Has anyone gone to disney pregnant


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I just found out I am pregnant. My family and i have a trip planned for Sept 22. i will be almost 8 months by then. i think it will be no fun for me. i am wondering has anyone gone pregnant and maybe if i switch my trip to the first week of August when i am on the border of 6 and 7 months that it would be ok. We were going to cancel all together and wait til next year. Advise anyone??? We have 3 other kids we would be taking there ages are 13, 7, and 2. Thanks


Well-Known Member
I went when I was 4 months along in March, and I was fine, however, 6/7 months in August... well, I couldn't do it, that's for sure. :dazzle: I barely made it last August not pregnant. :lol:

If this were my situation, I'd probably cancel and wait. Being pregnant just takes way too much of a toll on me to be able to handle WDW in either of those situations, being that far along.


New Member
Going down in April while the wifey will be 4 months pregnant. Just planning on not going on any jarring rides. We go down every year so this time will be a lot of light rides, photos, and trying a lot of foods. :)


Well-Known Member
I was thinking more of the weather.
August is a hard month, pregnant or not. I know that I, physically, would not be able to do it.


Active Member
First of all I see your from Jersey, so it's not a quick trip no matter how you get there. Many airlines will not let you fly that close to the end, if you drive that is a reaaly long time to sit in the car when you are sooo pregnant. Driving could take forever if you consider all the P stops you'll have to make along the way ( and believe me you will need to P alot!). August also not the best move because it is really really really hot and humid.
My sis was 6-7 months pregnant when she went last year in Oct. and after the first day her feet looked like balloons and her back and legs were killing her. She did however rent one of those little scooter things (available for rental by the main entrance near the strollers). That scooter thing did make a big difference. My sis only lives 3 hours from Disney so the trip wasn't too bad. Good Luck and CONGRATULATIONS!!!:D


New Member
Sorry to post this here....I'm trying to update my signature and can't figure out where to do it. If anyone could post a quick reply I'd appreciate it.


New Member
I was thinking more of the weather.
August is a hard month, pregnant or not. I know that I, physically, would not be able to do it.

I agree! I don't think going pregnant would be horrible....uncomfortable, maybe, but not horrible. Going pregnant in August would be downright miserable! I would definitely wait until it it cooler. I will NEVER go in July/August again!

I GOT pregnant at WDW on my honeymoon... :lookaroun ... Guess you really didn't care to know that. :lol: Sorry!


Well-Known Member
I had gone down the first week in September and I was 8 months pregnant..I was fine , my doctor gave me the ok, Yeah of course you can't or should I say should'nt really do the big rides but I was fine...Yeah by the end of the trip you basically know where every bathroom is and you have cankles ...lol..but I had a great time...My advice lots and lots of water...put your feet up when you get a chance..pace yourself(although my family joked that with me being prego it might slow me down , I'm a fast walker always in front....no.. being prego did'nt stop that!!) I did notice how nice people were on the bus especially at the end of the nite when they really pack them in, plus my daughter at the time who was 3 decided i had to hold her...all the time....you'll be fine....Have a great time and congrats!!!!! Another Disney baby !!!!


Well-Known Member
I'd just reschedule. My wife is currently 3 months pregnant and we just did Universal and even in February with cool weather it was tough on her. August is a tough month to do the parks even in the best of health due to the heat. I think you'd probably be miserable. I'd advise to just wait until after the baby is born and then go when you can enjoy things more.

We're considering making a trip to Epcot next month for a day, but my wife will definitely have to use a wheel chair if we go and things like Mission Space and Test Track are definitely out. Luckily the rest of the things at Epcot should be fine for her.


Active Member
:wave: I wouldnt. Its very hot and humid in Aug. and its hard to do it not pregnant. really miserable. Pregnant would make it 10 times worse. theres always another time..............something to plan for in the future!!!


Active Member
I just got back from a Disney trip, where I was 2 months along. That being said, I don't think I'd risk it going to Disney so far along. My Doc has already advised me to stick fairly close to home during the 3rd Trimester.

It's mostly out of concern that if something DID happen, you'd be so far away from your Doc, who knows you and your case. You'll be stuck in a hospital far from home, for who knows how long, should complications arise while you're away. Not to mention, that the stress on your body when you'd be 8 months would be more than *I* could handle. I was exhausted from our most recent trip - and I'm not 35 pounds heavier like I'm sure I'll be at the end.

If you have the option, see if you can go before the third trimester. You'll be feeling a lot better, will enjoy yourself more, and will put yourself and the kiddo at less risk.

Oh, and congrats! :wave:


Active Member
I think a lot depends on YOU..how you handle pregnancy (although each is different), plus you have the 3 other kids to watch and/or chase..I went in April when I was 6/7 months pregnant plus I had 4, 3 and 1 yr olds and it was fine. I didnt get the 'nice' people on the bus offering me a seat either so I stood on the bus holding my 1 yr old most nights:p It is definitely hotter in Aug so again I think it depends a lot on you & how you handle the heat. I think I would be a bit nervous going at almost 8 months since it is so far from home.


Well-Known Member
I went once in May when I was 7.5 months prego. I was fine and had a blast. At the time, my pregnancy was a breeze (no heartburn, no swelling, no nauseau, no excessive trips to the restrooms, etc.). Like Trishnh said, it depends on you and how this pregnancy is for you. My advice is that you can wait another few months, see how this pregnancy unfolds, and make your decision then.

BTW, Congrats!


Well-Known Member
I just got back from a Disney trip, where I was 2 months along. That being said, I don't think I'd risk it going to Disney so far along. My Doc has already advised me to stick fairly close to home during the 3rd Trimester.

It's mostly out of concern that if something DID happen, you'd be so far away from your Doc, who knows you and your case. You'll be stuck in a hospital far from home, for who knows how long, should complications arise while you're away. Not to mention, that the stress on your body when you'd be 8 months would be more than *I* could handle. I was exhausted from our most recent trip - and I'm not 35 pounds heavier like I'm sure I'll be at the end.

If you have the option, see if you can go before the third trimester. You'll be feeling a lot better, will enjoy yourself more, and will put yourself and the kiddo at less risk.

Oh, and congrats! :wave:

Or 60, if you're me. :lookaroun :eek: :lol:


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thanks. i am usually good with all my pregnancys. I am going to wait until May to make a decision. i will see how i feel then. Maybe just postpone til march 2008. Thanks for all your advise:) i go every year in Sept and you are right about the humidity it is a killer.

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