Hall Of Presidents update


Well-Known Member
William Marsden said:
....Personally, I like HOP and I don't think it's wise to exclude anyone just because they may have been a lousy president. I follow politics alot but when I go to WDW I like to just forget about the real world. It really doesn't bother me to see presidents who I consider bad standing alongside presidents who I consider great....

Amen to that... Now can't we leave this be? I have my personal opinions of most of the recent presidents, but I keep that in reserve for other forums.

The only thing I'd comment on here is that W's hair is much more grey today than it is on the AA.


Active Member
personally, i think we should remove the politics entirely and do it the Itchy and Scratchy World style:

I'm rappin' A.b. and i'm here ta say
that drinkin' Duff bear is the only way!
i say the ooooonly way


Well-Known Member
CoffeeJedi said:
personally, i think we should remove the politics entirely and do it the Itchy and Scratchy World style:

I'm rappin' A.b. and i'm here ta say
that drinkin' Duff bear is the only way!
i say the ooooonly way

Haha, good episode, I enjoyed the small world parody

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
hokielutz said:
Amen to that... Now can't we leave this be? I have my personal opinions of most of the recent presidents, but I keep that in reserve for other forums.

See that’s what happens when you opt for second best and remove hereditary monarchy. :drevil: Betty dosent have favours to repay for getting her gig.:animwink:


Active Member
I think should scrap the whole show and do a CBJ/Kitchen Cabaret style show.

Dubya and Gerald Ford could do a "Who's on first" style routine.
Clinton could croon a song like a cheesy lounge singer, in a leisure suit.
Anyone remember the "Caretaker Presidents" song from the Simpsons? They could license that.
I really could see Taft as the "Big Al" style breakout character. ("There's ham in the sandwich....")
Grover Cleveland could come out with HIMSELF and sing "We're 2 of a Kind"

Simpsons Song:
All: We are the mediocre presidents.
You won't find our faces on dollars or on cents!
There's Taylor, there's Tyler,
There's Fillmore and there's Hayes.
There's William Henry Harrison,
Harrison: I died in thirty days!
All: We... are... the...
Adequate, forgettable,
Occasionally regrettable
Caretaker presidents of the U-S-A!


Well-Known Member
CoffeeJedi said:
Simpsons Song:
All: We are the mediocre presidents.
You won't find our faces on dollars or on cents!
There's Taylor, there's Tyler,
There's Fillmore and there's Hayes.
There's William Henry Harrison,
Harrison: I died in thirty days!
All: We... are... the...
Adequate, forgettable,
Occasionally regrettable
Caretaker presidents of the U-S-A!

Is it wrong that the only reason I know Harrison was in office for only a month is because of that song? :lol:

slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
Here's my 2 cents, which will currently get you 2/3rds of one percent of a gallon of gasoline around these parts (give or take...)

1: Darn near every other thread on this forum usually includes SOMEBODY linking to an identical thread. All in the name of being helpful and minimizing identical threads, naturally, but as a result, it seems hypocritical whenever someone adds to an old thread, no magtter how old it is...

2: As others have pointed out, there's a difference between being "political" ie stating your political preference or affiliation, and being "topical," ie making a comment about something that recently happened. Recently, there was a book implying Lincoln was gay. If someone made a Leno-esque comment about THAT on this thread ("I understand Lincoln is going to spend the entire attraction checking out Kennedy's butt") would that be topical, or political? (Either way, it would also be Leno-esque in that it's not particularly funny)

It's not exactly parisan politics to point out that Bush was caught, on-mic, on live TV, saying a word that could now get broadcasters a 325K fine if anyone else said it. No mention was made over political leanings, and IMHO talking about HoP or American Adventure for that matter, is bound to bring some degree of political observation or snarky comments. I don't think we'll ever see a "Bush rocks" or "Bush sucks" thread on the forum unless it comes from a here today gone 30 seconds from now troll, so the system can survive a toothless joke about a recent lapse in judgment from the president. Let's not get SO paranoid about political comments that even jokes not directed at policy or issues gets slammed.

And anyone whose feathers get ruffled when one side of the political spectrum gets slammed had better be equally offended when the other side gets smeared, lest you be a hypcritie...


Well-Known Member
slappy magoo said:
Here's my 2 cents, which will currently get you 2/3rds of one percent of a gallon of gasoline around these parts (give or take...)

1: Darn near every other thread on this forum usually includes SOMEBODY linking to an identical thread. All in the name of being helpful and minimizing identical threads, naturally, but as a result, it seems hypocritical whenever someone adds to an old thread, no magtter how old it is...

2: As others have pointed out, there's a difference between being "political" ie stating your political preference or affiliation, and being "topical," ie making a comment about something that recently happened. Recently, there was a book implying Lincoln was gay. If someone made a Leno-esque comment about THAT on this thread ("I understand Lincoln is going to spend the entire attraction checking out Kennedy's butt") would that be topical, or political? (Either way, it would also be Leno-esque in that it's not particularly funny)

It's not exactly parisan politics to point out that Bush was caught, on-mic, on live TV, saying a word that could now get broadcasters a 325K fine if anyone else said it. No mention was made over political leanings, and IMHO talking about HoP or American Adventure for that matter, is bound to bring some degree of political observation or snarky comments. I don't think we'll ever see a "Bush rocks" or "Bush sucks" thread on the forum unless it comes from a here today gone 30 seconds from now troll, so the system can survive a toothless joke about a recent lapse in judgment from the president. Let's not get SO paranoid about political comments that even jokes not directed at policy or issues gets slammed.

And anyone whose feathers get ruffled when one side of the political spectrum gets slammed had better be equally offended when the other side gets smeared, lest you be a hypcritie...

No, its just the fact that ALL political discussion isn't allowed in the forums, its a touchy subject no matter how topical the comment may be, it may just set someone off. So its better to just keep to what these forums are for...Disney.

slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
Tigger1988 said:
No, its just the fact that ALL political discussion isn't allowed in the forums, its a touchy subject no matter how topical the comment may be, it may just set someone off. So its better to just keep to what these forums are for...Disney.

Again, the comment wasn't political, it was topical. No mention of his politics was made, only that he cursed on-camera. Now, if the poster had included a comment like "Is the AA of that lying hypocritical war criminal Bush going to swear in the Hall of Presidents, too?" then you'd have a right to complain. But the poster didn't. I'm sure people made some "topical" comments about Jeffrey Jones being Chairman Clench in Alien Encounter after his brush with the law. They're both in the public eye. Six of one, half dozen of 'tother, in my opinion.


New Member
Tigger1988 said:
No, its just the fact that ALL political discussion isn't allowed in the forums, its a touchy subject no matter how topical the comment may be, it may just set someone off. So its better to just keep to what these forums are for...Disney.

:sohappy: Well said!


Le Meh
Premium Member
Cant we have a thread in Chit Chat that is nothing but political talk. That way everyone could take pot shots at everyone elses favorite presidents, governers, etc...and no one could claim to get astonished that the thread has become political, well, because its a intentional political thread?

It could be named "Political Thread - Dont Come In Here If You Cant Handle It" or something of that nature.....

Just a thought.

***Oh, and you would have to be voting age to enter.......


Well-Known Member
warlord said:
Not only voting age, you have to vote.
Excellent point!

For the first time ever, I finally got to vote last Saturday:D Even though it was for some silly library tax that was guaranteed not to pass, it felt good to press that button...I've waited so long!
No matter how we feel about the current President. The office of the President of the United States is a position that deserves respect. It has been tradition since Hall of Presidents opened for the sitting president to have a speech. In fact Clinton's speech was so long that they had to substantially reduce Lincoln's Speech. While we may not agree with everything the sitting President says it is worthwhile to listen anyway, it is after all truly the President giving the speech. Thank you.


New Member
hakunamatata said:
Cant we have a thread in Chit Chat that is nothing but political talk. That way everyone could take pot shots at everyone elses favorite presidents, governers, etc...and no one could claim to get astonished that the thread has become political, well, because its a intentional political thread?

It could be named "Political Thread - Dont Come In Here If You Cant Handle It" or something of that nature.....

Just a thought.

***Oh, and you would have to be voting age to enter.......

What if you vote "None of the Above" like me?


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
slappy magoo said:
Here's my 2 cents, which will currently get you 2/3rds of one percent of a gallon of gasoline around these parts (give or take...)

1: Darn near every other thread on this forum usually includes SOMEBODY linking to an identical thread. All in the name of being helpful and minimizing identical threads, naturally, but as a result, it seems hypocritical whenever someone adds to an old thread, no magtter how old it is......

If you'll notice at the bottom of this page it says:

Similar Threads with a list of at least 5 links.:lol:


New Member
OnWithTheShow said:
No matter how we feel about the current President. The office of the President of the United States is a position that deserves respect. .
It should not automatically deserve respect, the individual at any time who happens to be in that most powerful of positions will have to earn that respect by their actions, not just by being in that seat.


New Member
OnWithTheShow said:
No matter how we feel about the current President. The office of the President of the United States is a position that deserves respect. It has been tradition since Hall of Presidents opened for the sitting president to have a speech. In fact Clinton's speech was so long that they had to substantially reduce Lincoln's Speech. While we may not agree with everything the sitting President says it is worthwhile to listen anyway, it is after all truly the President giving the speech. Thank you.

While I agree with the the importance of the speech...it is not a tradition. And the attraction was not opened for the sitting president to give a speech. Many were offered, but Presidents Clinton and Bush (George W.) were the only sitting presidents that have given speeches.

I think that it's a good idea but it's not a tradition...yet.


New Member
barnum42 said:
It should not automatically deserve respect, the individual at any time who happens to be in that most powerful of positions will have to earn that respect by their actions, not just by being in that seat.

No....the office deserves respect...plain and simple. The office is the leader of the country whether you agree with the holder of the office or not.

It upsets me that many of the opposition refuse to refer to President Bush as President Bush...they address him by nicknames or if on TV/Radio...by name. Even though I didn't agree with former President Clinton, he was still President Clinton, not Bill Clinton, Slick Willy or Bubba.
TiggerRPh said:
No....the office deserves respect...plain and simple. The office is the leader of the country whether you agree with the holder of the office or not.

It upsets me that many of the opposition refuse to refer to President Bush as President Bush...they address him by nicknames or if on TV/Radio...by name. Even though I didn't agree with former President Clinton, he was still President Clinton, not Bill Clinton, Slick Willy or Bubba.

I agree. As much of a ____*t he was, he was always president Clinton to me. But I guess it just goes to show the difference in morals and class between a mojority of the people in the two parties that republicans may dislike a leader yet they still show respect. I mean, why is it the smartest people are republicans and the middle people are split in half, and the poorest welfare suckers are democrats. Maybe because the democrats arn't for what's right but are more for how can we get more votes, (hence fighting for """ILLEAGAL ALIENS TO VOTE""" they dont care about economy or the money making american. sry to say this but If you make money and pay your taxes like a good citizen, the democrats consider you rich. sry but all union workers are rich in the democrats eyes and they don't care about you.

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