Haunted Mansion Refurbishment News!

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
I don't see why it matters if WDW main base of tourist our from out of state or country! WDW still get tons of its business from FL! In the slow period (AKA the period that they would do the lay over to the HM) all there usually is in the parks is Floridians! And what if a tourist from out the country can't ride HM. How many of them actually know what it is.
The reason it matters is pretty simple. If your core customers are locals that will only be brought in more frequently by new stuff or seasonal overlays, like at DL, then it makes financial sense to do them. In the case of WDW where the core customers are not locals and won't be enticed by these seasonal overlays there is not enough financial gain to justify doing an overlay. In some cases they will be upset by them. The "I only can come to WDW ever 5 years and HM was closed." complaint comes to mind.


New Member
Shoot, I come to WDW once or twice a year and get miffed when a favorite attraction is closed.

Unfortunately Disney is the only one here that hasn't realized that the park's operation *simply must* revolve around your schedule! :brick:

I know you were not being completely serious - but there are *so many people* that truly believe that it's all about them in terms of going to those parks. I've seen conspiracy theories of "they only do this to ruin my time" actually thrown out there before.

It's a ride. They're all just rides. No one is saying be *happy* that a good ride is closed, but it's just a ride. Either plan your trip better, or enjoy it on your next visit. It's not the end of the world - especially if it's something *major* like Splash Mountain, Haunted Mansion, Pirates, etc that most certainly is *never* going to just go away ala Mr. Toad.


Well-Known Member
There are many rides at WDW that I must go on every time I am there. In recent years there has always been at least one of these that are closed due to refurb. This May it was PoTC, was I upset - definitely - but I also understand that they are making improvements to some of the older attractions which is needed.

Christmas/New Years are the only holidays I haven't been to WDW so I would like to see an overlay at least once. Esp. during Christmas to keep the holiday spirit going. However, if Santa Claus and Christmas lights were all over the HM on my first ride I really do not know what my opinion of the attraction would be. I would love to see HM get a much needed refurb but I don't see the need for a holiday theme to it during Christmas time.

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
People, are you forgetting that Disney is NOT doing the overlay for COuntry Bears Christmas because the over lay does not attract MORE people to the park? People go to WDW during Christmas and the holiday season because of the atmosphere, because of the magic. If the Country Bears have the over lay or not, people are still going to go. Same with HM. But, do you really think doing a HMH over lay in WDW will bring more people to the park? I doubt it. Would Disney's money men think spending the money on something that is only for 2 months and would not increase attendence in WDW be worth it? I doubt it. I would love to see something from NBC come to WDW. But I want something new, not a cloned overlay. Also, HM needs a refurb. Updating technology, maybe a floating Leota like DL, along with the new bride and new effects, and HM can be returned to its former glory, not that it has lost its glory.


Active Member
Nothing would make me happier than a good quality WDW Haunted Mansion refurbish. Fix the audio, fix the bride, fix the props and sets, the Leotta scene...etc. However I think the HMH idea in WDW is not very good. I have seen the attraction in Disneyland and it is cool, don't get me wrong. But other people are exactly right when they say that the majority of WDW guests are people who get there only every couple of years. And when they do get there they want to see their favorite attractions...in their original form.

For example, I like the Country Bears and for a while I was only going to WDW during the time it was the Christmas Special Country Bears, therefore, it took me over 10 years to see the original again and that bothered me. So I would be ed if I went to Disney during the holidays and the Haunted Mansion was the holiday special. Also having it closed for 6 weeks a year to change it over is not good too. Last time I was there Small World was closed and I was super bumbed. You would be guarenteed 6 weeks worth of disappointed guests.

So just fix it up I say.


New Member
However, if Santa Claus and Christmas lights were all over the HM on my first ride

There's not even need to finish your statement. The fact that you say the above is proof that you have no idea *what* Haunted Mansion Holiday consists of. You really should look up a video, because you will be very pleasantly surprised. It's a plus in every way - definitely not cheesey decorations.

Bottom line for this whole thread- (and not in response to jmvd) - the people that are about the haunted mansion holiday have *not* ridden the attraction. Period. You just have no right to an opinion on something that you have not seen. How on earth will you know if it is good or not?

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
There's not even need to finish your statement. The fact that you say the above is proof that you have no idea *what* Haunted Mansion Holiday consists of. You really should look up a video, because you will be very pleasantly surprised. It's a plus in every way - definitely not cheesey decorations.

Bottom line for this whole thread- (and not in response to jmvd) - the people that are about the haunted mansion holiday have *not* ridden the attraction. Period. You just have no right to an opinion on something that you have not seen. How on earth will you know if it is good or not?
Ah, there you go again. I've been on it. I don't like it. It would be bad for WDW....and I'm not the only one in this thread who's been on it and didn't like it.

I suggest you read again before using the words "you have no idea" and "period."

Although, based on every other post you've made about the subject, it doesn't surprise me one bit that you wouldn't take the time to read other's posts, or take into account that others may have a different opinion than you. :)


Well-Known Member
There's not even need to finish your statement. The fact that you say the above is proof that you have no idea *what* Haunted Mansion Holiday consists of. You really should look up a video, because you will be very pleasantly surprised. It's a plus in every way - definitely not cheesey decorations.

I have seen the videos of the ride at DL more than once. I know they are not "cheesey" decorations. However, my point is that I like the ride, I liked it the first time I rode it and I just wonder what my opinion would have been with the decorations in place. Would I have thought more or less of it? I honestly cannot answer that question, thus the discussion about it.

When I said Christmas lights and Santa Claus all over the ride - it was not meant to be taken literally - just a way to say Christmas Holiday Decor installed at the Haunted Mansion ride located at Disneyland.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
You really are Jack arent you.:dazzle:

Those of us from the back waters of external US have these new fangled contraptions like the Internet and promotional material, and from that we can work out that the attraction called Haunted Mansion, is a haunted mansion attraction.

I never said that YOU wouldn't know what HM is! And if you do have these new fangled contraptions you could go to Disneyworld.com while your planning your trip and see "Hey, HM closed down from this time to this time! I guess since I want to see that attraction I should change the original dates of my trip!" I was referring to international guest who may never heard of any of the attractions in Disney World.

Master Yoda said:
In the case of WDW where the core customers are not locals and won't be enticed by these seasonal overlays there is not enough financial gain to justify doing an overlay. In some cases they will be upset by them.

Who says international guest won't like HMH. Have you taken a poll over seas? NBC is know around the world. The truth is we won't know how HMH will effect Disney World until it happens. There is as much chance at success as there is at DL and Tokyo DL.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
I never said that YOU wouldn't know what HM is! And if you do have these new fangled contraptions you could go to Disneyworld.com while your planning your trip and see "Hey, HM closed down from this time to this time! I guess since I want to see that attraction I should change the original dates of my trip!" I was referring to international guest who may never heard of any of the attractions in Disney World.

Who says international guest won't like HMH. Have you taken a poll over seas? NBC is know around the world. The truth is we won't know how HMH will effect Disney World until it happens. There is as much chance at success as there is at DL and Tokyo DL.
No but I am pretty sure Disney has and I am also pretty confident that they know how it will effect WDW. Disney knows it will cost X to do the overlay. You can also be pretty sure that Disney has a pretty good idea how much extra revenue, Y, this overlay will bring in. If X is greater than Y then there is no real reason to do it. There is also the added factor that there will be guest complaints because a MK e-ticket is down for 6 weeks a year. Even though the down time will be listed on WDW web site it still doesn't change the fact that the average guest does little to no research before they plan their trip and will have no clue that HM is closed and will ask for lifetime passes because they ruined their vacation.

There is also another difference between DL and WDW you fail to consider. There are more attractions and lower attendance at DL. This means that closing an attraction, especially an e-ticket, will have a greater negative impact at WDW.

I personally don't care one way or another if they do the overlay. I figure if I really want to see it I need to make the trip to DL. It won't make me take an extra trip to WDW, I am there every October anyway. The only thing I really care about is that the HM gets a good refurb. If it takes a seasonal overlay to accomplish that then so be it. But I can see more reasons for Disney not to do the overlay in WDW that reasons to do it.


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately Disney is the only one here that hasn't realized that the park's operation *simply must* revolve around your schedule! :brick:

I know you were not being completely serious - but there are *so many people* that truly believe that it's all about them in terms of going to those parks. I've seen conspiracy theories of "they only do this to ruin my time" actually thrown out there before.

It's a ride. They're all just rides. No one is saying be *happy* that a good ride is closed, but it's just a ride. Either plan your trip better, or enjoy it on your next visit. It's not the end of the world - especially if it's something *major* like Splash Mountain, Haunted Mansion, Pirates, etc that most certainly is *never* going to just go away ala Mr. Toad.
Exactly. Rides need to close now and then. When we got to Epcot and saw the Living Seas was closed, sure, we were a little annoyed but did it ruin our vacaton? No. We got over it and moved on. There's far too much at Disney World to get upset because a certain attraction closed when you got there.
Montu - Usually I'm on board with what you have to say, but this one's a little short-sighted. :rolleyes:

I don't believe the problem is the overlay. It's the time it takes to put it up and take it down. ALMOST TWO MONTHS OF THE YEAR! That's a little under 17% of the year that a major, marquee, e-ticket attraction with a huge reputation is closed. Not overlayed, just straight up CLOSED. Why do you think our HM is in such bad shape already??? Because to this point they haven't wanted to take it down for a very long period of time. The only reason this conversation is happening is because it's in such disrepair they're getting to where they HAVE to close it. There are no other options. But to close it yearly is begging for massive, massive guest complaints. I'm convinced it's about this, and not the actual overlay, that has kept Jack out of our HM.

And I understand your point that if some research were done, people would find this out. But come on. Let's be honest. The common person visits Disney very infrequently. They're not the people on these boards. They're not the ones with the finger on the pulse like we are. Attraction closures (for lengthy rehabs) probably aren't on the mind of Average Joe Tourist. It's all well and good that they should understand these things are required at times, but not all apparently agree with that... Or we wouldn't have our HM falling apart as much as it is right now because they'd be staying on top of it.

I could not agree with you more about the actual percentage of people who-as you so eloquently put it-have their fingers on the disney pulse. When I talk to people I work with or just even friends about their upcoming wdw trips, they are always asking me questions about things i have heard. While many of us on these boards are familiar with acronyms and abbreviations and restaurants and attractions affiliated with wdw, the vast majority of the public are not. mind you, we the disney obsessed are growing and are impressive in numbers, many mere mortals are not so informed and up to date with happenings at wdw. I agree that perhaps the average joe could do a little research, but i do not begrudge them their complaints about certain rides closing.
I myself was just complaining because my family and i went in march, and i was pregnant with my son and could only ride a few things. and to my dismay, (which I did know before going) PoC was closed. Although i knew beforehand i was still bummed out.

that all said, the hm is in dire need of a rehab. and even though it will be closed for what is in the long run, a short time, the end result will hopefully be spectacular :p!

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