Has time run out on Spaceship Earth?


Well-Known Member
BeachClubVillas, your're right. Epcot isn't really Epcot anymore.

Garrrrrrr, I hate spelling it "Epcot", it is such a diservice to the city that never became, and to the park that once was. I yurn for the day of a completely new EPCOT Center. One that isnt a rip off six flags.

If the ride of SSE is gone, how could they even call it SSE anymore? What Spaceship Earth: Time Racers, oh my god, it's the end! [Well 1999 was the beginning of the end for what was at that time Epcot Center.

EPCOT Center/Epcot Center was my favorite park. I could connect to that park far better than any other one. Epcot, is more like my second favorite, and if we see a pattern within the next years, that they don't take down the wand or stars off the sphere, possibly expand on leave-a-legacy, take out innoventions, take out universe of energy and make this so called giant gift shop, and then take out SSE, and possibly the sphere?!

No way, I will be done with Disney. All they care about now is nickle and dime us, and what is cheap for them, and how to get back at nearby Universal. The only reason I got to Epcot now is to try to get in my nastalgic intake from both the 1982 EPCOT Center and 1996 Epcot Center, and to atleast give the new rides and shows a try, but hardly any of them were actually worthy of replacing or literally destroying their "elders".

The classics, and originality is slowly saying "goodbye".

corran horn

Well-Known Member
I'd be amazed if they torpedo'd Spaceship Earth. Updating it would be a much better idea.

Here's hoping that "Time Racers", if it happens, will go in the old "new global neighborhood" space.


Well-Known Member
Grizz, when you first mentioned this SSE change in another post you mentioned something about screen technology replacing the AA's.
Was this worst case scenario, theorizing or something you had heard?

General Grizz

New Member
Original Poster
Let me reiterate that I am certain (unless Eisner has REALLY gone bonkers :lookaroun ) that Disney will not touch the Spaceship Earth geosphere. They would only gut/redo the interior attraction.

VERY valid points on this thread. If they are going to gut the attraction to get rid of the clunking - fine. But I don't want screen technology. I want a brand new experience - as great as Horizons was in 1983, as great as Carousel of Progress was in 1964!

An attraction which uses solely "screen technology" or "thrills" (from what I hear, there were never serious plans to put in a coaster, by the way) is not the formula.

Here's an easy solution. Update the finale. Use the 50+ Animatronics left over from Horizons and create a brand new, out of this world (!) finale. Add a new narrator and a new score (if better than the current, which may be hard to accomplish!).

But, honestly, this is DELICATE. If Disney is about to close down the attraction and replace it with a screen-tech ride (which may break down ala Test Track based on the whole structural issue AND the fact that original plans for the rehab called for the vehicle to leave the sphere at some point), there isn't any going back. This thing is expensive to change (but probably not as expensive to build). . . and this is a dying form of truly Disneyesque showmanship.

If this idea is SO great and SO important to the park, there is room. But this is our last "lifesaver" - our last integrity-filled form of storytelling - and it also sickens me that I have to visit the parks in fear that it was the last time I could experience the attractions!

I'm holding my fingers crossed, hoping this project gets on hold and cancelled again. At least until I'm more trusting of management. . . because, honestly, after killing about 275 Audio-Animatronics from Epcot without replacement, I don't think Disney will want to salvage much show-wise. :brick:

General Grizz

New Member
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jrriddle said:
Grizz, when you first mentioned this SSE change in another post you mentioned something about screen technology replacing the AA's.
Was this worst case scenario, theorizing or something you had heard?
This is the general assumption from every source I had. In fact, the original WESH report called for some sort of movie screen-based attraction. . . could this be something like Spiderman? I'm not sure. (I cringe at this thought.)

Here's all the details for the working plan (from at least 2003):

- The ride will still be called “Spaceship Earth”
- The refurbishment was originally designed as part of Disney’s “Project Gemini”
- The post-show, almost Mission: Space style, will be called “Time Racers”
- The attraction will not become a roller coaster
- Screen technology will be the basis for the main ride
- Microsoft *could* be the corporate sponsor
- An entirely new show will replace Spaceship Earth, with the gutting of the interior of the sphere
- Plans call for the track to exit the sphere in some form at some point

Next time I find a confident and (very) reliable source (I'll try to set up some meetings later this summer), I'll post the latest.

No doubt the ride would be less than 5 minutes, too. :zipit:


Ok, So Why Don't We Save It????

BeachClubVillas said:
I hope Eisner is happy now. He'll end up turning Disney into one big tawdry City Walk/Universal or Six Flags and then he'll say "Isn't it beautiful?" What's next, beer stands in Fantasyland??

Not that this is a laughing matter at all, but that actually gace me a chuckle.

I agree - Disney should stop messing with the classics. if Spaceship Earth goes, I don't think I would even bother going to Epcot anymore. First World Of Motion, then Horizons, now this????

How many people are on this board????

Why don't we start up a petition??? I'll get it going myself. I could start a SAVE SPACESHIP EARTH THREAD, and put a note on there, please type your name here and only reply if you are interested in signing the petition.

If you're on here, print it up, get some signatures. Everybody do it - I'll give you a fax number to get them to me in about 30 days, I'll get the peition to Disney Management (SOMEHOW), and we'll get this thing done.



Well-Known Member
I had no idea there were AA's left from Horizons. [I wonder which ones :wave: .]

Now just hear me out. Let's go with the scenerio that they keep SSE the sphere and ride. Besides a new track systme, vehicles, sound, and lighting, with of course updated AA's, wouldn't it make sense to restore part of the original ending.

After we pass the television craze of the 60s, we once again see the man on his micro prossesor in the 1970s, then we see the woman on her PC in the 1980s, then the commications center of the 90s, then we pass through the transparent globe, and as we go up the tunnel we see on our left a realistic version of 2000 and the dawn of the 21st century, and further up on our right we see a futuristic entertainment room with AA's. When we reach the top we see astronauts, a futuristic vehicle or satelite, with constolations, stars, and other things, like the stuff you see in planteriums, and hubble telescope photos.

On the way down I would leave part of the ride with a tomorrow's child dedication, and then the last part I don't know. Something far better than the AA's from an already outdated ending, though I do like the model city and SSE the sphere floating through space.

I don't want to think so much right now of all the bad. It makes me sick. I want to think Grizz, oh what you said, the good that can come out if this with an improved SSE. Like you said...something that can really "WOW!" all of us again.

General Grizz

New Member
Original Poster
joviacdan said:
Not that this is a laughing matter at all, but that actually gace me a chuckle.

I agree - Disney should stop messing with the classics. if Spaceship Earth goes, I don't think I would even bother going to Epcot anymore. First World Of Motion, then Horizons, now this????

How many people are on this board????

Why don't we start up a petition??? I'll get it going myself. I could start a SAVE SPACESHIP EARTH THREAD, and put a note on there, please type your name here and only reply if you are interested in signing the petition.

If you're on here, print it up, get some signatures. Everybody do it - I'll give you a fax number to get them to me in about 30 days, I'll get the peition to Disney Management (SOMEHOW), and we'll get this thing done.

Sit tight. I'll have a brand new more permanent (and hopefully effective!) way for everyone to voice their opinions in the near future.

Expo writes, "had no idea there were AA's left from Horizons." Actually, I don't know. But they were all tagged, so I'm assuming they're in a warehouse somewhere.

The future of SE's AAs??






Permanent Resident of EPCOT
good job grizz. you clarified some stuff. im checking mapquest right now configuring the gas mileage so i can start rolling up spare change, looks like im going to be heading down for the night soon to get one last ride in. lol.

grizz, seeing that you are always "in the know" so to speak, and you are very knowledgable about certain issues and lastly you have over 8900 entries, how close are you to any disney managment/ imagineers. naturally, if you wouldnt like to say then that is cool.

one more thing, are you getting a feel of when. i know you said the 25th ann, so that would be in 2007......... but that is acouple of years away, are we looking at (possible) closing right after the new year?

sorry for all the questions............



Well-Known Member
I'm all for them updating the track system and, frankly, I think adding in some of the old Horizons/WoM Audio-Animatronics into the descent of Spaceship Earth would be fantastic. Even I'll admit the end of the ride needs work!! :lol: But I'm just not that trusting of Disney management. I just have this horrible vision of a Spiderman-like ride in there with the track wrapping around the sphere and hearing people screaming and seeing stupid 3-D glasses falling to the ground as everyone's first glimpse of Epcot. :hurl:

BTW, the beer stands in Fantasyland thing was meant to make you guys smile. :D


Park History nut
Premium Member
If SSE goes I`m going to Universal....

Only joking (just). Lets hope Eisner retires before any of this gets a yellow light (the UK version - it comes before green).

Say Grizz, lets hope your project dosn`t become a tribute one!

General Grizz

New Member
Original Poster
Hey, no worries.

jmaxwell007 said:
good job grizz. you clarified some stuff. im checking mapquest right now configuring the gas mileage so i can start rolling up spare change, looks like im going to be heading down for the night soon to get one last ride in. lol.

Which is unfortunate. I've had to leave Wonders of Life, staring back each visit, thinking "Gosh, is this the last time I leave this place?" I'm sure leaving the Land this December won't be too fun. If Disney could simply be TRUSTworthy and HONEST, we'd be able to know when Wonders of Life/Journey Into Imagination/Horizons/Food Rocks/Timekeeper closed for good. Instead, they're closed quickly and silently after rumors start spreading (in places like this).

jmaxwell007 said:
how close are you to any disney managment/ imagineers. naturally, if you wouldnt like to say then that is cool.

I know a couple managers and several Imagineers, but honestly, hardly any of my information comes from them - most are pretty paranoid; they could lose their jobs if they spilled anything. It's from extreme insiders (who have absolutely no position in the company). But I don't want to go into specifics to protect them. :)

jmaxwell007 said:
but that is acouple of years away, are we looking at (possible) closing right after the new year?

This thing is still in the concept stages (as far as I know). It was killed sometime last year, but now that Disney seems to be wanting to do a new attraction each year, (Stitch 2004, Soarin' 2005, Everest 2006/7ish. . .), they'll want to add a new addition every year to keep the guests coming which is actually a smart idea, despite the possibility of mere clones) they'll probably want to put this in progress as soon as they can. It was originally slated for the 25th anniversary. . . and now it seems a little late. So I really can't answer this one until I get more reliable information (hopefully, within the next month).

Also. . . see "Grizz will Roar" thread in General Discussion for some similar opinion posts.

General Grizz

New Member
Original Poster
BeachClubVillas said:
WoM Audio-Animatronics

Don't you know?? A grand chunk of the 180 animatronics are now Pirates at Disneyland.

Some of our friends are sitting in the dust:


BeachClubVillas said:
But I'm just not that trusting of Disney management.

Bing-o. It's not the fact that it's a new attraction. It's all based on the track record (budget/quality/show-wise) of the management. And it still ain't there.

BeachClubVillas said:
I just have this horrible vision of a Spiderman-like ride in there with the track wrapping around the sphere and hearing people screaming and seeing stupid 3-D glasses falling to the ground as everyone's first glimpse of Epcot. :hurl:

And that's the worst part. Disney can't trust its own forms of storytelling (although I've heard Disney originally designed the Spiderman plans). Instead, they're going off and copying Nickelodeon (on TV) or other movie companies (in the non-musical, unDisneyesque live action/animated films). As for the parks, with more thrill and less quality per replacement, Disney seems to be wanting to copy other theme parks rather than innovating (because it's cheaper to do this), thinking they can survive on top based on the past (nostalgia factor for the parks in general - i.e. "the image of Cinderella's Castle is enough to keep us on the top").


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
General Grizz said:
Seriously! I hope I don't have to fear the same thing about my future Carousel of Progress release! :brick:

thanks grizz for the replies up top.................... means a lot since im sitting in my cubical at work (looking around to make sure bossman isnt looking over sholder :lookaroun ) ok, coast clear. look for it soon.

and about the CoOP tribute video, come on now, i can only take so much in one day................... im heading to the watercooler, i need something to wash down the meds. lol


Well-Known Member
General Grizz said:
This is the general assumption from every source I had. In fact, the original WESH report called for some sort of movie screen-based attraction. . . could this be something like Spiderman? I'm not sure. (I cringe at this thought.)

Here's all the details for the working plan (from at least 2003):

- The ride will still be called “Spaceship Earth”
- The refurbishment was originally designed as part of Disney’s “Project Gemini”
- The post-show, almost Mission: Space style, will be called “Time Racers”
- The attraction will not become a roller coaster
- Screen technology will be the basis for the main ride
- Microsoft *could* be the corporate sponsor
- An entirely new show will replace Spaceship Earth, with the gutting of the interior of the sphere
- Plans call for the track to exit the sphere in some form at some point

Next time I find a confident and (very) reliable source (I'll try to set up some meetings later this summer), I'll post the latest.

No doubt the ride would be less than 5 minutes, too. :zipit:

I would have no problem with them building this attraction. It sounds pretty sweet.
Just NOT at the expense of losing SSE!
There has to be other areas in FutureWorld to build it.


Well-Known Member
Disney obviously seems more interested in keeping up with the Universals and Six parks of the world than to cater to the rest of us who are looking for something a little different than that. Perhaps the ultimate answer is not to fight Disney, but to find someone else entirely who is willing to build a great theme park with unique attractions and settings and who will give Disney some real competition. Either Disney gets the hint and starts rethinking their plans, or we find a new place to go.


New Member
Expo_Seeker40 said:
Are the imagineers drunk, or are they mere puppets of Eisner and his crew? :fork:

Yes, actually they are. Unfortunitly, the imagineers can come up with the most creative concepts in the world, however if it doesn't fit into Eisners budget plan then it won't be built. In contrast to Walt who put creativity before budget. Sad isn't it.


New Member
I don't understand anyone here. Honestly, a classic ride may be going, but hopefully a new classic will replace it. And if management really cares, they will no squander the budget for Epcot's centerpiece. And I am pretty sure that if anything goes wrong, those who caused the wrong will feel such a wrath from the other people in the company that it wont be funny.

But relax and have faith. If a park is supposed to be about the future, then it should not be full of 20 year old attractions. The attractions should be top of the line and more advanced than anything on earth. (which is what Test Track and Mission Space are)

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