny music/lyrics.

But corny music absolutely is a very 60s thing.

It’s probably good that Claude and Marc didn’t include the patriotic salute to America finale for the mansion then.



Well-Known Member
1. Disneyland’s Pirates of the Carribean
2. Disney World’s Haunted Mansion
3. Disneyland’s Haunted Mansion
4. Disney World’s Pirates of the Carribean

DL Pirates is a 20 minute adventure, you can’t believe the places you go or how you get there, one minute your in the heart of the park, the next a underground labyrinth that leads to the bay. It’s so much more fleshed out then any of these other rides, I can’t say enough about it.

WDWs Mansion is more grand, longer and feels much more cohesive (I feel like I’m in the house I see off in the distance.). I know from being so close to the building at DL that I’m not in that building during the ride, also the void just doesn’t work for me but it’s still fun. WDWs Pirates, after experiencing DLs is nothing but a pale imitation.


Well-Known Member
My girlfriend and I have had this discussion before and I always vouch for Pirates, although the two are incredibly close in terms of quality / my personal preference. Haunted Mansion is incredible, the atmosphere, the iconic building, the eerie atmosphere leading to a cheerful party of ghosts, the music, it's all incredible, but I think Pirates is more unique to me and has a few more things to add variety. Both attractions have little details everywhere you look, but there are a few things about Pirates specifically that I love. I have always been amazed since I was little and rode Pirates for the first time that it just looks like any other building in NOS, that it could have a restaurant or a shop inside, but once you go in you're transported to another world. Does it make sense? No. Does it have to? Absolutely not.

You are teleported in an instant to another world. Seeing people riding by in boats right as you enter gives you a preview of what's you're about to experience. The launch dock is just a little wooden dock in a bayou, as soon as you launch you're on a slow boat ride through a dim bayou, fireflies twinkling around you, and to your right is a restaurant. There's very faint chatter from it, the restaurant is dimly lit, but it provides some atmosphere so it feels like you're in a real place, because they're real people over there. Then you go through some tunnels that look like normal brick buildings, and then a talking skull leads you to some physical thrill, a pitch black drop that you don't know is there the first time you ride. The thrill of the drop, along with the little bit of water splashed on to you can be refreshing on a hot summer day. Not to mention the iconic smell of Pirates water. You go through so many locations on such a long ride: the bayou, the caves, the ship battle, the town itself, into the prison, and then UP a waterfall. There is literally something new to see each time you ride, I can't count how many time's I've ridden it but I always notice something new each time. Sure some of the changes have been detrimental, but the overall feel of the ride has remained the same.

Although you aren't the person experiencing the action like in Haunted Mansion I prefer the fact that you're just riding in a boat alongside the action. We know modern Disney focuses on making sure it's YOU who is a character in the ride, but you don't always have to be an active participant. I love the music, the atmosphere, the sheer number of animatronics, all the action surrounding you in the town scenes, it's all so incredible. It genuinely makes me feel like I've been transported into a town in the Caribbean being ransacked by pirates, even though I'm in a big warehouse in Anaheim. Plus it's a 15 minute ride in an air conditioned building which is extremely nice to relax on during a long day at the park. Pirates is always my first ride when I can help it, when I visit with my family I am the Disney park fan so I always make sure we ride it first (sometimes we will hit Indy first to avoid the massive line later, but a majority of the time I make sure we do Pirates first) as it is the perfect way to start a trip in my opinion, with what I would argue is the most timeless ride Imagineers have ever created.

Well said.

POTC (like HM and Disneyland in general) is just lightning in a bottle and it will never happen again. The best they can do know is try to copy certain elements like POTC in Shanghai. You pass by a restaurant in the beginning of their ride too but it’s nowhere near as charming as our version here. Now everything has to make perfect sense. So you can’t just walk into a building in NOS, suddenly be boarding a boat in a bayou and floating by a restaurant then under a talking a skull into some mysterious caverns. It doesn’t make sense and It’s just too damn magical and Walt Disney didn’t like these things as you know.

Californian Elitist

Well-Known Member
The first half of Pirates, right before the canons sequence is my favorite attraction experience not only at the DLR, but anywhere. Everything about it is brilliant with fantastic storytelling. The rest of the attraction is also brilliant, but the beginning is superior. The Talking Skull alone, right before the drop and even into the drop, beats so many other attraction experiences for me.

The best part of Mansion is undoubtedly the elevator sequence, which is also brilliant. Too bad today’s imagineering and leadership just can’t seem to create similar experiences in terms of storytelling.
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Well-Known Member
The first few half of Pirates, right before the canons sequence is my favorite attraction experience not only at the DLR, but anywhere. Everything about it is brilliant with fantastic storytelling. The rest of the attraction is also brilliant, but the beginning is superior. The Talking Skull alone, right before the drop and even into the drop, beats so many other attraction experiences for me.

The best part of Mansion is undoubtedly the elevator sequence, which is also brilliant. Too bad today’s imagineering and leadership just can’t seem to create similar experiences in terms of storytelling.

They definitely tried with ROTR. I wonder why it ultimately doesn’t come together for me in the same way POTC and HM do? I think the general themes of adventure/ Pirates/ haunted houses and the supernatural just appeal to me more than being in a Star destroyer. I am a Star Wars fan but a Star Destroyer may be one of the last places I want to be in the galaxy. Also could have something to do with ROTR being tied to the most popular IP of all time so we feel that we ve seen what we re seeing on the ride a million times before and not something original and born of Disneyland. Nostalgia could also play a part. Of course there is also the obvious - those WED guys were masters of their craft (and working for Walt instead of Chapek/ Iger) so it’s hard to top them.

It’s interesting that they hit a home run with a Star Tours 1.0. For its time, it was innovative in the way the early Disneyland attractions like POTC and HM were. It was also charming and had humor and felt very original even if based on IP. They took all of the best elements of Star Wars and out them into an attraction that worked great in Tomorrowland. With GE, I feel that they are using some of the very worst elements of Star Wars - for a theme park land/ attraction that is
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Disney Analyst

Well-Known Member
2. Florida plays a role here too. At WDW, Mansion was (in my view, as well as that of many others) improved and Pirates received a cut-down version. Thus, in Florida, and by extension huge portions of the United States, Mansion, not Pirates, became THE Disney ride.

Honestly this is a great point. The flagship park for Disney. The travel destination. The park that most associate Disney with, did Pirates dirty.

I know we are all Disneyland lovers, and we all likely experienced Disneyland first, and their POTC. The MK version is... fine, but PALES in comparison. When you think that the majority of travellers have likely experienced MK and their POTC first, no wonder it doesn’t get the same treatment / revere that mansion gets.

I love both so much. But I think I have to give it to Disneyland’s POTC. The first time I went to Disneyland, I was 10 or so, it was 2001, Pirates was closed for refurbishment. Had no clue what the ride was, but knew I was disappointed. I would have dreams about Disneyland, and in all those dreams I would never make it on POTC.

Finally I get back to Disneyland in 2011, now as a young adult. And finally getting to experience POTC was... everything. The scope. The scale. The detail.

It’s perfection.


Well-Known Member
Honestly this is a great point. The flagship park for Disney. The travel destination. The park that most associate Disney with, did Pirates dirty.

I know we are all Disneyland lovers, and we all likely experienced Disneyland first, and their POTC. The MK version is... fine, but PALES in comparison. When you think that the majority of travellers have likely experienced MK and their POTC first, no wonder it doesn’t get the same treatment / revere that mansion gets.

I love both so much. But I think I have to give it to Disneyland’s POTC. The first time I went to Disneyland, I was 10 or so, it was 2001, Pirates was closed for refurbishment. Had no clue what the ride was, but knew I was disappointed. I would have dreams about Disneyland, and in all those dreams I would never make it on POTC.

Finally I get back to Disneyland in 2011, now as a young adult. And finally getting to experience POTC was... everything. The scope. The scale. The detail.

It’s perfection.
It was even better before going all PC!


Well-Known Member
The first half of Pirates, right before the canons sequence is my favorite attraction experience not only at the DLR, but anywhere. Everything about it is brilliant with fantastic storytelling. The rest of the attraction is also brilliant, but the beginning is superior. The Talking Skull alone, right before the drop and even into the drop, beats so many other attraction experiences for me.

The best part of Mansion is undoubtedly the elevator sequence, which is also brilliant. Too bad today’s imagineering and leadership just can’t seem to create similar experiences in terms of storytelling.
best part of mansion is the ballroom scene followed by the graveyard. the stretching room is cool but its the appetizer before the main course


Well-Known Member
I love priates but it loses some points due to the PC and Jack Sparrow Changes which change the whole feel of the ride and the story of the ride. Mansion had had changes but they are far less intrusive overall when you compare it to the butcher job they have done on Pirates. Still love Pirates but everytime I ride it I remember how it used to be and it makes me a bit sad even though I enjoy the ride I am on.


Well-Known Member
best part of mansion is the ballroom scene followed by the graveyard. the stretching room is cool but its the appetizer before the main course

I think the ballroom is the most impressive scene but there’s almost SO much going on that I appreciate it less. I think the most interesting scene is the stretching room but I stop short in saying it’s my favorite as you are herded in their like cattle and I think In the back of my mind I’m kind of just looking forward to getting out there and into a ride vehicle.


Well-Known Member
I think the ballroom is the most impressive scene but there’s almost SO much going on that I appreciate it less. I think the most interesting scene is the stretching room but I stop short in saying it’s my favorite as you are herded in their like cattle and I think In the back of my mind I’m kind of just looking forward to getting out there and into a ride vehicle.
That's why I love the ballroom. every ride i can catch something new I never noticed before. yeah you def get that cattle feeling in the stretching room. i like it but i cant stand when people talk over the ghost host or say his lines while the show is going on. shut up and enjoy the show peoople. that is why i like doing on Mansion during fantasmic. you get the whole stretching room to yourself.

Californian Elitist

Well-Known Member
best part of mansion is the ballroom scene followed by the graveyard. the stretching room is cool but its the appetizer before the main course
The graveyard is my least favorite, and as impressive as the ballroom scene is, it’s probably also one of my least favorites. I’d say the entire intro, before guests get into the vehicles, is my favorite part of the attraction (elevator and hallway with changing portraits). It’s always been my favorite part though, ever since I was a child. The miniature ghost hostess at the culmination appearing as ghosts come off the ride and walk out is another favorite.

If I had to pick a favorite part of the actual ride, it’s the foyer section with the floating candelabras, moving door knockers, etc. That’s also been a favorite of mine since I was a kid. The floating candelabras fascinated me. In addition, the ride would usually stop or slow down around this section, allowing me to take in the details for a longer amount of time. One thing about the ballroom scene, the graveyard scene, and some others is it’s fast-paced, at least to me. I feel the entire ride goes by too fast. Maybe that’s why I prefer the parts of the attraction that aren’t in the actual ride, because they are slower-paced.

I also love the collective guest reactions that occur in the elevator scene. It’s clear about 95% of them are regular Disneylanders, just like you, making it more fun and interesting.

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