Oh the interactive queue: such an ugly, boorish, expensive yet cheap-looking addition that only distracts and diminishes from the outward aesthetic of the mansion. So much filler. I still can't wrap my noggin around why WDI thought it was needed in the first place. And worse, why it was done so poorly. Moving those crypts to the exit would certainly help. Heck the Cpatain Culpepper tomb should just as well be placed nearer the Liberty Square docks. Or better still, in a dedicated HM themed bathroom. The Speak to the Dearly Departed crypt should just be removed entirely. The rest of the interactive elements somewhat work but they just look cheap, toy-like. Of course, it doesn't help that they lack the realism of stone, as you mentioned. I agree that moving most of this to the exit would be preferable. At least there it would better fit the ride's narrative, the progression from spooky to kooky. If they can do this to the mansion it makes me very worried about the restaurant.