haunted mansion? please dont do this


Well-Known Member
Re: I totally agree....

Originally posted by rmeisch
But, there does need to be a Nightmare Before Christmas Attraction. They almost totally neglect this film at the parks.

Well..I think most of the reason Nightmare Before Christmas is not mentioned a lot at disney parks...is well..all the LEGAL hassle that movie brought to Disney (who owns the rights to it). Tim Burton really had no intent for it to become a Disney movie...

Besides...a ride based off that movie would only have "appeal" during the holloween and christmas seasons.


New Member
They cannot do that! It would ruin the whole sceme of things for that ride! I have one question...have any of you ever tried to bring a death certificate to the Mansion to be number "1000"? If so what happened?

Lost Boy

New Member
First of all it is at Disneyland in California.
Second of all it is great. It only runs between October 5 2001 to January 5th 2002.
The Imagineers did a great job in putting the Nightmare Before Christmas look to the attraction. I would say that for 1 1/2 miilion bucks, which is what this makeover cost for three months, the did a fantastic job.
Please stop critisizing something you haven't even seen. It looks wonderful and is drawing in guests by the hundreds to see it. And they are coming back for repeat visits to the Mansion.
And the neat thing is, that the new sound system, the cleaned scrims, and the new hallways, and alcoves that where opened for this makeover will stay. It will mean that the old attraction, which returns in January or February will be even better that before.
So stop knoking something that is 100% neat, well done and a wonderful addition to the Disneyland Holiday Experience.:hammer:


RunDisney Addict
Lost Boy, we're not necessarily saying that it is/will be a horrible experience or a horrible ride. We just have a bunch of people on here that don't want anything to change. This thread started before anyone had seen it, and with what has happened in the past, we get nervous anytime disney decides to re-do a ride, even if it is for a short time.

Also, remember that people are entitled to their opinion....One of the great thing about this board is that we all have different opinions and can discuss/debate them without getting into big flame wars. :)


New Member
the haunted mansion has always been my favorite disney attraction. i hope they wouldnt replace it or change it with anything anytime. its a classic that should always be at disney along with the castle and space mountain:D


havn't they already changed the one at disneyland? I thought they did... when I was there they were talking about the whole "nightmare before christmas thing" i know something definately has already or is soon to happen there... it says something on the who wants to be a villionaire game while its loading... check it out i 4get what it says at the moment...


RunDisney Addict
I think it's already open, or soon to be...I know the rehab is complete. This is just an old thread that was dug up.


Haunted Mansion

According to the Fall issue of the Disney magazine, the Disneyland Haunted mansion will be redecorated in the "Nightmare before Christmas" theme. But only from October 5 to January 6. So just hold out it will go away!

Lost Boy

New Member
It opened October 5th and will close January 6th. It is well worth the makeover. The old ghosts are still there but changed for a Halloween version of Christmas. The Hitchiking ghosts are gone for now, as is the hanging man in the stretching room. The changing portraits are new, the ball room is different, the graveyard is covered in snow and Jack's mountain with singing Jack-O-Lanterns replaces the Singing Busts. The gravedigger and his dog have been replaced by a brand new A/A figure of Jack Skellington as Sandy Claws and it is fantastic. Zero floats by his side. New Music and narration throughout the ride, Madame Letoa is all new as is the attic. The bride is nowhere to be seen the attic having been taken over by the Misfit toys. The stretching portraits have been replaced by "Stained Glass Windows" that portray the story of "The Nightmare Before Christmas". As the room begins to stretch, the lights go out, and you hear the sound of glass breaking. When the light flicker back on, the stretching protraits can be be seen through the empty frames of where the stained glass windows used to be. The stretching portraits are now portraits of the Misfit Toys. The entire room is festooned with black Christmas Wreaths that suddenly have glowing red eyes looking down at you. When the light go out, and the lightning and thunder start, the entire ceiling area has a giant head of Jack as Sandy Claws staring down at you. His eyes blink and he wishes everyone Happy Holdays. To give you an idea of how well this is done and how well it is being recieved, when the stretching room reaches the bottom and it's little part of the show is over, people break into auplause and cheers.
This one is good, and the Imagineers have outdone themselves both inside and out. Don't forget the California Mansion is a Southern Mansion and there are now over 1,000 candles on all the roof lines and Jack O Lanerns Everywhere. At night the place is bathed in purple light, the candles flickes, the pumpins glow and fog rolls in over the berm to cover the area. It is really cool.

Mr Bill

Well-Known Member
Re: the mansion is safe, so how about figment???

Originally posted by popkid
feels so good to hear i'm not alone on this - and that it doesn't seem like the rumor was true...

but speaking of jiyi, what's the story with that? last september when i was at EPCOT i spoke with some cast members who said the amount of complaints for the new attaction was simply staggering! yet i haven't heard if any action is going to be taken to fix it...

just wondering if anyone knew what the current status is... will figment be coming back ever?

Last time I was at Epcot, Oct. 10th, I was goofing around in ImageWorks
"Why is the upstairs roped off?"
"We don't use it anymore."
"Because they took out everything upstairs when the old ride closed"
"I miss Figment"
"He will be back this Summer"
"YAY!":) :D :sohappy: :sohappy:


New Member
Call me crazy but I'm gonna have to agree with Lost Boy. I think it's pretty cool what they did to the Haunted Mansion in Disneyland. I'm upset that I'm not closer so that I can go and visit. I think that it might be pretty cool if they did it here as long as it was only TEMPORARY. Of course, since the mansions are different it may not work as well but who knows. HM is my favorite but it would be cool to see something a little different as long as the original came back the way it was. Just my thoughts though.


New Member
Originally posted by wdwmagic
DTFreak, thats what I heard also.

Same here...Hopefully they won't change it, that was the first Disney ride I ever went on so it's kinda...special, I guess

Lost Boy

New Member
You are rhe most narrow minded, self-centered group of people I have ever heard on a Disney Board. You don't even know what you are talking about. I love the Haunted Mansion just as much as anybody else. But, a TEMPORARY, do you get it? TEMPORARY CHANGE just for the holdiays is very, very welcome. The Mansion is going to be better for it when it returns to normal in January. New Sound, Cleaned Scrims, Repired Glass. New Elements like rooms that have never been there before off the Grand Ballroom. New Lighting. So for three months we get a totally new attraction that is really, really good and then we get our old manion back, better that before. Its a win, win situation. But I guess you are all to narrow visioned to see that.
Too bad, the one in Florida is just as much in need of a good rehab than ours was. Do you think the company is going to spend that kind on money just to fix something up. Not unless the get something in rerturn. And a Nightmare Before Christmas Holiday Makeover gives them the excuse to clean and fix things up. So you guys just keep your blinders on, don't let them touch your beloved, falling apart attraction, but then you aren't allowed to anymore about what sad shape Manison is in.


New Member
Originally posted by SheriD013
Oh great, not another one

What is that supposed to mean? I have to agree with him. He's tried to give valid information on something everyone has asked and was confused about and no one even seems to be paying attention to what he's said. I for one wish they would do a holiday redo of the mansion temporarily so that the mansion here could get a good sound system and a good needed cleaning.


New Member
Originally posted by Chernabog

What is that supposed to mean? I have to agree with him. He's tried to give valid information on something everyone has asked and was confused about and no one even seems to be paying attention to what he's said. I for one wish they would do a holiday redo of the mansion temporarily so that the mansion here could get a good sound system and a good needed cleaning.

Nvr mind

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