Haunted Mansion ride vehicle update

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Guys why are you all being so mean?
They never said they dis-agreed with the rule, they were just stating they had never been told before.
I dont see the need for you being so nasty:shrug:....

Sure i understand you're all looking our for the kids safety but c'mon, Its not like they're bad parents for wanting to enjoy the ride together....


I swear though...why people feel the need to be rude to someone who is just letting us know what happened to them just confuses the heck out of me...

Because their internet connections came with free inflated egos.

OBVIOUSLY the OP did not have a clue there was any sort of rule or limit on how many people could go in the Doom Buggy or she would not have posted it in the NEWS forum when she found out about this rule and perceived it to be something entirely new. If she did not know about the 3 per car rule before, that would be the fault of Disney for not making it clear and enforcing it at the loading area. She is not the malicious scheming careless mother she's been made out to be.


Well-Known Member
Maggie always sits on my lap when we are Haunted Mansion or any other rides to be honest...we have never been told anything before either.

I guess it all depends on the cast member since there are NO written rules that say 2 or 3 to a car.

I swear though...why people feel the need to be rude to someone who is just letting us know what happened to them just confuses the heck out of me...

Thanks for letting us know Kristin..:)

Small children, riding in any sort of vehicle, require proper safety restraints. When those restraints are not present, such as on a bus...or doombuggy....Mom or Dad's lap is the next best thing.


Active Member
Because their internet connections came with free inflated egos.

OBVIOUSLY the OP did not have a clue there was any sort of rule or limit on how many people could go in the Doom Buggy or she would not have posted it in the NEWS forum when she found out about this rule and perceived it to be something entirely new. If she did not know about the 3 per car rule before, that would be the fault of Disney for not making it clear and enforcing it at the loading area. She is not the malicious scheming careless mother she's been made out to be.

Okay, y'all. If Disney isn't putting up little limit signs and the CMs aren't enforcing anything, how is a guest to know what the limit is? This was an informative post, not a post about the merits of holding your kids in your lap. And can we take a head count on how many who are so anti-lap baby actually have taken a baby to Disney? Hands, please!


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
From the Operating Procedure Book:

1. Operators should stand off the load belt facing the cars or be walking the load belt facing the guests and directing the guests into the cars. NOTE: Do not lean on wall.

2. The cars will accommodate two adults and a third person if that individual is small (which is left to the operator's discretion). Whenever possible keep family groups together. There should NEVER be four adults in one car.

3. The load #1 operator will maintain flow-control on load belt at ALL times and assist the guests by POINTING to the car each group will take and verbally instruct each group to "Watch your step." "Two or three to a car please."

4. The operator should be especially solicitous to the elderly and lame. He should assist them in their initial step onto the load belt by stepping out with them and offering physical support.

5. Do not load defective cars. They will be marked with a strip of white tape.

6. When the system is down, the operator should remain in his position. His chief function is to keep the belt clear until the ride resumes operation.

I found this on Doombuggies.com

It is the CM's job to inform the public, every rule doesn't and shouldn't be posted for all to see.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, two adults and two infants seem fine by the rules above. I would lay off the OP, some people are being downright rude and infantile. The CM must've been scared by the Man or eaten a gross breakfast.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
Yeah, two adults and two infants seem fine by the rules above. I would lay off the OP, some people are being downright rude and infantile. The CM must've been scared by the Man or eaten a gross breakfast.

I tend to agree...somebody was having a bad day.


The Haunted Mansion is no more dangerous than Small World?!?!? There's no harm in lap sitting?!?!

That is EXACTLY the kind of ignorance that gets guests injured or killed. It may be a "kiddie ride", but those ride vehicles are big, heavy pieces of machinery that can easily maim or kill. Read old news reports about the kid who was mangled on Disneyland's Roger Rabbit ride to see what can happen if you fall out of a ride vehicle. (Or the boy who lost fingers on a PotC boat flume)

Lap sitting may seem safe--and for the most part, I'm sure it is-- but it also overrides the effectiveness of the lap bar.

Either the child is squeezed underneath it, leaving other passengers with a huge (unsafe) gap above their laps-- or the child is held above it, which means the child is at the mercy of the adult's arms and hands to hold them in.

You've also gotta figure the size of the seating bench and the small passenger compartment that closes around you when the lapbar pulls down. Seriously, there is a limit on how many sardines that can be packed into a can. Is it four? Is it ten? In the case of the HM, Disney has decided that its THREE sardines!

Sure, you may have done it before. But who are you to question Disney's safety policy? They built the ride, they've safety tested it, they know how many cubic feet are inside the vehicles, and they will be the ones you sue if your child falls out and crushes their skull underneath the castors of the omnimover track.

My question is why its such a big deal for a whole family to squeeze together for an eight-minute ride? If your kid is too scared, do a child-swap.

Ok in most cases I agree rules are rules but there are a few facts here

1. WDW does not reconize under 3 as a paid guest...therefore I think there is some acknoladgement of a difference under 3 and over 3.

2. A year or so ago I took my 6 month old to the world. We went on pirates a ride I would consider more dangerous so to speak then pirates. The ride has no age nor height minmum that I am aware of however I would not put her on a boat bench. Likewise on pan, snow white, pooh etc. These rides have no resrictions which I agree they do not need but I also wouldn't simply leave my young child on the seat either.

My point is rules apply to cases they were meant for, not all rules can apply to all cases.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, two adults and two infants seem fine by the rules above. I would lay off the OP, some people are being downright rude and infantile. The CM must've been scared by the Man or eaten a gross breakfast.

What? No it doesn't.

"The cars will accommodate two adults and a third person if that individual is small (which is left to the operator's discretion)."

It doesn't say, "third or fourth person if they are small," it's says a THIRD.

The following rule states, "Two or three to a car please."

It doesn't say, "...maybe four."

The rules are clear on this. Nothing about them says four people is okay. A family group of four can be split two and two. Though the rules say, "Whenever possible keep family groups together," nothing allows four.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
What? No it doesn't.

"The cars will accommodate two adults and a third person if that individual is small (which is left to the operator's discretion)."

It doesn't say, "third or fourth person if they are small," it's says a THIRD.

The following rule states, "Two or three to a car please."

It doesn't say, "...maybe four."

The rules are clear on this. Nothing about them says four people is okay. A family group of four can be split two and two. Though the rules say, "Whenever possible keep family groups together," nothing allows four.

The rule is "There should NEVER be four adults in one car."

I hardly consider children to be adults.
Lap seating is almost never allowed on attractions. I could only imagine what would occur if your child managed to slip out of the lap bar.
Hate to tell you this but my 3 year old sat in my lap in March when I was there. Yeah I realize HM is such a bumpy, trecherous ride but come on get off these people's back. I mean if they had already BEEN ALLOWED several times on this trip why wouldn't they think it was ok. Maybe it's just me.
Last post.

I must say I'd rather put my small children with me than have them scream and ruin the ride for others. (which is probably something else people gripe about.)

By the way I don't fault the CM if they are doing their job, just questioning the inquisition of the original poster.


Well-Known Member
Deary deary me, there are some really trully evil parents in this world, what would have happened if the child had slipped from your grasp during the second inversion, its no good hoping that the dog would catch it frizby like. And besides why would any sensible person take a child into a ride filled with evil and satanic m imagery possibly scarring them mentally for life. Would surprise me if were talking serial killer in a few yaesr driving around with a flesh waist coat and a big cheese helmet humming Judas Priest tunes.

We can always count on Sak for injecting a bit of dark humor into a situation to defuse it a bit. Well done. Here here.
I really question the posters that are telling others, rather rudely I might add, that having a toddler or infant on a parents lap is unsafe. In this instance the choice is having the very young child sit by themselves without a booster or seat belt. In the doombuggy the lapbar will be raised to the height of the adult and there is a open door on the other side. This is safe??? Think wiggly child! I think having the arms of a parent securely around the child on their lap, with the lap bar above, is a much more secure place for a very small child. Both locations have risks, but I'd go with the mother's arms anyday.

As far as the OP. I wouldn't necessary think it would be overloading the doombuggy either. Two adults a small child in the middle and a babe-in-arms, doesn't sound out of the question. It's too bad you didn't have warning of the seating situation to prep your family.
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