Hall Of Presidents update


New Member
TiggerRPh said:
No....the office deserves respect...plain and simple. The office is the leader of the country whether you agree with the holder of the office or not.
Then we will have to disagree on this one. If the person claiming that title has abused the power and is desrving of no respect, then the office under that person will get tarred by the same brush.


New Member
To add to my last post - whilst on a different level of power I was once to be introdced to the Lord Mayor of Bath at a time when the Mayor was the worst sort of two faced lying scumbag.

The reason for the introduction was that he attended a stage show I was in. The cast were to stay on stage to be introduced to him. As soon as the curtain came down I quietly left for my dressing room as I wanted nothing to do with the individual.

I would still respect the position of Mayor, but not when that person wore the chain.


Active Member
STR8FAN2005 said:
Excellent point!

For the first time ever, I finally got to vote last Saturday:D Even though it was for some silly library tax that was guaranteed not to pass, it felt good to press that button...I've waited so long!
Congratulations! :sohappy:

Too bad all the American public aren't as conscientious as you. We all need to vote every time on every issue (and not just for the latest American Idol).


Le Meh
Premium Member
Aaka said:
Congratulations! :sohappy:

Too bad all the American public aren't as conscientious as you. We all need to vote every time on every issue (and not just for the latest American Idol).
I am just waiting for public elections to start using text paging for voting. I can see it now.

"Text Democrat to 77177 to vote for ______________ and text Republican to 717171 to vote for ________________"

Think there would be any issues with that??? :lol:


Active Member
Laufschneller65 said:
I agree. As much of a ____*t he was, he was always president Clinton to me. But I guess it just goes to show the difference in morals and class between a mojority of the people in the two parties that republicans may dislike a leader yet they still show respect. I mean, why is it the smartest people are republicans and the middle people are split in half, and the poorest welfare suckers are democrats. Maybe because the democrats arn't for what's right but are more for how can we get more votes, (hence fighting for """ILLEAGAL ALIENS TO VOTE""" they dont care about economy or the money making american. sry to say this but If you make money and pay your taxes like a good citizen, the democrats consider you rich. sry but all union workers are rich in the democrats eyes and they don't care about you.
Before you go around mouthing off and asserting that you republicans are smarter, perhaps you should learn to spell first junior.
Also, look up the definitions of "logical fallacy", "straw man", and "ad hominem" if you want to play in the big leagues.

Democrats are only the "party of the poor" so to speak, because we actually CARE about poor people. Republicans traditionally support policies that only support big business and the richest 10% of Americans. Ironically however, they've also traditionally reached out to rural white America (who absolutely do not benefit at all from their fiscal policy) with a platform of "traditional values", which generally are often found to be only for garnering votes, as the politicians who support these values sometimes are uncovered in scandals of their own (not to say this is ALWAYS the case of course).

Secondly, contrary to what you say, we are also traditionally seen as a party of intellectuals. College professors, scientists, philosophers, artists, or musicians are more likely to vote democrat, or support liberal social policies. Also, I seriously object to your linking of intelligence to financial wealth.

Thirdly, just listening to AM radio suggests that it is conservatives themselves who use nicknames and spurious remarks about the character of their political opponents more than liberals, but I'll admit that the sample size of extremists to moderates is rather skewed in that medium.

Fourth, there isn't a single cantidate who wants to give illegal immigrants the right to vote, i would suggest you stop listening to AM radio and start thinking for yourself.


New Member
Laufschneller65 said:
I agree. As much of a ____*t he was, he was always president Clinton to me. But I guess it just goes to show the difference in morals and class between a mojority of the people in the two parties that republicans may dislike a leader yet they still show respect. I mean, why is it the smartest people are republicans and the middle people are split in half, and the poorest welfare suckers are democrats. Maybe because the democrats arn't for what's right but are more for how can we get more votes, (hence fighting for """ILLEAGAL ALIENS TO VOTE""" they dont care about economy or the money making american. sry to say this but If you make money and pay your taxes like a good citizen, the democrats consider you rich. sry but all union workers are rich in the democrats eyes and they don't care about you.
I find it ironic that you start off your post with a somewhat backhanded remark about respect, then procede to immediately degrade the political party which happens to oppose yours.

CoffeeJedi already did a very erudite job of taking apart your post, but I would like to add this: You would do well to realize that no political party is perfect. Judging from your words, it seems that you have a very "Rose-Colored Glasses" view about your party. However, every party has extremists and moderates. Your statement that all Republicans treat a leader with respect regardless of their political leaning is as asinine as someone saying that all Democrats do the same. For every Ann Coulter there is a Michael Moore, both of whom have fully admitted that they have worked to unseat the "opposing" President. Of course, many people who swear by Moore loathe Coulter and vice versa, despite the fact that they are essentially performing the same job.

Note that in this post, I have made no mention of my own political persuasion, as I sincerely doubt that anyone truly cares. I'm merely pointing out some things that might help you have a more mature view of things.


Le Meh
Premium Member
PencilTest said:
I find it ironic that you start off your post with a somewhat backhanded remark about respect, then procede to immediately degrade the political party which happens to oppose yours.

CoffeeJedi already did a very erudite job of taking apart your post, but I would like to add this: You would do well to realize that no political party is perfect. Judging from your words, it seems that you have a very "Rose-Colored Glasses" view about your party. However, every party has extremists and moderates. Your statement that all Republicans treat a leader with respect regardless of their political leaning is as asinine as someone saying that all Democrats do the same. For every Ann Coulter there is a Michael Moore, both of whom have fully admitted that they have worked to unseat the "opposing" President. Of course, many people who swear by Moore loathe Coulter and vice versa, despite the fact that they are essentially performing the same job.

Note that in this post, I have made no mention of my own political persuasion, as I sincerely doubt that anyone truly cares. I'm merely pointing out some things that might help you have a more mature view of things.
When everyone realizes that both major political parties have nothing more than remaining in power as their primary goal, and not the best interest of this country or the people they represent, then we as a society can move forward and take the country that belongs to us back from those who have done nothing more than place themselves at levels paramount to royalty.

Sorry for the run on sentence.


Well-Known Member
hakunamatata said:
When everyone realizes that both major political parties have nothing more than remaining in power as their primary goal, and not the best interest of this country or the people they represent, then we as a society can move forward and take the country that belongs to us back from those who have done nothing more than place themselves at levels paramount to royalty.

Sorry for the run on sentence.
Couldn't have said it better myself:wave:

The previous posts are exactly why political discussion is NOT allowed on WDWMagic. People can't control their temptation to argue about things.

slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
Laufschneller65 said:
I agree. As much of a ____*t he was, he was always president Clinton to me. But I guess it just goes to show the difference in morals and class between a mojority of the people in the two parties that republicans may dislike a leader yet they still show respect. I mean, why is it the smartest people are republicans and the middle people are split in half, and the poorest welfare suckers are democrats. Maybe because the democrats arn't for what's right but are more for how can we get more votes, (hence fighting for """ILLEAGAL ALIENS TO VOTE""" they dont care about economy or the money making american. sry to say this but If you make money and pay your taxes like a good citizen, the democrats consider you rich. sry but all union workers are rich in the democrats eyes and they don't care about you.

My God. That might be the most ignorant thing I've ever read on these boards, You're giving EQ11 a run for her money.

First of all, I like how you split your logic in 'twain...

The SMARTEST people are Republicans...
The MIDDLE PEOPLE are split in half...
And the POOREST welfare suckers are Democrats?

I like how you go from talking about intelligence, to income, in the span of one sentence

So does that mean only rich people are smart? And if you're poor, you must therefore be dumb, and certianly not Republican? All those "Blue collar" hourly-wage earners in the red states have buried treasure no one knows about? Or at least, they were too "smart" to bother voting? Because Bucko, I went to a private school on an academic scholarship plus grants and loans. Some of the dumbest, cruelest, Roofie-usingest, barely-graduatingest dullards I ever met came from money. And having had a scholarship, I must not have been the dullest bulb in the bin. And now...well, let's just say I wouldn't be terribly surprised if I made more money than you do, and I'm a liberal. And I'm awesome.

Second of alll, between Monicagate & Kosovo, rightwing talk show hosts were calling for Clinton to be impeached if not imprisoned on a fairly regular basis, most notably Sean Hannity & Limbaugh. They were trying to wrest executive powers away from Slick Willie, and a regime change later fully endorse the inherent, unitary executive power under which Bush reigns, putting the hippo in hypocrite. They had no respect for the office when Clinton occupied the big chair, so don't assume otherwise.

And finally, because I think it bears repeating, nobody made a comment about Bush's politics. Nobody mentioned Iraq, gas prices, 9/11, terrorism, Hezbollah, social security insolvency, no minimum wage increase, real incomes going down, ignoring global warming, endorsing abstinence-only s e x education that has a proves history of being ineffective, employment rates that are jiggered to look better because many people are now ineligible to receive unemployment benefits anymore, because it's been too long since they've worked (as opposed to the TRUE number of unemployed people)...nobody mentioned any of that. Someone mentioned Bush used the s-word on live TV...because (and bear with me now, it's kind of important)...BUSH USED THE S-WORD ON LIVE TV!!! It was a simple Hall Of President-related joke, but because Saint Dubya was maligned in your eyes, you think it MUST be political. It's not. End of story. I assure you, if they had a Hall of Representatives attraction, I'd ask that a Cynthia MacKinney AA be shown slapping a security guard, because politics aside, that's what she did, so feel free to put that in the suggestion box on your way home to nurse your wounds.

Folks, I will do my darnedest to not bring up politics again, I only did so because Silly Mc StupidTHoughts made some asinine comments that I couldn't let stand. There's a difference between political humor and topical humor, and I guess some "Smart" Republicans can't tell the difference. More 'tis the pity. For all of us.


Le Meh
Premium Member
Ok, I think we have actually hit critical mass......

***Sits back and waits to be asked to leave so they can lock this puppy down. :D

slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
~LeeLee~ said:
Shut this down, please! The children aren't playing nice together in the sandbox.

Which children, the rich smart Republicans, are the poor and stupid Democrats? Laufscheneller65 really needs to know what side of the fence you sit on so you can either be praised or casitgated.

Oh, and if you say "both sides" then LS65 will still casitgate you. There's only one answer he will accept. Choose...wisely...


New Member
The smartest people? You mean like Brittany Spears smart? Or maybe our best and brightest underachieving C student Yale could produce smart?

As opposed to all the dumb Scientists and Professors they so vehemently oppose, who bring us ridiculous cures for disease, and educate our children...

Hurray for the Smart people who brought us the Color Coded Terror Alert system (which disappeared right after the last election), and brought us "Mission Accomplished", Enron...Watergate...McCarthey...Iran/contra....$3+ gas...Dubai Ports....Chinese Debt....Indian Outsourcing.... Heckuva Job Brownie - I could sing the praises of these geniuses all night .....

Ok - that's my last political Post - that last one was just pretty insulting - although, if you love WDW, I am your friend !


Well-Known Member
Wow...when are people going to get the memo NO POLITICAL DISCUSSIONS...it causes trouble in the forum...go to fox news or something.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
It’s at times like this I feel the need to trot out my favourite cliché

Opinions are like arseholes, everyone has one, but it is not always pleasant to have someone else’s shoved in your face.

Just one little thing, positions of responsibility can be achieved through many routes, but respect can only ever be earned

As for politicians of every hue, I believe Groucho Marx made the most apt comment.

Scar Junior

Active Member
Tigger1988 said:
Wow...when are people going to get the memo NO POLITICAL DISCUSSIONS...it causes trouble in the forum...go to fox news or something.

Haha! Eventhough I'm watching Fox News as I write this... I totally agree: Leave it at the door, boys.

PS. I'm libertarian, so technically I should think you should be able to type whatever you want here... but it is just better for everyone if we don't have total "free speech" here.

Scar Junior

Active Member
Pumbas Nakasak said:
As for politicians of every hue, I believe Groucho Marx made the most apt comment.

I study entertainment history and theory, thus I should probably know this... but what did (the smartest) Marx say?

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