Premium Member
Clearly something broke in the mechanism that rotates the vehicles and since it's not likely a part you just order from Amazon and it might likely need to be made custom it may take a while. They'll also likely look at all other similar parts in the omnimover system to see if they've suffered the same wear and need to be replaced. While certainly uncomfortable for those guests who went down the attic stairs forward I think it's a little hyperbolic to call it a 'serious incident'. There are no reports that anyone at all received even minor injuries, all were evacuated safely and they closed the attraction down while they make repairs. This is not even close to the major deal some are trying to turn it into. A part broke in an omnimover system and it will need to be repaired. This sort of stuff has been happening since day zero of omnimovers.After reading that.... this was a very major malfunction. This, and the jungle cruise incident, could have resulted in serious injuries.
Imagine the vehicles in spaceship earth not rotating..... I mean this is a very serious incident.
Back when SpaceShip Earth first opened those vehicles failed to rotate completely on a regular basis. It was so bad they had a CM sitting on a stool at the top where you rotate to push the vehicle with their foot to lock in in place and another at the bottom to do the same thing when it rotated back. This is not a new phenomenon but today's worker safety rules would prevent them from having someone push it with their foot like they did back then.