Has time run out on Spaceship Earth?


Active Member
SSE is still my favorite ride on property, and without WoM, Horizons, or WoL, it's one of the two rides/pavilions that I look forward to in Future World (The Land pavilion/ride being the other).
If it goes, I'll be truly upset. While I have a nostalgia for these old attractions, my love for this ride is more than nostalgia - i love the story, the sights, sounds, and smells - beyond just nostalgia.
I won't sit and knock MS or Test Track, but I don't get the same feeling from these. And I've ridden Test Track enough that if there was any nostalgia to be had, I'd have it. But I don't. And I wouldn't miss it if it closed tomorrow. That's too bad. I'm sure some would, but not me.
I can't trust current management to do the right thing with SSE. Some upgrade would be nice towards the end (and butt pads on the seats), but to see it ruined would mean the end of EPCOT to me. Only a truly great AA ride with an inspiring story could replace it. Or anything for that matter.
If SSE were to close, then I'd basically ride the land and soarin (good ride even if it is a clone), and head over to the Rose and Crown for Guinness all day.

Thanks for the post Grizz. Let's hope they're just protecting their ASSets with the patent office. :animwink:


Well-Known Member
We can only hope that any updates to this wonderfully inspiring attraction keep the basic premise and continue to showcase the ingenuity of the human spirit with the hope of inspiring even more great problem-solving.

Walt Disney always was, as you know, about progress. I do not think he would have wanted a 20-year-old attraction to be preserved in its clanky state forever. But you also must remember that this progress would have to be for the better, and would have to conform to his ideals. Change for the sake of change is pathetic, but change for the sake of progress is marvelous.

SE must progress. And I see not how screen technology can demonstrate this progression. Sure, it can simulate events of the past, present, and even future. But even when three-dimensional (with the glasses and all (Spiderman)), it holds not a stick to actual, tangible scenes, like the Audio-Animatronics. Any progression better keep the Audio-Animatronics, or include some yet unknown and even greater technology. Flat screens have been done before. An attraction built on screen technology only is doomed, for it lacks a progressive vision.... even when rendered with the utmost in new visual graphics. A combination of screens and three-dimensional props and figures, like Spiderman, I do not completely banish. But, it's been done before. And, if done merely to increase the induced thrills, it's a pathetic downgrade. Thrills did not build EPCOT Center. Inspiration built EPCOT Center. Inspiration can CONTINUE to built Epcot - there is no reason for it to cease. And concerning attendance, and whiny kids who care only to be flipped upside-down and hurtled around and around and around on centrifuges: Epcot is spotted with "thrills." If you want more thrills, visit any of the other parks in the thirty-mile-or-so radius of Orlando, FL (including the other Disney parks). BUT... do not replace inspiration with thrills for the mere sake of trying to increase revenue and attendance. There is an abundance of land to build new, unique, and inspiring thrills all around Epcot. But do not rip out the essence of a classic, a MASTERPIECE, for thrills. In whatever updates come to SE, be sure to keep the essence of its story - the wonderful, magnificent tale of human communication on our lonely and hostile Spaceship Earth - and be sure to preserve the inspirational message contained in the highly-detailed Disneyesque scenery - that if we can dream it, we really can do it. But do not spin and jerk me around an a harrowing journey back and forth through time with flat screens everywhere I look for the mere sake of change.

Don't change.



Well-Known Member
Tis very sad indeed.Spaceship Earth,the last great AA ride left in Future World or will it be the horrible sounding Discoveryland*shudder*.I remember a time when EPCOT Center was full of those kind of rides,beautifully done,capitivating,emotional,inspirational,rich in detail,beautiful musical scores and songs that stuck in your head.Spaceship Earth should stay in its same form forever,updated occasionally but keep the score,the AA,the heart,the meaning.The last thing EPCOT needs right now is another thrill ride.The first thing EPCOT needs is a ride done in the same manner of JII,WOM,and of course Horizons.EPCOT needs the heart,the meaning,EPCOT needs to return to EPCOT Center.It also needs to return to the place in the dedication plaque.It needs to not only entertain but also inform and inspire,but mostly,it needs to be the place that shows Walt's creative genius.Spaceship Earth is the last attraction in EPCOT that still does this.This is all we have,i remember when we had so much more of this,when all the attractions had that meaning.We cant let Spaceship Earth be replaced by a thrill ride to get the teens to come in.If the teens are too feeble minded to realize the meaning of EPCOT and its attractions thats their problem,this is why we lost EPCOT Center.Somehow,Someway we must stop the destruction of Spaceship Earth,all that what we have left of the heart,and begin the progress getting all the meaning and heart back.Come everyone,let us save Spaceship Earth,let us save EPCOT and then maybe,just maybe EPCOT Center can be once more.

General Grizz

New Member
Original Poster
SirNim said:
We can only hope that any updates to this wonderfully inspiring attraction keep the basic premise and continue to showcase the ingenuity of the human spirit with the hope of inspiring even more great problem-solving.

Walt Disney always was, as you know, about progress. I do not think he would have wanted a 20-year-old attraction to be preserved in its clanky state forever. But you also must remember that this progress would have to be for the better, and would have to conform to his ideals. Change for the sake of change is pathetic, but change for the sake of progress is marvelous.

SE must progress. And I see not how screen technology can demonstrate this progression. Sure, it can simulate events of the past, present, and even future. But even when three-dimensional (with the glasses and all (Spiderman)), it holds not a stick to actual, tangible scenes, like the Audio-Animatronics. Any progression better keep the Audio-Animatronics, or include some yet unknown and even greater technology. Flat screens have been done before. An attraction built on screen technology only is doomed, for it lacks a progressive vision.... even when rendered with the utmost in new visual graphics. A combination of screens and three-dimensional props and figures, like Spiderman, I do not completely banish. But, it's been done before. And, if done merely to increase the induced thrills, it's a pathetic downgrade. Thrills did not build EPCOT Center. Inspiration built EPCOT Center. Inspiration can CONTINUE to built Epcot - there is no reason for it to cease. And concerning attendance, and whiny kids who care only to be flipped upside-down and hurtled around and around and around on centrifuges: Epcot is spotted with "thrills." If you want more thrills, visit any of the other parks in the thirty-mile-or-so radius of Orlando, FL (including the other Disney parks). BUT... do not replace inspiration with thrills for the mere sake of trying to increase revenue and attendance. There is an abundance of land to build new, unique, and inspiring thrills all around Epcot. But do not rip out the essence of a classic, a MASTERPIECE, for thrills. In whatever updates come to SE, be sure to keep the essence of its story - the wonderful, magnificent tale of human communication on our lonely and hostile Spaceship Earth - and be sure to preserve the inspirational message contained in the highly-detailed Disneyesque scenery - that if we can dream it, we really can do it. But do not spin and jerk me around an a harrowing journey back and forth through time with flat screens everywhere I look for the mere sake of change.

Don't change.

B-i-n-g-o (and Nimmy - and PeeplMoovr were their names-o).

If an attraction that will replace Spaceship Earth cannot retain the progress - both story-wise and by MEANS of storytelling - then there is no point in killing the attraction.

Hopefully that should clear up your confusion with our feeling, DarkMeasures. I don't think it's logical to say Disney will be willing to invest in great storytelling as much anymore - quality or thematically, at least - and until we see that management cares about the core values of Epcot and Disney showmanship, we will be resistant to their alterations, especially since this is our last attraction of an entire Disney genre.

corran horn

Well-Known Member
I do enjoy the 'nostalgia' effect of Spaceship Earth and other things like 'Listen to the Land'...but to me, the MK is the park for nostalgia. Epcot should be about learning and as such should incorporate new information, ideas, and technology into each attraction.

I was recently thrown for a loop while looking over some information on early EPCOT Center stuff. Seeing 'The Land', basically (looked 100%) the same back then as it is now was pretty disconcerting. Have there been no advances in agriculture during this time?


Well-Known Member
I dont think any changes are anywhere close

The new part is probably just the exit area. It is walled up and being redone.
Maybe some little virtual area will be there soon. Sort of what they have at the exit area of Test Track.


Well-Known Member
I believe the exit area closed up just because AT&T dropped sponsership,thats all.No redoing of the Global Neighborhood right now.Its just sitting,everything turned off,kinda like the old Imageworks.

General Grizz

New Member
Original Poster
Horizons1 said:
I believe the exit area closed up just because AT&T dropped sponsership,thats all.No redoing of the Global Neighborhood right now.Its just sitting,everything turned off,kinda like the old Imageworks.
Yup. It's dead for now because of the AT&T logos, etc.

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
If they replace SSE with a Spiderman type ride with screens, I will be seriousely ed. SSE is a great relaxing attractions with a great narration and music. The AAs could use some updateing, and so could a few of the Special effects, but if it ain't broke, don't fix it! Save SSE!


New Member
I for some reason, find it wrong to find Spaceship earth in its current condition. I don't know. I also feel that it is wrong to keep the attraction the way it is. I would rather see new technology tell the same story to date than ride the old ride with the old technology. It is a risk on supporting change, because the attraction could become absolutly horrible, but then again, if the new ride has the same feeling, same heart, and same story, then I am sure a new version would surpase the current version.

General Grizz

New Member
Original Poster
DarkMeasures said:
I for some reason, find it wrong to find Spaceship earth in its current condition. I don't know. I also feel that it is wrong to keep the attraction the way it is. I would rather see new technology tell the same story to date than ride the old ride with the old technology. It is a risk on supporting change, because the attraction could become absolutly horrible, but then again, if the new ride has the same feeling, same heart, and same story, then I am sure a new version would surpase the current version.
Is new technology a bunch of video screens? Or would you prefer a new Disney Audio Animatronics, truly virtual reality, attraction?

Sadly, I think they have the former in mind.

Badger Brent

Active Member
Safe to say that the EPCOT Icon is here to stay for awhile. Kind of make you wonder...You walk up to the big golf ball and see the enormous walls surrounding it...Refurbishing for your future enjoyment.. :lol:
I thought Walt described his intentions of the parks to be a ever evolving work in progress. Just me 2cents. :wave:


Well-Known Member
It so saddens me to head all of this about SSE. It also sucks to realize that even the classic rides don't seem to hold their classic appeal to those uppity-ups in Disney management. They seem to assume that the attention-spans of guests are so low that the only way to keep attendence is to update an original ride with bright flashy things and high-tech stuff. I'm sorry but some rides jsut don't need it. :zipit: Yes, the older rides could use routine maintenence for technical problems, but hte overall ride structure and *especially* theming should not be touched. That is part of the reason we Disneyphiles keep returning to the World. Its for the nostalgia. Without the classic rides we know and love (RIP Horizons and original JIYI) it isn't a true Disney experience. :mad: I agree with:
-- the addition of new AA's
-- an update with the post-show
-- new narrator/possible soundtrack
-- update of final "future" scene

I know i jumped in late to this discussion, but I definitely wanted to voice my opinion on this. :fork:


Well-Known Member
I, like many of you, have problems with the idea of totally redoing SSE. If it's just updating the animatronics and effects, and making the ride system a little smoother, then that's fine. New soundtrack? I agree there as well. But if they tried turning it into a thrill ride style attraction, with screens or what have you, in an effort to attract the teens, then I do have a problem with it. I'm in the broadcast industry. As you may be aware, the age group that is most prized is generally between 18-34. It really ends up being closer to 22-34 in actuality, though that they want. Why is this? It's because out of everyone, this is the age group that is seen to have the most "expendable income." This means that if you are attracting a large segment of that population's age group, you are attracting a large segment of the money in the country that you want coming in your direction. Which group is one of the least targeted? The teens. Why? Because they have the least expendable income. Even youner children are targeted more because as anyone with kids knows, they can be very hard to say no to sometimes and parents buy more toys and such for their kids when they are younger than they might when they are teens. So, if Disney were to turn around and try to turn EPCOT into a park to attract mostly teens, then they may end up turning off a fair amount of the population that actually controls the money. Doing this would reduce the amount of residual income from souvenirs, food, drink, etc. That would in turn reduce the overall income of the park and make them scramble trying to come up with "the next big attraction that should get everyone excited and coming back." I just think that trying to build purely thrill rides will backfire and cause the downfall of this great park.


Well-Known Member
Cynderella said:
It would be sooo sad on Disney's part if they change Spaceship Earth. They've already ruined other rides and they prolly will go and ruin this one too. Just give it time...it'll happen.

Way to stay positive :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Jeff D

New Member
I wouldn't mid a gutting of this ride. I enjoy it but it was dated and needs a big redo. On that note i want to say this. I don't mind screen tech if disney decides to go push the envelope even further. they could do this by mixing in quite a few animatronics into it and maybe even effects like the rider on the bike at Terminator 3D. That's a great effect that could work very well if done right.

The story should be a same basic one just with a big update to it. Like I said screen techis fince but not for a whole ride and if they get innovatove and mix in the animatroics figures all over it would be far better.

Another thing, technically the SSE ride vehicles go outside the sphere at teh load and unload point. That whole area, alon with the old Golbal Neighborhood is oputside the main ride building and below it. You go up down ramps, in a structure, to enter/ exit the main sphere.

I was thinking based on that, and the headache the global Neighborhood area has been, is it possible that when they redo the ride they move the laod/ unload area to that part of the building. If you gut the ride and put a new trck in I can't see a problom doing that. That would make far better use of the building, get rid of the weird hidden exits, and give them a place right under the sphere (where the old que was) to make use of for whatever.


Well-Known Member
Number_6 said:
So, if Disney were to turn around and try to turn EPCOT into a park to attract mostly teens, then they may end up turning off a fair amount of the population that actually controls the money.

Very well said! There are lots of other parks out there that cater to teens - and most (if not all?) of them are day-trip destinations. WDW is a family destination. So yes, teens need to find things that appeal to them, but Epcot is already at a disadvantage when it comes to attracting younger kids (and their parents!) so I would hope that any changes to SSE are in the forms of additions rather than replacements.


New Member
thrill seekers are not only teens, I know plenty of adults who pay money to get into parks that have thrills then pay money to buy things in the park, so its the same thing as having a non-thrill seeker.


New Member
General Grizz said:
Is new technology a bunch of video screens? Or would you prefer a new Disney Audio Animatronics, truly virtual reality, attraction?

Sadly, I think they have the former in mind.

Well, we don't know what this new screen technology is. For all we know, the screens might be very simliar to the Omnimax bubbles like what Horizon's had. But it is a rumor still. And if this new ride comes into play, who said the screen technology would replace the whole ride or any AAs removed.

Well, if the AAs are removed, there is still Living with the Land with its 40 AAs.

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