Haunted Mansion Closing for Refurb Late Fall 2006?


New Member
Original Poster
I heard there is a possibility it might be closing for refurb in the fall to redesign the Queue area. Is this true? Anyway have anymore info?:confused:

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
I would think they'd find a way to simply re-route guests around the work if thye're doing a rework of the queue (which I've been told is all they're doing.)

I haven't seen the plans, though, so. It is a bit of a tight spot over there, with not much room for guest traffic.


I heard that the entrance to the HM was going to be widened to prevent bottle nose-ing guests. There was a picture floating around a few threads back with an Imagineer and a Guest Relations person looking over Blueprints. I went to one of the leading sources on Haunted Mansion and he told me some interesting rumors. I heard a rumor that an all new exit is being designed for the attraction. An exit that will be a giftshop and highly themed. I first heard these rumors in 2003 and now they are surfacing again. Time will tell.


Well-Known Member
I hope they don't do the gift shop. If they want a gift shop, put it in one of the Keelboat houses, and theme it to a carriage house or something, but please not in the end of the ride. From the gates onwards, it's an experience, and self sufficient from the park. Putting a gift shop at the end of the ride will cheapen the mansion's grounds significantly.

Maybe the rehab will make the DL HM changes. :lookaroun


Well-Known Member
iheartdisney91 said:
I just hope they dont put in that stupid bride like the one in california
Well, what bride would you like to see? Right now we've got a pretty stupid bride too, in my opinion, and atleast their's has hair that isn't quite so *Insert apprpriate adjective here -- I can't think of one to describe it, but you know what I mean*, ya know?

Yensid "Different strokes, I guess" tlaw1969


Well-Known Member
Ahh... simultaneous posts. I was wondering. I could have sworn I made sure there was no mention of the DL version before I commented on it.

I agree, though. I don't want that bride. I saw a video of it, and it's just a projection. I'd rather a fully 3-D figure, although a newer one wouldn't be bad. When you go through the window, you can see that she's completely flat.

I will make no mention or suggestion involving the Hatbox Ghost.


Well-Known Member
SilentWindODoom said:
I hope they don't do the gift shop. If they want a gift shop, put it in one of the Keelboat houses, and theme it to a carriage house or something, but please not in the end of the ride. From the gates onwards, it's an experience, and self sufficient from the park. Putting a gift shop at the end of the ride will cheapen the mansion's grounds significantly.

I hope they don't doa gift shop as well. It would ruin the experience. I can't remember if they still have fast pass, I think they don't. But the building the machines used to be in is a good size for a shop.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't mind losing the heads. I wouldn't have to watch the lit up spots to make sure I don't get surprised and hit the roof of the doom buggy. :lookaroun

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
terp79 said:
I heard a rumor that an all new exit is being designed for the attraction. An exit that will be a giftshop and highly themed. I first heard these rumors in 2003 and now they are surfacing again. Time will tell.

Oh god, please no!!!!!:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :fork:


HM itself is not closing.There will be a rehab to the queue area upfront to help relieve traffic flow in and out of HM. The stroller area will be moved also in the rehab. That was the main cause of the problems with the queue area during peak times.I have an old pic from when wdw 1st opened that will blow your mind showing the Mansion and how open the area was before.


Well-Known Member
SilentWindODoom said:
I saw a video of it, and it's just a projection. I'd rather a fully 3-D figure, although a newer one wouldn't be bad. When you go through the window, you can see that she's completely flat.

Take a friendly tip from a Disneylander..... Actually go on the ride and then make up your mind. The "video" you experience by peering at a small box on your 17 inch computer screen is nothing like the fully immersive experience of actually being on the ride and seeing the entire Attic Scene. When you are on the ride you can't tell that it's a 2D bride, she looks 3D in appearance. It's a very impressive effect, and I would hope they replace more traditional AA's with this new technology, where appropriate. It's quite a leap for showmanship.

I've found that it's not good to form final opinions by looking at amateur video on YouTube of things that are happening in real life. Experience the real life version, maybe even two or three times, and then make up your mind.

YouTube shouldn't replace real life experiences. :D


New Member
This may have been discussed elsewhere, but the last time I went on HM (last June), the ride vehicles (or track, I'm not sure which) were very loud and the ride stopped 3 times while I was on it and several times while other members of our group were on it. Has anyone else noticed/experienced this?

After hearing about DL rehab, I started to hope for one for WDW also.

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
Actually, I believe the bride at DL is a combination of animatronics and 3-D projections. Her face has a similar effect to the madame leota and little leota. The rest of her body is an animatronic including her rising arms. I have no idea how they do the flowers turning into an axe trick, but its something along the lines of a digital projection.

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