Harry Potter IS making a difference!!


Well-Known Member
Seriously? Not a chance.
By 2013 Potter will be nearly twice the size it is now (or well on it's way), and still rolling. FJ will still be a better attraction than anything Disney has built in the last decade, and Potter merch will still be selling like crazy.

FLE dominate? That's funny. FLE isn't going to dominate anything but perhaps the Guinness record for most strollers in one place.

Where is it going to expand to?? Its either going to have to canabalize more of the legacy attractions in the park, or take over what little backstage areas they have. The park is hemmed in by highways (Turkey Lane and Hollywood), Lake Cain, residential areas, and its own resorts.

Also what areas would you create for the additional Potter parks??? Most of the movie takes place on the grounds of Hogwarts, on a train, or in G.B. What are they going to do... build a replica of Kings Cross and row houses?? or the ramshackle Weasley house, or a field?? If anything it would be carnival games such as casting interactive spells at a digital Voldemort or a quidditch themed roller coaster.

Expanding PW without new and significant places from a new set of books is just going to the well one too many times.


Well-Known Member
Not entirely correct.
I can state for a fact that Disney is not happy about the effect that Potter is having on them. They are in fact seeing guests take days off their trip to go to IoA. True, that has always happened to some extent, but nowhere near the level it has happened this year. It is having an effect on Disney's bottom line. Agreed, WDW's resort superiority will never be in doubt, but that extra money that is going to Uni instead of Disney is causing quite a few headaches.
And it is in fact lost days. According to what I am hearing from inside Disney, guests are not adding days to their trip for Uni, they are giving up a Disney day, or two.
Sorry if you don't like to hear that.
Also, the huge spotlight that Disney has enjoyed to itself in Orlando is now being eroded by Uni. More guests than ever, both international and domestic, are pointing to Universal as a reason to visit central Florida. That drives Disney nuts. Sure, they know competition is a good thing, but they really hate that they aren't the hot property in town right now. They have lost the bragging rights for best-themed area and best ride. They don't like that.

To be honest, I actually liked reading that. If Disney is satiated with their parks and aren't being challenged, why add anything new? Why improve things? The fact that Harry Potter is scaring the pants off of Disney should be seen as great news. They need the jolt. I'm tired of the stagnation of the past. I want a real reason to visit WDW again next time around.

And for the record, I couldn't give a broomstick about Harry Potter, but I'm quite aware of much people enjoy the series. I'll always find myself at WDW (as I've had in 2008, 2010, and soon to be 2011) even though the parks are becoming homogenized and stale. We're simply not interested in visiting Universal or SeaWorld. (Though I guess I'm slowly becoming a minority.) I hope Potter keeps using his wizarding skills, so long as this means good stuff for WDW.


Well-Known Member
Where is it going to expand to?? Its either going to have to canabalize more of the legacy attractions in the park, or take over what little backstage areas they have. The park is hemmed in by highways (Turkey Lane and Hollywood), Lake Cain, residential areas, and its own resorts.

Also what areas would you create for the additional Potter parks??? Most of the movie takes place on the grounds of Hogwarts, on a train, or in G.B. What are they going to do... build a replica of Kings Cross and row houses?? or the ramshackle Weasley house, or a field?? If anything it would be carnival games such as casting interactive spells at a digital Voldemort or a quidditch themed roller coaster.

Expanding PW without new and significant places from a new set of books is just going to the well one too many times.

Unless I'm mistaken rumors point it to taking over the rest of "The Lost Continent" area.


Well-Known Member
Where is it going to expand to?? Its either going to have to canabalize more of the legacy attractions in the park, or take over what little backstage areas they have. The park is hemmed in by highways (Turkey Lane and Hollywood), Lake Cain, residential areas, and its own resorts.

Also what areas would you create for the additional Potter parks??? Most of the movie takes place on the grounds of Hogwarts, on a train, or in G.B. What are they going to do... build a replica of Kings Cross and row houses?? or the ramshackle Weasley house, or a field?? If anything it would be carnival games such as casting interactive spells at a digital Voldemort or a quidditch themed roller coaster.

Expanding PW without new and significant places from a new set of books is just going to the well one too many times.

There is a certain wizarding bank that is begging to be an attraction.:)


Well-Known Member
Anyone who claims that HP isn't affecting Disney is in serious denial. Too bad they have nothing in the pipeline to counter them.

All this article focuses on is the first quarter of attendance. Universal got a very similar bump when it expanded and put in IOA..... then what happened class???? after several years the attendance dropped due to lack of attention to detail, boredom, theming, etc. No denying the place has wild and exciting rides.... but it lacked the timeless classics and the ability to refurb and gradually add attractions that Disney has done. (TSM, Splash, AI, RnRC, Yeti, etc are the more recent)

Let the second and final movie come out and give a year or so after that and you will see PW start to go stagnant. Unless JKR can come up with a new angle to wizardry and find an equally lovable cast to serve as the next generation (Star Trek, Stargate) for the series.... it would be difficult to justify more capital on Potter's world.
Also, Uni has a finite park capacity in terms of expandable land space


Well-Known Member
Unless I'm mistaken rumors point it to taking over the rest of "The Lost Continent" area.

So this proves my point... its conversion, not growth.

Gringots bank eh??? what do you get to do there? swim in money? talk to animatronic goblins, go on a mine car ride, or a rollercoaster to simulate blasting out of the bank on a dragon's back? whoopie... can't wait. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
So this proves my point... its conversion, not growth.

Gringots bank eh??? what do you get to do there? swim in money? talk to animatronic goblins, go on a mine car ride, or a rollercoaster to simulate blasting out of the bank on a dragon's back? whoopie... can't wait. :rolleyes:


I really do love how catty fans can get when something steps on the object of their fandom's toes. I wonder if people would be having the same things to say about Harry Potter if Wizarding World was located in WDW. Somehow I doubt it.

As for the content of your post, it's very easy to say the say about the FLE. What can I do there? Go on a mine car ride with Snow White? A slow moving dark ride with mermaids? Listen to a bed time story with a princess? Princess, princess, princess? Whoopie...can't wait.:rolleyes:



Well-Known Member
Here is my take on this... Im a WDW Local, but have not visited US since 2001..... BUT I DID RECENTLY VISIT The Disneyland Resort.

I can make the comparison easily: WDW is Tiki Room Under New Management and DLR is Walt Disney's Enchanted Tiki Room.

TDA seems to put PLUSSING the Guest experience at the top of the list...while TDO is more centered on numbers and dollars.

DLR is seeing profits, attendance, etc rise..... WDW is seeing profits, attendance, etc stagnate or decline.

I LOVE WDW, seeing how Disneyland's Attraction Holiday Overlays, World of Color, Main Street USA full of unique shops filled with unique merchandise, different merchandise offerings for various attractions, a DTD that was alive and full of energy after dark...the list goes on and on... MADE me SAD and disappointed.

"Disneyland is a local park" is a crock full of shieeet (sorry moderators!) I swear it seemed every other person I spoke to was from somewhere non-local to Southern Cali.... Maybe it WAS a local park...and perhaps DLR is where a chunk of WDW's numbers traveled to....

Is WDW still the best place in the world to go? Heck yes!!!!! BUT if WDW was more like DLR then this topic would be dead dead dead.....because those folks out there in Anaheim (no matter what it was like back years ago!) are doing things very very right imho!!!!

If anyone is reading this from WDW or TDO: You can do great things, a lot of us believe in you, or at least I do... but a word of advice: Cherish and love your Local Florida and regional Fanbase...DLR has embraced that mentality and look at them now! People sing, clap, and cheer in electrical unison in DLR's Tiki Room... Just because the show is from 1963 doesnt make it old or bad.... Walt said he wanted Disneyland to be for children, adults, grandparents,etc to all have a place to come to be young at heart again.... at the moment the DLR is rising to that challenge.... Dances in Disneyland Park, attraction overlays, etc etc..... Perhaps each of you should go to the DLR as a Guest (wear a disguise!!!) and see for yourself how Disneyland has merged classic and the present into something special.

PS....Please give Jose back his show....


Well-Known Member
Not entirely correct.
I can state for a fact that Disney is not happy about the effect that Potter is having on them. They are in fact seeing guests take days off their trip to go to IoA. True, that has always happened to some extent, but nowhere near the level it has happened this year. It is having an effect on Disney's bottom line. Agreed, WDW's resort superiority will never be in doubt, but that extra money that is going to Uni instead of Disney is causing quite a few headaches.
And it is in fact lost days. According to what I am hearing from inside Disney, guests are not adding days to their trip for Uni, they are giving up a Disney day, or two.
Sorry if you don't like to hear that.
Also, the huge spotlight that Disney has enjoyed to itself in Orlando is now being eroded by Uni. More guests than ever, both international and domestic, are pointing to Universal as a reason to visit central Florida. That drives Disney nuts. Sure, they know competition is a good thing, but they really hate that they aren't the hot property in town right now. They have lost the bragging rights for best-themed area and best ride. They don't like that.

Keep in mind that everytime one of the folks you describe ride Spiderman and then buy anything MARVEL a cash register rings at Disney.

That drives Uni nuts.

Heh. :D
Where's that "game changer"? Please. The truth is in the numbers. The article reports a 36% increase in attendance.

Let's see... Let's for the sake of argument that IOA sees that number hold for the entire year. 36%.

Last year that park saw attendance at 4,500,000. Plus 36% = 6,120,000. That would still place the park WAY behind DAK at 9,590,000 and only slightly ahead of DCA at 6,095,000.

Now, no way the 36% will hold. Game changer? Nope. Good for Universal? Without a doubt.


Well-Known Member
the ability to refurb and gradually add attractions that Disney has done. (TSM, Splash, AI, RnRC, Yeti, etc are the more recent)
A model Disney has spent ignoring because Universal's was cheaper. The two have switched roles in a many ways. Image if both followed Disney's methods?


New Member
The fans who are thinking that it is just going to start taking over Lost Continent next year are thinking far too big far too soon. It would be a waste of a business move as this is going to be popular for a very long time as it is such a new attraction to the world. What I would expect to see is growth in things like Holiday celebrations (which are HUGE and vast in The Wizarding World) possibly interactive wands that trigger things hidden all about the area, and of course. Infinitus, the Harry Potter convention every year.

For those who consider it a fad or flash in the pan...
7 Blockbuster films (with one more on the way) and the highest selling and grossing book series of all time.

Harry Potter has been a huge name internationally going on 13 years now.


Active Member
All this article focuses on is the first quarter of attendance. Universal got a very similar bump when it expanded and put in IOA..... then what happened class???? after several years the attendance dropped due to lack of attention to detail, boredom, theming, etc. No denying the place has wild and exciting rides.... but it lacked the timeless classics and the ability to refurb and gradually add attractions that Disney has done. (TSM, Splash, AI, RnRC, Yeti, etc are the more recent)



Well-Known Member
For those who consider it a fad or flash in the pan...
7 Blockbuster films (with one more on the way) and the highest selling and grossing book series of all time.

Harry Potter has been a huge name internationally going on 13 years now.

The only way the words "fad" and "Harry Potter" belong in the same sentence is if the words "is not a" are in the middle. Calling HP (the books, the movies, the theme park attraction, the merch, or the cultural phenomenon) a fad is just a way of pronouncing your pop culture ignorance.


New Member
The only way the words "fad" and "Harry Potter" belong in the same sentence is if the words "is not a" are in the middle. Calling HP (the books, the movies, the theme park attraction, the merch, or the cultural phenomenon) a fad is just a way of pronouncing your pop culture ignorance.

I wanted to say that but ya know..ha. I wanted to get across on just how big of a phenom it is.

Also, let's remember something about the results for Universal Orlando Resort's Attendance hike. Potter did not open this year until June. You think the results were big this year, wait until word of mouth and a full fiscal year with it happens.

Some Disney fans just don't want to accept it all.


New Member
It says something about Disney fans when they won't even admit HP has had an impact... :eek:

Yeah. I have read some even claim it has ONLY helped Walt Disney World.

That is downright scary.

This was a fun thing to hear last Sunday evening that honestly took me back. In Honeydukes waiting in line to buy a cauldron cake I looked to my right because of a begging noise. Two little girls were begging and excited with expressions to their mother about buying some Chocolate Frogs and some other things in their palms including their mother's hands. The mom let them know that this was their next to last day at Universal and they had not bought anything at Disney World yet and this was the last of their spending allowance for gifts. The girls just started shaking their heads. "Disney has mostly baby stuff. This is the stuff we want. We don't want anything from Disney."

I knew somewhere, that a Universal Exec had a nice little tear of joy in his eye.

But honestly, if that is any representaiton of what this has done...wake up WDW!


Well-Known Member
Yeah. I have read some even claim it has ONLY helped Walt Disney World.

That is downright scary.

This was a fun thing to hear last Sunday evening that honestly took me back. In Honeydukes waiting in line to buy a cauldron cake I looked to my right because of a begging noise. Two little girls were begging and excited with expressions to their mother about buying some Chocolate Frogs and some other things in their palms including their mother's hands. The mom let them know that this was their next to last day at Universal and they had not bought anything at Disney World yet and this was the last of their spending allowance for gifts. The girls just started shaking their heads. "Disney has mostly baby stuff. This is the stuff we want. We don't want anything from Disney."

I knew somewhere, that a Universal Exec had a nice little tear of joy in his eye.

But honestly, if that is any representaiton of what this has done...wake up WDW!

Funny story.

HP has put Universal on the map this year. If they can capitalize on that in the future while Disney continues resting on past glory, Uni could one day be a player. I could see future generations being as devoted to Uni as current generations are to Disney.

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
So this proves my point... its conversion, not growth.

How do you know? They could be adding twice the amount of attractions that's currently in Lost Continent.

Gringots bank eh??? what do you get to do there? swim in money? talk to animatronic goblins, go on a mine car ride, or a rollercoaster to simulate blasting out of the bank on a dragon's back? whoopie... can't wait. :rolleyes:

They'll probably do somthing along the lines of:

-A recreation of Diagon Alley complete with shops and resteraunts from the books (Weasly's Wizard Wheezes, Leaky Cauldron, Madame Malkin's, Florean Fortesque's Ice Cream, Flourish and Blotts, Magical Menagerie, Potage's Cauldron Shop, Slug and Jiggers Apothecary, Quality Quidditch Supplies, and a relocated Olivander's) and maybe even Knockturn Alley which has potential for a ride.

-Gringotts like you mentioned is a prime idea for a ride, most likely a mine train like the ones in the book.

-Possibly a Ministry of Magic recreation

-More likely a Burrow recreation

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