Guest Assistance Pass Advice


Original Poster
I am thinking about asking for a Guest Assistance Pass, however, I have heard many nasty things people say here about people scamming the system. You can't tell my disability until about 2 hours in the park. I do not use a wheelchair. (My issue is I can't stand still on it for more than 1/2 hour and I am on a immune suppressant and shouldn't be in crowds) Anyway, last year I spent most of my time either sitting in the shade while my DH and DS went on all the rides, and they icing my leg while elevated in the hotel room. I had no quality time with them at all.

Will people be nasty... is it worth it to have together time? I really had a miserable time last time and heard there are alternatives... I'm just really sensitive and don't know how I would handle a nasty comment. What is your advice?

El Guapo

New Member
I used one a few months ago

Like you, my condition is not readily apparent. However, it affects my ability to walk, stand in line, etc. I asked for a guest assistance pass at Magic Kingdom and found it really helped. I did not expect it to be a "front of the line pass" - in some cases it effectively became one, in others it did not. However, it eliminated much of the standing, which made a big difference. The cast members were always helpful, and I did not receive any nasty comments from anyone.

If you think it will help, then do it.


Well-Known Member
My father got a guest assistance card for a heart condition that prevents him from standing in the heat for too long. It was 97 degrees out, so we used it for some things that involved us standing out in the heat. You wouldn't know anything was wrong by looking at him, so I was worried about the same thing as you. But nobody said anything to us. Honestly, I think most people are concentrating on their own trip & own family and don't even notice.


Well-Known Member
I have a back condition that doesn't allow me to stand still for longer than a few minutes without it going out, so I need one. Years ago, my step-son had ADD and couldn't stand still for any amount of time and we'd get one then as well. There are definitely people that scam the system, but you can't worry about it. If you need it, you need it. There's no way I could possibly go to Disney and stand in those lines. I love going to concerts, but I don't even bother anymore because I have to sit the whole time.


Original Poster
I couldn't enjoy the park at all last time because I was in too much pain or sitting by myself. I am going to bring photocopies of all the medicines I am taking, a photocopy of my disability parking permit and a doctor's note. I don't know what to expect. I've heard that sometimes they allow you a place to sit down and wait for the ride. I REALLY don't care if it takes longer or shorter, I just don't want to stand still. Last year I went on 2 rides a day... that was it. I know they suggest you use fast pass but, generally those passes are for later on in the day and I have to return to the hotel and put up my foot for a while and can not stay at the park past 12:00. I didn't mention one of the medications makes me photosensitive as well, so I'm not supposed to be in the sun either. (I use a hat and I have special sunscreen that I use to combat most of that problem) What would happen if you wanted to go on Splash Mountain... do they have an alternative place for you to wait. I am able to walk up stairs (yes, it hurts) but, last time I was there the lines were extremely long. Soaring lines last year (in the fast pass line were 45 minutes or more) This was Easter week last year though. What do they do for those rides? Is there a place to sit down??? I'm just trying to figure out how I will do this. Thanks!


New Member
My DD has cystic fibrosis and type 1 diabetes. Waiting in lines in the heat and the sunshine just wipes her out and makes for an awful trip. If you look at her she looks like any other 14 year old. You cannot tell at all, the pain that she is in. We have been to Disney 4x and used the GAC on our last trip and it made the trip so much nicer. We just went up to the ride like we were going to get in line and then showed the GAC and they mostly just told us to use the fastpass line. There were a few places that told us to go to another line, but mostly it was the fp line. I wish that we did not need to use the GAC, but we do, so we do!!!


New Member
I have Lou Gehrigs and have used them on my last few trips I don't think you should care if people look at you differently because you use a gac.There will always be people who abuse the system and I will not let that bother me. Just because you look healthy doesn't mean you are. As my meds wear off During the day i look worse. I wouldn't worry about what anyone thinks just have fun


Well-Known Member
If you need it, get it. You shouldn't care what anyone else thinks. Just worry about you and enjoying your trip.:wave:

My husband was just diagnosed with scoliosis. It was making his hips unaligned. He spent about a month struggling to get out of bed, chair and the car. It was painful to even stand in front of the toilet. :eek: He was walking around all stooped over like a 100 yr old little old man. He's doing better now, but I'm just hoping he is going to be able to walk the World. We still have a year, so I'm sure it will work out one way or another.


Well-Known Member
As other say, get it if you need it. You should be fine. Just don't call it a Fastpass and never demand immediate access. If you need a place to sit or something for a cast member to accomodate you, feel free to ask, but asking to jump the line or get in/on immediately will be frowned upon. You'll come to find, that you will get immediate access some places and others will have you wait depending on the stamp that Guest Relations gives you so that cast members can better assist you. You won't have any cast members admit it, but some cast members have been known to make you wait just a tad bit longer if you seem to let on that you abuse it by calling it a Fastpass, trying to have more than 6 ride with you, or demanding the immediate access.

As long as you are honest with it and use it when you feel you need it for the reason you need it, then you are good as gold! :) Hope it makes your trip more enjoyable!

Mansion Butler

Active Member
No one will be nasty if you. . .

Never assume you know what you're doing. Talk to the greeter outside, presenting your card to them, and asking what you need to do. Don't wave it in their faces jogging past them the wrong direction saying "I have a Fast Pass!"

Also, don't call it a Fast Pass. That might be harmless and might not get you nasty reactions, but just don't.

Don't hand it off to the rest of your party and have them use it without you.

Understand the Cast Members are not out to get you, are not trying to inconvenience you, and do not make the rules about where you go. They simply follow them.

CMs aren't mad about someone having a GAC when they can't tell if the person actually needs it. They are mad about guests who get abusive over the GACs, or assume they are entitled to more than they actually are.

Judging by your post where you express actual concern, I think you'll be fine. I just cannot emphasize the first tip enough: always ask the greeter! Spend more than five seconds looking for him (or her).

(Obviously no one should be nasty anyway, but these are the ways you can avoid it entirely.)


Original Poster
I have Lou Gehrigs and have used them on my last few trips I don't think you should care if people look at you differently because you use a gac.There will always be people who abuse the system and I will not let that bother me. Just because you look healthy doesn't mean you are. As my meds wear off During the day i look worse. I wouldn't worry about what anyone thinks just have fun

Thank you. I just read some nasty comments from people in this forum and it made me nervous. I would LOVE to be able to stand in line... if I could my life would be so much different. I can't go to the pools and relax while they swim, I can't stand in line so I sit in the shade, I have NO idea what 1/2 of these rides are even like because we have to chose 1 or 2 rides and hope we can get on early enough. I would LOVE for me not to be the reason we leave. I'm just TERRIFIED of people's reactions.
When I bought DVC points, I got this special fast pass, I got in line all excited to go on Kai River Rapids... people YELLED at me. I said, "I have a fast pass"... they yelled more, I showed them the pass, they were grumpy. It totally freaked me out. I'm so afraid of something like that happening again. I had to leave right away after that I was so shaken up.


Original Poster
No one will be nasty if you. . .

Never assume you know what you're doing. Talk to the greeter outside, presenting your card to them, and asking what you need to do. Don't wave it in their faces jogging past them the wrong direction saying "I have a Fast Pass!"

Also, don't call it a Fast Pass. That might be harmless and might not get you nasty reactions, but just don't.

Don't hand it off to the rest of your party and have them use it without you.

Understand the Cast Members are not out to get you, are not trying to inconvenience you, and do not make the rules about where you go. They simply follow them.
CMs aren't mad about someone having a GAC when they can't tell if the person actually needs it. They are mad about guests who get abusive over the GACs, or assume they are entitled to more than they actually are.

Judging by your post where you express actual concern, I think you'll be fine. I just cannot emphasize the first tip enough: always ask the greeter! Spend more than five seconds looking for him (or her).

(Obviously no one should be nasty anyway, but these are the ways you can avoid it entirely.)

Thank you very much for all your advice. Since the whole reason is to be with my family, I will not be giving it to them so they can use it without me! There is only 3 of us all together.... and I will just ask for help. I'm briging a copy of my medicines and a note from my doctor. I appreciate all your help. Feel free to speak up with any more advice. Thank you!!!!!


Active Member
For sure get a Guest Assistance Card. As others have said, approach the first cast member you see at the attraction. They will direct you where to go. Each attraction may handle things differently. Sometimes we've been directed to the fast pass line and sometimes to the wheelchair entrance. Often the wheelchair entrance will have a place to sit and wait until they can get you on. It just depends on the individual attraction. If you are directed to the fast pass line, show your GAC to the fast pass cast member and they will let you through. Even though we have a GAC, we do try to use fast pass as much as possible.


Original Poster
I've always tried to use the fast pass as much as possible... last year the times were later in the afternoon when I couldn't be there (have to leave and elevate the leg with ice) anyway.. maybe by using a combination I will have more time with my family. I can't see that I will ever be able to stay throughout the day... but MAYBE this will allow me to return to a park at night! I'm actually getting excited about my trip!


Well-Known Member
Perhaps slightly off topic, but by far the most difficult thing of my entire Disney career was dealing with GAC cards. Boy, talk about a sensitive issue! The problem was, in my experience, is that their usage is out of control. Now keep in mind I only saw a fraction of guests in a day who actually entered the park, so to me there was a proportionally large size of people wanting GACs. The apprehensiveness of CMs, as someone stated above, has nothing to do with the genuine guests with disabilities. You're just talking about a heavily abused system which also has millions of combinations of variables. What I mean by that is that some people think they NEED a GAC for one thing while someone else may just go about their day without it.
Like many things, the issuance of GACs is a "judgement call" (I hate that term!). It's difficult because you could really help out someone who needs it or you could really mess up someone's trip by denying it.
And consider, again, all those variables! What if a parent comes in saying they have an autistic kid they need a GAC for and they have a party of 10, but the kid is no where to be found? What do you do? Ask to see the kid? But, wait, autism isn't readily apparent so even when they bring in the kid, what are you proving?
What about "adult ADHD"? GAC?
Someone already in a wheelchair? Do they need a GAC?

The issue is extremely sensitive but my advice is simple: go to Guest Relations. Explain things just as you did here, and ask "Is there any assistance you can provide me?" The CM will then explain not only the GAC but all the other wonderful ways Disney goes out of their way to especially help those with disabilities. By no mean sshould you feel strange about using it once you have it; honestly the CMs at the attractions see literally hundreds of these a day; no one is "checking you out" to see if you're really disabled or something.


New Member
Where does one get these passes. We are planning on going next spring, and my wife has a crushed vertebrae and cannot walk nor stand for more than a few minutes. The walking can be solved by renting a scooter type machine for her to ride, but she will need some help in the lines and staying out of the sun.

Such a pass would make the trip much easier on her and allow her to enjoy the trip which would probably be the last time she will be able to attend.


Active Member
My dad, who does not look sick, had to use a wheelchair last time we went. We never had any problems with the CMs-they went out of their way to help in any way they could. We did get a few nasty looks and a couple of comments from people but we chose not to hear them and not to let it bother us. It was more important making memories with our family than letting people who I will never see again in my life ruin our vacation. If you stop at guest relations in the front of the park, they will explain the GAC sytem to you. Like everyone else said, just talk to the greeters at the attractions and they will help you out.

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