Haunted Mansion Refurbishment News!


Well-Known Member
Fact- WDW won't be hurting because a few guests boycott vacation due to HM being down for a needed rehab. Now granted, I'd be p'd off to miss it, but I'd live. I don't want a NBC overlay, but I'd love some new effects added and maybe a unique addition or two.

PotC got it's aditions. Now it's time for HM and hopefully JC to get some love. :)

I think he makes a good point. Based on other posts I have seen when did WDW management become so concerned about having rides down for rehabs. I don't see DL management being concerned. Almost all of there rides go down every year for rehabs. MK is a 35 year old park and the park is going to need alot more tlc every year to keep the place up. It is ridiculous the condition HM, Space, Splash and Jungle Cruise have been allowed to deteriote to. This is one of the premier theme parks in the world and sometimes it really doesn't look like it. And has anyone noticed how bad the Q for Buzz Lightyear has gotten?


Well-Known Member
Heck, look at the sheer number of attractions that are going to be down at Disneyland this month and its staggering. There's a lot of E-tickets closed down all at the same time getting refurbs. I don't have the complete list but I remember reading it and giving myself a note not to make my visit during this time of the year.


I live in Orange, and as a Disneyland regular, I just wanted to note that, essentially, the only rides that are really closed are the Matterhorn and the Monorail. The Matterhorn is almost 50 years old, and it basically goes down every year for some TLC and track work. I went on Space Mountain last summer at Disney World, and I would cringe if the Matterhorn got to that state.

The Monorail has essentially been operating daily since its expansion to the Disneyland Hotel in the 60's (And for moments where the trains were upgraded), and the station was starting to feel seedy. The result is going to be a brand new monorail station, completely new trains, and a new E-ticket ride in the Sub lagoon as a part of it. I doubt either of these attractions will be going down again for a long time.

The Haunted Mansion was closed for about three weeks for the Nightmare layover while the park was basically dead on weekdays (And the 2 hour lines winding down ROA and looted Nightmare Before Christmas stores seem to justify its work). IASW closed 2 weeks ago for its holiday layover, and it reopens this Friday. It's well worth it to me - the 2 hour line for Small World at Christmas also seems like justification.

I agree that the refurbs around 2003-2004 were excessive, when at one point, the Matterhorn (Annual refurb), Thunder (The accident), and Space (Overhaul) were all down at the same time, but this was after a long period of neglect by Pressler and Harriss. I'm sure MK will receive this sort of treatment soon if the management gets their heads together, and the payoff is well worth it. The seedy feeling that Disneyland had a few years ago is completely gone, and all of my casual-visitor friends who I have gone with in the past year have been blown away at how much better everything is.

Basically, as someone who has visited Disneyland every month for the past 6 or 7 years (When I lived in Norcal), and as someone who now goes every other week (I'm in college), I think the rehabs are very reasonable, and completely unnoticeable. THey payoff definitely outweighs the occasional missed experiences.

Thanks for reading a CA native's rant! :)

Great rant!


Well-Known Member
Heck, look at the sheer number of attractions that are going to be down at Disneyland this month and its staggering. There's a lot of E-tickets closed down all at the same time getting refurbs. I don't have the complete list but I remember reading it and giving myself a note not to make my visit during this time of the year.

Huh? Are you sure you saw an accurate list of September/October/November 2006 ride closures for Disneyland?

Matterhorn is closed for the first time in two years for much needed track work. It's a 48 year old custom built roller coaster that dunks each car into water and the end of each trip cycle causing all sorts of maintenance issues. Disneyland management also understands what an icon the Matterhorn is, and doesn't want it to get into the same shape WDW's Space Mountain is in. When I got off Space Mountain on my last WDW visit, I was embarassed for the poor CM's who have to work that decayed attraction. :eek:

Small World is closed for two and a half weeks to install the Christmas decorations for the Holiday version. The two hour line for Small World Holiday on a busy day in December would appear to make this yearly rehab worth it, versus the 10 minute line for the regular Small World on a busy day in July. Small World Holiday opens on Friday for the Christmas season. Then it closes for two and a half weeks in the dead of January to take the Christmas stuff out.

The only other Disneyland ride that is currently closed is the Monorail. They're rebuilding the Tomorrowland station in connection with the new Finding Nemo Submarines. I guess it counts as a ride, but it's not really an "E Ticket".

That's three rides currently closed. And on Friday morning that list goes down to two closed rides. Is that really a "staggering" amount of refurbishments for a relatively slow period of time like early November? If it is, then I don't envy the management of the Magic Kingdom when they eventually are forced into undertaking regular maintenance and refurbishments on the attractions in that park. It seems as though considering it to be "staggering" to have three rides closed in the off-season at a theme park that has 45 rides would prevent that needed work and TLC from being performed in the first place.

Maybe that's why WDW has the maintenance and upkeep issues it currently has? Folks would complain about basic maintenance to decades old facilities that host tens of millions of people per year and that makes WDW management wary of closing anything for refurbishment to begin with? :confused:


Active Member
Heck, look at the sheer number of attractions that are going to be down at Disneyland this month and its staggering. There's a lot of E-tickets closed down all at the same time getting refurbs. I don't have the complete list but I remember reading it and giving myself a note not to make my visit during this time of the year.
You are awfully wrong. The big E-tickets: Splash Mt, BTM, Space Mt, HMH, POTC, Indy are all runing this month. Monorail is not an E-ticket at all.


Well-Known Member
You are awfully wrong. The big E-tickets: Splash Mt, BTM, Space Mt, HMH, POTC, Indy are all runing this month. Monorail is not an E-ticket at all.

Thinking more about this, you quickly realize Disneyland has a great many more rides than Magic Kingdom does. And many of those additional rides are major E or D Tickets. So Disneyland can close two or three rides at a time and not have customer service headaches.

Magic Kingdom has 7 E Tickets; Splash Mt., Mansion, Pirates, Small World, Jungle Cruise, Thunder Mt., Space Mt.

Disneyland has 10 E Tickets; Splash Mt., Mansion, Pirates, Small World, Jungle Cruise, Thunder Mt., Space Mt., Indiana Jones, Matterhorn Bobsleds, Star Tours. In June that number goes up to 11 E Tickets with the opening of Finding Nemo Submarine Voyage.

Then you get down into the smaller D and C Ticket rides. Disneyland has 7 dark rides; Snow White, Peter Pan, Winnie The Pooh, Alice In Wonderland, Pinnochio, Roger Rabbit, Mr. Toad. Magic Kingdom only has 3 dark rides; Snow, Pan and Pooh. Plus there's the rides Magic Kingdom doesn't have; StorybookLand Canal Boats, Casey Jr. Circus Train, Sailing Ship Columbia, Davy Crockett Canoes, etc.

There's a much slimmer margin of error for the Magic Kingdom when it comes to having the rides they do have up and running for customers. Shut a couple rides down in the Magic Kingdom, and you've really cut it close when it comes to perceived value. :eek:


New Member
Don't mess with what works

I really hope they just give the Haunted Mansion a good face lift. The Jack Skeleton thing is cute for Christmas, but we are talking about a character that had its heyday back in the early 90's. I wanted to rent that movie at the video store and most of the stores no longer stocked it due to lack of rentals...how popular could it still be? I have a feeling Walt is spinning in his jar!!


Well-Known Member
I wanted to rent that movie at the video store and most of the stores no longer stocked it due to lack of rentals...how popular could it still be?

That's what I thought. I'd never seen the darn movie when Haunted Mansion Holiday opened at Disneyland back in '01. But the two hour long lines where once there was no one made me think "Uh, what's this all about?". I have since watched the movie, and it was okay, kinda clever, but nothing I would need to watch again.

The ride, however, is something different. And again, the two hour long lines to get on Haunted Mansion Holiday on a busy October/November/December day prove that there is definitely some sort of draw here. Previous to HMH, the Haunted Mansion was just sort of this aging old E Ticket that even on the busiest days only had a 10 minute wait. Oftentimes in the late 1990's Haunted Mansion was a total walk-on. Not anymore.

Say what you will about the artistic merits of the makeover, but there is very clearly a huge audience demand for this ride. And it keeps right on going year after year after year. They repeated the concept for Tokyo Disneyland, and it was just as hugely popular there when I last visited in October '05.
I head heard that the measurements for the HMH overlay were taken in 2003. If have seen video of the overlay and thought it looked neat, although I am not a fan of the film.

When i posted my DL trip report on a different board back in September, I mentioned that I loved the new improvements to the DL HM and hoped we would be getting them as well - the new theming of the attic and the floating Leota head. They were awesome. I head WDW would get something new as well, but nothing was specifically said to me. The mansion sure needs work however.


New Member
I really hope they just give the Haunted Mansion a good face lift. The Jack Skeleton thing is cute for Christmas, but we are talking about a character that had its heyday back in the early 90's. I wanted to rent that movie at the video store and most of the stores no longer stocked it due to lack of rentals...how popular could it still be? I have a feeling Walt is spinning in his jar!!

It's so unpopular it's playing in movie theaters in 3-D as we speak. In fact, I'll be going to see it tomorrow night. And why, oh why, does everyone seem to think something has to be less than two years old to merit an attraction? Never forget Song of the South. Not a "popular" movie (and never even released on VHS or DVD here), but it has perhaps THE most popular attraction in all of the Magic Kingdom devoted to it. Jack Skellington and pals could very well breathe new life (or death) into the Magic Kingdom's Haunted Mansion. It's a shame so many are so dead-set against it. As someone who hates changes to attractions (like the recent POTC change), I can honestly say I truly look forward to the Haunted Mansion Holiday overlay each year. Actually, I think Walt might be pretty darned impressed by this attraction. I open myself up to all sorts of "You Have No Idea What Walt Would Think"-type attacks by saying that, but what the heck. I'll go out on that limb.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Blah blah blah.......

It will only be done if the bean counters recon that the cost of an overlay will be covered by extra revenue. Why some of you cant accept that simple fact is beyond comprehension. Though no doubt someone will be an xpert in statistical analisys and be able to prove Disney Market research wrong, based on how popular the film is with their chums.

If the films so popular why dont they build a whole new attraction at the studios, a dark ride through, with a coaster section. Sort of Mummy like, oh wait that would mean that theyre may have to be acknowledgement that Universal can get things right ocassionaly.

As for Splash, its popular because its a great ride and one of only two wet rides on WDW, it has buck all to do with Song of the South’s popularity. The two concepts cannot be compared.

IMHO of course.


New Member
Disney is going in the wrong direction...

It's so unpopular it's playing in movie theaters in 3-D as we speak. In fact, I'll be going to see it tomorrow night. And why, oh why, does everyone seem to think something has to be less than two years old to merit an attraction? Never forget Song of the South. Not a "popular" movie (and never even released on VHS or DVD here), but it has perhaps THE most popular attraction in all of the Magic Kingdom devoted to it. Jack Skellington and pals could very well breathe new life (or death) into the Magic Kingdom's Haunted Mansion. It's a shame so many are so dead-set against it. As someone who hates changes to attractions (like the recent POTC change), I can honestly say I truly look forward to the Haunted Mansion Holiday overlay each year. Actually, I think Walt might be pretty darned impressed by this attraction. I open myself up to all sorts of "You Have No Idea What Walt Would Think"-type attacks by saying that, but what the heck. I'll go out on that limb.

My point is that when the plans for WDW were originally drawn up, Disney didn't plan for the parks to be one giant billboard for his movies. With the exception of FanatasyLand, most rides were based on ideas, books and things that were close to his heart. With The Seas turning to a Nemo thing, and Pirates adding Jack Sparrow, how long before TomorrowLand speedway becomes Cars themed, and the mansion is forever lost to Halloweentown? Its too much!


Well-Known Member
I like both versions, but HMH really adds something to the holiday feel in Disneyland. I don't see why it's such a stretch to admit it might do the same for Magic Kingdom.

It's not about whether you like the movie or not, really. I think the movie is OK, but the ride is fantastic. In fact, I hadn't actually watched it all the way through until this past week in the theater. I could take it or leave it. However, I'll definitely be making my annual trip to DL for HMH and IASWH, just as I have year after year.

I don't really care whether they do it at WDW or not, btw, so no need to attack me. If I happen to be pale, it's because I don't care much for the sun, which explains why I moved to Las Vegas 10+ years ago. :veryconfu


Active Member
In the Parks
Sorry for this being a bit long...but well, you know!

I too watched the movie several years back and thought the same as alot of people, cute, but no need to watch it again.

I was able to finally get back to D-land last year, '95, right after they re-opened HM with the overlay, and I have to tell you, I was in shock at how good it was. It was my 1st trip to finally be there for the holiday's after it had opened. My friend and I liked it so much we went back 3 more times that day to see it (We actually got to be like one of the last Doom Buggies to go through for the night).
The line was a good hour & 1/2 to two hours ALL DAY LONG and fast pass tix were gone by 11:30A. :brick:

Would I like to see WDW finally get a make over like this - DEFINITLY! Everyone keeps saying, the 1st time visitor to WDW would throw a fit not to see the original HM during the holidays should a "takeover" happen. Come on, 60-80% of visitors are repeat guests now.
It would have a huge boost of attendance for FL locals as well - being a former FL resident & cast memeber, you get alot of "been there done that" with WDW attractions. It would also throw a huge Christmas feeling to that side of the park too.

Can you make 100% of the people happy 100% of the time - absoultly not:cry: . Heck, even with every attraction open - I would still hear complaints about this or that: to crowded, to hot, lines are to long, ride was to short, the parade didn't get to MS at 3pm, I didn't see Mickey, Pluto, Goofy, etc etc, food wasn't hot, just goes on and on and on.

IMHO - I don't think the MK has taken enough risks to go out on those limbs to satisfy a very very stale taste that has been there for way to long. Sure, the MK got Aladin's Carpet Ride, Advntrs of Pooh, and Stitch - but are those attractions really attractions that just make you want to go to the MK...'fraid not. They really do need to take a look at the west coast and see how change is a good thing. To say it again as Walt did (sorta) - Disney is never complete as long as there is imagination in the World.

Just my 2cents worth:hammer:

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Can you forward your valuable statistical analysis to Disney as Im sure they would be grateful to have any data that shows errors in their market research and financial asessments.


Active Member
In the Parks
Can you forward your valuable statistical analysis to Disney as Im sure they would be grateful to have any data that shows errors in their market research and financial asessments.

Oh I have...
I've written many letters - and let many fellow (still) Cast Members know (at least those in Gst Rltns). I've even been part of many of the "survey's" they like to send out. As anyone who's been to the parks, they/we are the statistics.
I still feel WDW was/is being run by those that never get to the parks. If they start to get higher up's back to the parks like the old days...things might just turn around like D-land did. And no, i'm not trying to say that WDW is run down (but it is showing it's age)... there are enough other post's & reports with pictures to back that up.

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
:p :p

Oh I have...
I've written many letters - and let many fellow (still) Cast Members know (at least those in Gst Rltns). I've even been part of many of the "survey's" they like to send out. As anyone who's been to the parks, they/we are the statistics.
I still feel WDW was/is being run by those that never get to the parks. If they start to get higher up's back to the parks like the old days...things might just turn around like D-land did. And no, i'm not trying to say that WDW is run down (but it is showing it's age)... there are enough other post's & reports with pictures to back that up.

I can't even begin to express how happy I am that I don't work in the department that has to receive these letters. ;)

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