Hat At Mgm


New Member
So i was wondering, are they taking the ears off the tower or getting rid of it or what? And what's the real reasoning behind getting a new logo anyway? Personally I liked the tower logo but the hat doesn't look bad. I do think it'd be better near fantasmic.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Chernabog
So i was wondering, are they taking the ears off the tower or getting rid of it or what? And what's the real reasoning behind getting a new logo anyway? Personally I liked the tower logo but the hat doesn't look bad. I do think it'd be better near fantasmic.

I never really consdiered the tower to be the parks icon. it way off to the side. A park icon should be something u see as soon as u get into the park. like the hat or the theater.


New Member
With the earful tower thing...I don't know if theres any truth to this, but I heard that Disney needs to pay MGM whenever they use this. Is this true? It just sounds a little wierd to me that a Mickey mouse water tower isn't owned by Disney.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by woofboy111
With the earful tower thing...I don't know if theres any truth to this, but I heard that Disney needs to pay MGM whenever they use this. Is this true? It just sounds a little wierd to me that a Mickey mouse water tower isn't owned by Disney.

yeah but disney is full ofsurprises :)


Premium Member
Disney is so careful about sight lines, there must be a reason they are blocking out the theater. Sorceror Mickey has always been sort of a ghost mascot for the studios, so the hat is fitting. I just think having a pin kiosk as a park icon is a little chincy.

I think the theory about the spiderman style ride is sound. I heard that Disney was thinking about using a new virtual reality system that the military uses for training (I think it was called CAVE). It was said that this would be the realization of the Villians attraction. But thats all just speculation.


New Member
Disney never does anything spontaneously. And they certainly would never go thru the major expense of changing logos without good reason. With the disappearance of the Earful Tower as the park logo, can MGM be far behind? YOU BET!

The Sorcerer Hat is an ideal logo as representative of Disney film making. The 1940 version of Fantasia is considered a masterpiece of animation. Fantasia....two hours of animation set to the music of Bach, Tchaikovsky, Dukas, Stravinsky, Beethoven, Ponchielli, Mussorgsky and Schubert -- is an icon, all right. It has been endorsed by decades of scientists and educators.

But the HAT....the logo....."The Sorcerer's Apprentice," in which Mickey Mouse is the ambitious little guy whose magic gets away from him -- the broom he enchants into carrying pails of water turns into a horde of brooms, and the water turns into a tidal wave. At the end, Mickey's master, the sorcerer himself, returns to set everything right, and a moment later we see a shadowy Mickey climb the podium to shake Stokowski's hand. The conductor as sorcerer, sorcerer as conductor.

It simply doesn't get any better than this! The HAT...the logo..good choice.


Premium Member
I agree whole heartedly with you Tramp, which is why I think its disappointing that this wonderful icon is going to be a lowly pin kiosk.


New Member
I must say, that at first, I hated it, I thought it was stupid. But then, I saw the concept art on the studios news page, and I was impressed. I think that it will look good, and it will give the studio more of a direct Icon, I mean, the water tower is there, and so is the chinese theater, but the theater is too small, and the tower can't even be seen once in the park, and this hat can be seen while driving by the theme park, you can see the blue tip poking up. I think it will look good once it is done. As much as I hate to say it, though, they should take the shinese theater facade down. It makes the area cluttered..


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Chad
I must say, that at first, I hated it, I thought it was stupid. But then, I saw the concept art on the studios news page, and I was impressed. I think that it will look good, and it will give the studio more of a direct Icon, I mean, the water tower is there, and so is the chinese theater, but the theater is too small, and the tower can't even be seen once in the park, and this hat can be seen while driving by the theme park, you can see the blue tip poking up. I think it will look good once it is done. As much as I hate to say it, though, they should take the shinese theater facade down. It makes the area cluttered..

i'm just curious! can the het be seen from the road as ur driving by mgm or not?


New Member
Original Poster
I kind of like The Great Movie Ride. It kind of relaxing after walk outside all day and you can sit down. Also if you just ate it would give you enough time(if you rode it) and then go ride rnrc or tower of terror or something else.


New Member
Yup, you can see the hat form the road, the tip pokes out.

I too enjoy the GMR, and I really don't understand WHY disney must remove a ride to put in a new one? Leave it alone! Let it stay! And I really don't like this fatasmic-like spiderman hybrid ride idea, don't you think we have a little too much 'mickey vs. villans' in MGM already? Fantasmic is that basic theme! Build the rumored villans land in MK! Thats the ticket!


New Member
I think that the villans area is a greta idea. However, does anyone else remember the villans room in toon town? The park managers closed it down because some of the character workers got a little too into character and started to scare the kids and parents began complaining. I think Disney wil think long and hard before they ever build an entire area to those nasty, but oh so lovable villans.
Originally posted by thedisneyfan
I think that the hat is most definitely in the wrong place. It should have been built as the entrance to Fantasmic. During the day it could have been the major pin selling station for MGM and at night everyone could walk through to get to and from Fantasmic. The placement destroyed the whole I'm in Hollywood real movie studios feel that MGM first presented you when you entered the park. Now it's going to be like wow, I'm looking straight at a hat, boy now I really feel like I'm in Hollywood. As far as job cuts---the person who came up with this brilliant idea needs to go first! :mad:

Hear, hear!!! It completely breaks up the effect that I used to see when I first looked down towards the theatre. Fantastmic seems to be a much better placement for this kind of symbol. Who the heck came up with the idea to stick it at the entrance?!:confused:


New Member
No way! Next to Fantasmic?? That would COMPLETELY ruin the theme of Sunset Boulevard! That place is crowded enough already, don't add a huge hat to mess things up! PLus, They are putting it there to add a centrailized park icon...<among other things> and I don't think putting it in the back corner of the park would work out...Leave it be, I think it'll be fine, and add some great phot oppurtunities in itself. From the concept art I've seen, it looks like it willl have its own little 'LIght show' underneath it everynight... I think it'll look fine...


New Member
Yes an icon should be in the center of the park but I personally think that the Theater was great to look at comming into the park. It was a great picture spot already. however, as I've learned in the past Disney may have a very good reason for blocking out the theater from main sight. Perhaps major construction work or something. Especially if MGM is ending their contract with Disney.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Chernabog
Yes an icon should be in the center of the park but I personally think that the Theater was great to look at comming into the park. It was a great picture spot already. however, as I've learned in the past Disney may have a very good reason for blocking out the theater from main sight. Perhaps major construction work or something. Especially if MGM is ending their contract with Disney.

does anybody know when the mgm contract ends with disney.

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