Has your trip ever been "Ruined"?


Well-Known Member
Has your trip to the World ever been ruined by an incident or a series of unfortunate things happening?

Our trip was never really ruined but we had some bad incidents:

Back when we used to stay off property, My sister was about 3 and we were at my grandparents house she was horsing around and ending up going head first through a glass table. she had to get stitches and had a broken thumb. We ended up taking it easy that trip and only went to DTD, MK, and Epcot.

Another trip only about 4 years ago, my sister other was about 6. we decided our first day we were going to go to Epcot. she refused to put sun screen on and she is as white as snow white. she ended up getting a horrible burn on her head and on her back. So bad that the only rides she could go on were rides she didn't have to lean back on(No Coasters or anything along those lines) she hated not going on a lot of rides but she loved meeting almost every character in the park.


Active Member
Last trip was October 2007 and I found out 3 weeks before that my now ex-husband had been cheating on me. He said we would cancel the trip and he wouldn't ask me to pay him back for it (HAHAHAHAHAHA, like I really would have anyway). His brother was coming with us, so instead I said I was going anyway and he decided it would be "good for us" if we did. The trip just wasn't the same, it didn't have that magical feel for me. Well, not long after the trip we separated and now divorced and now I'm with someone else. I couldn't go back to Disney for a while, but my new guy and I have talked about it, he's never been and we're hoping to go in October 2010....I'm actually getting excited for it again. I can't wait to see it in his eyes and stop and smell the roses again.
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Our trip this year May 17-24. Rain Rain Rain Rain Rain Rain Rain Rain Rain Rain Rain Rain Rain Rain Rain Rain Rain Rain Rain Rain Rain Rain

We were there May 15-22. It made for short lines but we had to change into dry clothes mid-day every day. We were soaked the entire trip!

Our trip was not ruined, we became DVC Members on one of those rainy days:sohappy:
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New Member
my family and I visited my grandfather in CA. He wanted to take us to DIsneyland. Well we got there rode a few ride then I got sick. We thought maybe it was because i didnt eat anything well we were wrong. I felt so bad that I ruined everyones trip. Well we went back 3 days later and it was so much fun. Thankfully no one else got sick
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New Member
My mom fell down at the Land Pavillion this past Sunday. She had double knee replacement last year, and she fell on one of her knees. I was waiting at the bottom of the stairs, my dad was next to her, but a perfect stranger stopped her from falling any further (thank you who ever you are!). Needless to say, we were all shaken up. Well a manager from Soarin' came over and took a statement, called the paramedics, and offered us one "no strings attached" coupon good for one ride. Then, we were on our own. Her arms are bleeding, I'm covered in blood, we don't know if her knees are ok, and we received no further assistance. I have to say, having been a CP in 2000, and having been to WDW 10 times, I expected more. A follow up phone call, or something. We were TOTALLY dismissed. Yet please wearing Birthday Buttons were celebrated and shown a great time (please do not take any offense, I'm just venting).
Maybe it's just me, but I feel that Disney has lost a tiny bit of magic.
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Larry Mondello

Well-Known Member
My mom fell down at the Land Pavillion this past Sunday. She had double knee replacement last year, and she fell on one of her knees. I was waiting at the bottom of the stairs, my dad was next to her, but a perfect stranger stopped her from falling any further (thank you who ever you are!). Needless to say, we were all shaken up. Well a manager from Soarin' came over and took a statement, called the paramedics, and offered us one "no strings attached" coupon good for one ride. Then, we were on our own. Her arms are bleeding, I'm covered in blood, we don't know if her knees are ok, and we received no further assistance. I have to say, having been a CP in 2000, and having been to WDW 10 times, I expected more. A follow up phone call, or something. We were TOTALLY dismissed. Yet please wearing Birthday Buttons were celebrated and shown a great time (please do not take any offense, I'm just venting).
Maybe it's just me, but I feel that Disney has lost a tiny bit of magic.

Not to sound insensitive, but what more did you expect. They called the paramedics didn't they?
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Mr Wizard

Active Member
Well let's see. We were there for our first Poly stay ever for a week in mid May this year for the monsoons. We were in the MK the first time they ever closed for a hurricaine. There has been a completely dead-as-a-doornail battery in the car after we just bought a weeks worth of grocerys, including frozen food. There has been forgotten tickets, forgotten clothes, forgotten meds. Countless foot blisters and sunburns. And in the leaner times, some hotel rooms ( off site ) that I look back on and shudder. But a trip ruined? Are you kidding? Even with any or all of the above, it's still Disney. And a whole lot neater than sittin' home.
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New Member
Well, Larry, since I'm still mad that she fell because of the elevator and escaltors being broken, I would of liked a follow up call. We were treated like we were diseased! I don't expect you to understand, so unless you have been through it, you wouldn't understand.

Sorry that I even brought it up
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Well-Known Member
They called because we had to ask them to call the paramedics a few times. They couldn't be bothered.
Like I said, I shouldn't have brought it up...

From what you said, I agree with you.

The CM should have called parmedics, made your mom comfortable (move her to a bench, back stage, whatever) and stayed with you until paramedics arrived. He or she should have also taken contact info and made a follow up call just to check if all was OK.

It's called customer service, and the human thing to do.

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New Member
my trip last august was not so great we went for 2 weeks and for the first whole week my sis got sick and threw up in a resturant and then there was our 04 trip at poly we were all set to go and the day before we left i broke my leg. we still went and it ended up being ok cuz my mom rented a wheelchair and pushed me around the who trip so i didnt have to walk and all cast members were very nice to me:animwink: however i would never say that ether trip was ruined.
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Well-Known Member

Here is a picture of my wife and I on our honeymoon. Notice the wheelchair. I was hanging out by the pool at the GF and something bit me. Needless to say my foot swelled up like a baloon. You can sort of see it in the picture. The doctor got the swelling down but said I should not walk and he told me to rent a wheel chair if I wanted to go to the parks. It did not really ruin it. If anything we made a joke out of it. This picture was actually the result of my sister taking advantage of my limited mobility. She just kept piling on plushes on my lap until I could not see. Anyway, the worst part of the whole thing (aside from the wheelchair) was spending three hours in Celebration hospital.
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King Capybara 77

Thank you sir. You were an inspiration.
Premium Member
We thought we weren't going to get there in Sept '04 - a hurricane struck as we were about to leave UK, so all flights were cancelled for 3 days. We managed to get on a flight 3.5 days after we should have gone, so our holiday was reduced, but not ruined. We were just glad to get there, and when we saw the mess in Florida we were glad we hadn't been there at the time.

We must have got caught up in the same situation that year.
We woke up in Gatwick the morning we were supposed the travel out to florida and were told by the people at the Virgin atlantic desk that nothing was flying due to the Hurricane.we had to cancel our trip and fly back home later that morning.
On the plus side we got a Full refund from Virgin and rebooked to go back the following May(for 3 instead of 2 weeks).
On the downside it was our HONEYMOON:cry::cry::cry:...
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New Member
Thank you! That was all I wanted, so thank you for understanding. I wasn't looking for money, gifts, or anything meaningless. I just wanted to feel cared about. A simple phone call about a horrible fall is worth more then the cost of our entire trip, which, as we all know, is expensive.

From what you said, I agree with you.

The CM should have called parmedics, made your mom comfortable (move her to a bench, back stage, whatever) and stayed with you until paramedics arrived. He or she should have also taken contact info and made a follow up call just to check if all was OK.

It's called customer service, and the human thing to do.

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New Member
I've been very fortunate in that nothing bad has happened during our trips, although we've come close.

On our last trip to Disney World, my grandfather passed away the day we got back. I had thought about him a lot during that trip because he was with me during my first trip when I was six. And I know it sounds corny, but I sometimes think I had all those memories because I subconsciously knew his time was coming to an end.

And in April, we went to San Diego and then Disneyland at the exact moment the swine flu outbreak hit the area. On our first day in San Diego, there were 11 cases reported in the city. By the time we got to Anaheim, it was nearing 100. We didn't get sick, but we sure were on edge.
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