Guest Assistance Pass Advice


Well-Known Member
I am thinking about asking for a Guest Assistance Pass, however, I have heard many nasty things people say here about people scamming the system. You can't tell my disability until about 2 hours in the park. I do not use a wheelchair. (My issue is I can't stand still on it for more than 1/2 hour and I am on a immune suppressant and shouldn't be in crowds) Anyway, last year I spent most of my time either sitting in the shade while my DH and DS went on all the rides, and they icing my leg while elevated in the hotel room. I had no quality time with them at all.

Will people be nasty... is it worth it to have together time? I really had a miserable time last time and heard there are alternatives... I'm just really sensitive and don't know how I would handle a nasty comment. What is your advice?
Why not get an electric scooter? My husband has to use one because he can't walk far distances nor stand for a long time because of a leg surgery. We have been coming to DW since 1976. Now since his surgery in 2006 he can't walk the parks anymore. We intend to keep on going to DW til we can't go anymore. If you stay on property, there are quite a few places who deliver them right to the hotel.


Well-Known Member
My 70 year old Mom & Dad

Why not get an electric scooter? My husband has to use one because he can't walk far distances nor stand for a long time because of a leg surgery. We have been coming to DW since 1976. Now since his surgery in 2006 he can't walk the parks anymore. We intend to keep on going to DW til we can't go anymore. If you stay on property, there are quite a few places who deliver them right to the hotel.

Yes! My Mom & Dad had it delivered right to the resort! When finished w/ the scooters, the CMs took care of them @ check-out! No hastles or worries! The CMs have always treated my parents well.:) Unfortunately, it's the GUESTS who can cause somewhat of a problem running in front of them! The CMs always directed my parents to the handicapped places for the parade routes and such, but w/ scooters, most of the time we had to "stand in line" (party of 6). We never really considered using a GAC card.:rolleyes:


Original Poster
Why not get an electric scooter? My husband has to use one because he can't walk far distances nor stand for a long time because of a leg surgery. We have been coming to DW since 1976. Now since his surgery in 2006 he can't walk the parks anymore. We intend to keep on going to DW til we can't go anymore. If you stay on property, there are quite a few places who deliver them right to the hotel.

I don't get a scooter because I feel the walking is good for my general health. Although extensive walking does add pain to the area, I feel the benefits outweigh the pain. I might not have a choice in a few years, but while I can.... I'll enjoy a leisurely stroll.


Original Poster
Yes! My Mom & Dad had it delivered right to the resort! When finished w/ the scooters, the CMs took care of them @ check-out! No hastles or worries! The CMs have always treated my parents well.:) Unfortunately, it's the GUESTS who can cause somewhat of a problem running in front of them! The CMs always directed my parents to the handicapped places for the parade routes and such, but w/ scooters, most of the time we had to "stand in line" (party of 6). We never really considered using a GAC card.:rolleyes:

I would consider it if you find that you are unable to sustain the entire day. I can't stay longer than about 3 or 4 hours. I think even with a scooter I'd have to go back to the room to rest/elivate my leg. So, getting a scooter at this time doesn't actually help me. If your Mom and Dad can stay throughout the day with a scooter and have no ill effects as a result, then I would just use the scooter and not a pass. (Just my opinion) The pass allowed me to go on a few rides I wouldn't have been able to otherwise.


Well-Known Member
I would consider it if you find that you are unable to sustain the entire day. I can't stay longer than about 3 or 4 hours. I think even with a scooter I'd have to go back to the room to rest/elivate my leg. So, getting a scooter at this time doesn't actually help me. If your Mom and Dad can stay throughout the day with a scooter and have no ill effects as a result, then I would just use the scooter and not a pass. (Just my opinion) The pass allowed me to go on a few rides I wouldn't have been able to otherwise.
I would try it one trip. If you are staying on property you take it with you everywhere, so it would save your strength and leg everywhere even if it was just 3 or 4 hours. The only problem with us is my husband and I go all day. So I have a list of where he can charge his scooter when the battery runs down or out. Then we sit for awhile so it can charge. They are very reasonable to rent.


Active Member
I am thinking about asking for a Guest Assistance Pass, however, I have heard many nasty things people say here about people scamming the system. You can't tell my disability until about 2 hours in the park. I do not use a wheelchair. (My issue is I can't stand still on it for more than 1/2 hour and I am on a immune suppressant and shouldn't be in crowds) Anyway, last year I spent most of my time either sitting in the shade while my DH and DS went on all the rides, and they icing my leg while elevated in the hotel room. I had no quality time with them at all.

Will people be nasty... is it worth it to have together time? I really had a miserable time last time and heard there are alternatives... I'm just really sensitive and don't know how I would handle a nasty comment. What is your advice?

I can very much relate to you. I suffer from a medical condition that causes extreme pain in all of my joints, muscles, ligaments, from neck to toes but you wouldn't immediately tell. I can be walking well then the pain and stiffness and swelling kicks in and I limp I cant stand upstraight. Basically I can't stand for very long before the pain and burning on my back, hips, etc kicks in. You may wonder what in the world are you doing going to WDW then? Well, to enjoy what I have left with my DD. I don't use a wheelchair or a scooter because it will come soon enough so I try to do my best for now. I do ask for the Guest Assistance pass, but not to get me to the front of the lines because on the rides that has fast pass those lines can be kind of long as well, but there are instances that the pain is at its peak, I speak to a CM and explain and they assist me, they are also aware that I can't can in and out of a ride as fast as other guests. I really don't care what the other guest may think as they are not funding my vacation much less caring for my medical condition. Ive been judged because sadly society will judge on the outer appearance but their ignorance wont allow them to analyze beyond that. So get the pass and move on. When every someone gives me a dirty look I just hope that they don't have to one day look back and say, wow, now its me.


Well-Known Member
My son is autistic and uses a WC because of CP. We have encountered a few rude people in the past, even CMs. His first wheelchair was a stroller style. It still LOOKED like WC, though, it just folded like a stroller. We still got a stroller as wheelchair sticker so there would be no confusion. Yet, we had CMs all over MK yelling at us to park our stroller. One even tried to deny him access to the WC viewing area for a parade. She actually argued that it wasn't a WC, nevermind the GAC and sticker. lol. The crowd was looking at her like she was an idiot.

Honestly, the only times we really deal with comments from the Peanut Gallery is at the buses. People seriously ________ attitudes that WCs are loaded first and they are forced to stand for 3 extra minutes for it to be loaded.

For me, my only irritation is when it's obvious GAC or any WC access is being abused. On our last trip, there was a family loading a WC on the bus behind us. The boys were arguing over who's turn it was to ride in the WC on the bus. Obviously, it wasn't their WC. That was irritating. Or when I hear people grasping for straws to find a way to get that "alt. entrance" stamp. My neighbor/friend and I argued about this last summer. She wanted to get alt entrance for her, then, 1yr old with CF saying that she needs to be away from being close to people. Well, sorry. I don't buy that. Not when she's close to people walkng around the park and using alt entrance does NOT garauntee you'll be distant from people. In fact, you are often packed in tighter with people who have medical problems and could be carrying anything. You're standing in small areas for quite awhile waiting. Plus, you are still close to people actually on the rides/attractions. PLUS, SHE WAS ONE! LOL And has been extremely healthy so far. She, then, changed her tune and said she just heard some people on the CF forums telling everyone to get one and say it's for that reason. I really felt like that was abuse. I would NEVER say anything to anyone at the parks, though, cause I honestly don't really know.

We get alt entrance cause of his autism and a WC. Honestly, most rides, we just get the fast pass lane. My son has difficulty understanding when lines wind back and forth to and from the loading area. He gets extremely upset when we appear to be walking away from the ride. He just doesn't "get it." He also has a autonomic dysfunction causing a heat intolerance. His body temp will rise to over 102 in standing heat. So we only use alt on rides with outside queues or stairs. Otherwise, we just ask to go in fast pass. He also has difficulty handling the noise of a crowd in a echo-y queue. It's like nails on a chalkboard for him.

And, just an FYI, and I've been told this repeatedly by CMs in GS and I verify it every trip, families ARE allowed to use the GAC w/o the person on it. Mainly, when the GAC person is a child. They said they allow it and promote it because they do not want the child seperated from their parents long. When using without the child, it works just as any avg. fastpass. When we've gone to the CM at the front of the ride without my son, they'll ask if it's our name on it. I tell them no my son is over there. They say ok, go in the fast pass lane. Now, I don't know if it's changed in the past two years (killing me that it's been that long) but that was as of our last trip.

I could probably get a GAC for my own health problems but I don't. I just deal but my issues are dealable. lol.

Todd H

Well-Known Member
And, just an FYI, and I've been told this repeatedly by CMs in GS and I verify it every trip, families ARE allowed to use the GAC w/o the person on it. Mainly, when the GAC person is a child. They said they allow it and promote it because they do not want the child seperated from their parents long. When using without the child, it works just as any avg. fastpass. When we've gone to the CM at the front of the ride without my son, they'll ask if it's our name on it. I tell them no my son is over there. They say ok, go in the fast pass lane. Now, I don't know if it's changed in the past two years (killing me that it's been that long) but that was as of our last trip.

I did not know that. We only used the GAC when we were riding something with our autistic son. For stuff he couldn't ride, we used a fastpass or waited in line. That is good to know. Thanks.
My dad's a seasonal CM and used to work on JII in Epcot, so he was familiar with the GAC card, etc. So when my DH, DD, and I went to Disney on vacation, my parents met up with us. My mom has COPD and needs a wheelchair because she can't walk / stand for extended periods of time. I said to my dad, "We'll need a GAC card, right?" He said, "No, if she's in the wheelchair, that's enough so we won't need to 'prove' anything."

That was true for some rides, but for some, the CM required both a GAC card and my mother as "proof" of our ability to use a bypass / FastPass queue. My father was shocked (and irritated, too). So, we got the GAC and then that was that (although ironically, once we had the GAC, we were never asked to show it! Go figure!)

Annie, glad your vacation went great and I totally agree with everyone else: who cares what others may say / think / etc. It's your vacation and your right to enjoy it with your family, so too bad for them!



Well-Known Member
I did not know that. We only used the GAC when we were riding something with our autistic son. For stuff he couldn't ride, we used a fastpass or waited in line. That is good to know. Thanks.

You're welcome. We didn't know either the first time we used it. It just happen to be that, on day 2, he had destroyed the stroller as wheelchair sticker so we went to GS at HS. While applying the sticker, the manager walked over and was chatting with us and asked if we had used that feature and what we thought of it. I told him I wasn't told that at MK. So at HS, that day, we used that feature for ToT and RnR with no issues or questions. When we went to EP and AK, we asked there, too, just in case it was only HS. They all said the same thing. The following trips, we ask every time we get the GAC on day 1 and, even at MK, it's the same answer. It doesn't get your alt entrance or anything. Just into the fast pass line. I thought it was cool, sweet, and thoughtful for Disney to think of that for the parents of kids using GAC. :)


Active Member
I am thinking about asking for a Guest Assistance Pass, however, I have heard many nasty things people say here about people scamming the system. You can't tell my disability until about 2 hours in the park. I do not use a wheelchair. (My issue is I can't stand still on it for more than 1/2 hour and I am on a immune suppressant and shouldn't be in crowds) Anyway, last year I spent most of my time either sitting in the shade while my DH and DS went on all the rides, and they icing my leg while elevated in the hotel room. I had no quality time with them at all.

Will people be nasty... is it worth it to have together time? I really had a miserable time last time and heard there are alternatives... I'm just really sensitive and don't know how I would handle a nasty comment. What is your advice?

Hi Annielkd... First and foremost i'm sorry to hear about your condition. I hope you and your family have a great time at the world.

Secondly, don't worry about people being nasty. These are the same knuckleheads who let their kids run a muck in the parks unsupervised. Listen, I can't imagine what it'd be like to have a condition like that, I'm very blessed and thank god every day. If you have a condition that requires a GAC, then by all means get one. As others have said, make sure you go out of your way to present it and talk to the CM/Greeter out front and you'll be fine.


Secondly, don't worry about people being nasty. These are the same knuckleheads who let their kids run a muck in the parks unsupervised. Listen, I can't imagine what it'd be like to have a condition like that, I'm very blessed and thank god every day. If you have a condition that requires a GAC, then by all means get one. As others have said, make sure you go out of your way to present it and talk to the CM/Greeter out front and you'll be fine.

I agree. I know words and actions can be hurtful, but just take it as an approach that those people don't know you, so you shouldn't let it affect you. These people will never see you again in your life, they don't know you, they don't know what you go through, they don't know your daily struggles, so why can they judge you after seeing you for 10 seconds? Everyone who uses the GAC, do whatever you guys need to do to enjoy your vacation. As long as you're not hurting anyone else, you shouldn't even remotely feel bad. :wave:


Original Poster
I would try it one trip. If you are staying on property you take it with you everywhere, so it would save your strength and leg everywhere even if it was just 3 or 4 hours. The only problem with us is my husband and I go all day. So I have a list of where he can charge his scooter when the battery runs down or out. Then we sit for awhile so it can charge. They are very reasonable to rent.

I don't know this for sure... but, even sitting after walking or any standing causes swelling and issues, so it doesn't seem to matter if I were walking or riding a scooter. I'm not POSITIVE because I haven't used one, but at work I sit for a while and walk for a while, and sitting doesn't make the leg any better than walking. No matter what, I have to put it up after about 4 hours. So, I don't believe using a scooter would allow me to stay any longer.


Original Poster
My son is autistic and uses a WC because of CP. We have encountered a few rude people in the past, even CMs. His first wheelchair was a stroller style. It still LOOKED like WC, though, it just folded like a stroller. We still got a stroller as wheelchair sticker so there would be no confusion. Yet, we had CMs all over MK yelling at us to park our stroller. One even tried to deny him access to the WC viewing area for a parade. She actually argued that it wasn't a WC, nevermind the GAC and sticker. lol. The crowd was looking at her like she was an idiot.

Honestly, the only times we really deal with comments from the Peanut Gallery is at the buses. People seriously ________ attitudes that WCs are loaded first and they are forced to stand for 3 extra minutes for it to be loaded.

For me, my only irritation is when it's obvious GAC or any WC access is being abused. On our last trip, there was a family loading a WC on the bus behind us. The boys were arguing over who's turn it was to ride in the WC on the bus. Obviously, it wasn't their WC. That was irritating. Or when I hear people grasping for straws to find a way to get that "alt. entrance" stamp. My neighbor/friend and I argued about this last summer. She wanted to get alt entrance for her, then, 1yr old with CF saying that she needs to be away from being close to people. Well, sorry. I don't buy that. Not when she's close to people walkng around the park and using alt entrance does NOT garauntee you'll be distant from people. In fact, you are often packed in tighter with people who have medical problems and could be carrying anything. You're standing in small areas for quite awhile waiting. Plus, you are still close to people actually on the rides/attractions. PLUS, SHE WAS ONE! LOL And has been extremely healthy so far. She, then, changed her tune and said she just heard some people on the CF forums telling everyone to get one and say it's for that reason. I really felt like that was abuse. I would NEVER say anything to anyone at the parks, though, cause I honestly don't really know.

We get alt entrance cause of his autism and a WC. Honestly, most rides, we just get the fast pass lane. My son has difficulty understanding when lines wind back and forth to and from the loading area. He gets extremely upset when we appear to be walking away from the ride. He just doesn't "get it." He also has a autonomic dysfunction causing a heat intolerance. His body temp will rise to over 102 in standing heat. So we only use alt on rides with outside queues or stairs. Otherwise, we just ask to go in fast pass. He also has difficulty handling the noise of a crowd in a echo-y queue. It's like nails on a chalkboard for him.

And, just an FYI, and I've been told this repeatedly by CMs in GS and I verify it every trip, families ARE allowed to use the GAC w/o the person on it. Mainly, when the GAC person is a child. They said they allow it and promote it because they do not want the child seperated from their parents long. When using without the child, it works just as any avg. fastpass. When we've gone to the CM at the front of the ride without my son, they'll ask if it's our name on it. I tell them no my son is over there. They say ok, go in the fast pass lane. Now, I don't know if it's changed in the past two years (killing me that it's been that long) but that was as of our last trip.

I could probably get a GAC for my own health problems but I don't. I just deal but my issues are dealable. lol.

I only had one problem on my last trip. I REALLY wanted to see the fireworks and honestly at that time of the day there is NO way I can stand and wait for it in a good spot for an hour. So, I walked up to a handicapped area and showed the CM the pass (and other documentation showing I really needed to be there.) I sat down on the bench and the guy next to me said, "I think the lady is sitting there." I looked over and a woman was feeding a clearly handicapped child. I said, "oh there is plenty of room for her". She turned to me and said, "No, I have 4 people with me." I said, "Are all those people handicapped?" Another woman YELLED at me saying, those are for people in wheelchairs." I said to the woman, I am handicapped, I showed my pass and handicapped plate. She's having people who are NOT handicapped sit there. Do you see my husband and son sitting with me, no they are standing!" I was so insulted that this woman had to have her husband and other son sit when they really didn't need it, so I left. When I left I said to the CM, these seats really should be for people who are handicapped, it shouldn't be for a whole family who don't need the seat. Although she said sorry, she didn't try to interviene at all. This was the ONLY incident that I wasn't able to do something due to my disability and was completely insulted by people's attitudes.


Original Poster
Hi Annielkd... First and foremost i'm sorry to hear about your condition. I hope you and your family have a great time at the world.

Secondly, don't worry about people being nasty. These are the same knuckleheads who let their kids run a muck in the parks unsupervised. Listen, I can't imagine what it'd be like to have a condition like that, I'm very blessed and thank god every day. If you have a condition that requires a GAC, then by all means get one. As others have said, make sure you go out of your way to present it and talk to the CM/Greeter out front and you'll be fine.

I had the BEST time I've ever had going to Disney. 5 years ago when I first went my condition wasn't as bad... but this trip was SO much better. I've NEVER been able to go on every ride on one trip. I wish I had known about this before. Every CM was so helpful and kind and not one person was nasty. I was concerned because it's not apparent the issues I have. (I'm sure by 12:00PM you can see the limp, but you really can't at 9:00AM. I didn't have to try to rush to get to a line, and was still able to enjoy everything. I was able to stay with my family the WHOLE time. Something I hadn't expected as a result, because my family was able to do the things they wanted to, but 12:00 when I needed to return to the hotel, they felt like they had done what they wanted and we RELAXED all together. In the past they would go back to the park, or go to the pool... this trip provided so much more quality time. I can't thank this post enough for a BEAUTIFUL, and Magical trip. I've never had one before! Thank you!!!!


Well-Known Member
Boo for that lady!

I only had one problem on my last trip. I REALLY wanted to see the fireworks and honestly at that time of the day there is NO way I can stand and wait for it in a good spot for an hour. So, I walked up to a handicapped area and showed the CM the pass (and other documentation showing I really needed to be there.) I sat down on the bench and the guy next to me said, "I think the lady is sitting there." I looked over and a woman was feeding a clearly handicapped child. I said, "oh there is plenty of room for her". She turned to me and said, "No, I have 4 people with me." I said, "Are all those people handicapped?" Another woman YELLED at me saying, those are for people in wheelchairs." I said to the woman, I am handicapped, I showed my pass and handicapped plate. She's having people who are NOT handicapped sit there. Do you see my husband and son sitting with me, no they are standing!" I was so insulted that this woman had to have her husband and other son sit when they really didn't need it, so I left. When I left I said to the CM, these seats really should be for people who are handicapped, it shouldn't be for a whole family who don't need the seat. Although she said sorry, she didn't try to interviene at all. This was the ONLY incident that I wasn't able to do something due to my disability and was completely insulted by people's attitudes.

:mad:people can be so rude! I always STOOD by my Mom & Dad when we were in the handicapped area for parades/fireworks!:hammer:


Original Poster
I would have expected that. My husband and son would NEVER take a seat from someone who needed it. I was totally shocked. We didn't see those fireworks the whole trip. I would have liked to experience them. Thank you for your support.


Well-Known Member
so sorry

I would have expected that. My husband and son would NEVER take a seat from someone who needed it. I was totally shocked. We didn't see those fireworks the whole trip. I would have liked to experience them. Thank you for your support.

:(I am so sorry annielkd! I hope you get to experience "WISHES" some day!


Original Poster
I actually didn't try to go there, the bus ride and standing would be too much. I don't even know if they have a handicapped area there. The only one I knew about was for Epcot. However, we are going back at Christmas and staying at Bay Lake towers. Hopefully I will be able to go over there right before the fireworks and see that one. I don't think my husband will ever go to Epcot again to try and see the fireworks. The three times we have tried to see that we have had major issues... so I don't blame him for not wanting to go back. I've heard that you can make a reservation at Bay Lake Towers to see the fireworks, I might do that. Anyway...I will make an effort to see them, I've heard they are magical :)


Well-Known Member
I only had one problem on my last trip. I REALLY wanted to see the fireworks and honestly at that time of the day there is NO way I can stand and wait for it in a good spot for an hour. So, I walked up to a handicapped area and showed the CM the pass (and other documentation showing I really needed to be there.) I sat down on the bench and the guy next to me said, "I think the lady is sitting there." I looked over and a woman was feeding a clearly handicapped child. I said, "oh there is plenty of room for her". She turned to me and said, "No, I have 4 people with me." I said, "Are all those people handicapped?" Another woman YELLED at me saying, those are for people in wheelchairs." I said to the woman, I am handicapped, I showed my pass and handicapped plate. She's having people who are NOT handicapped sit there. Do you see my husband and son sitting with me, no they are standing!" I was so insulted that this woman had to have her husband and other son sit when they really didn't need it, so I left. When I left I said to the CM, these seats really should be for people who are handicapped, it shouldn't be for a whole family who don't need the seat. Although she said sorry, she didn't try to interviene at all. This was the ONLY incident that I wasn't able to do something due to my disability and was completely insulted by people's attitudes.

That's ridiculous and downright rude. I would have said to her People in WHEELCHAIRS don't need a BENCH! The bench is for those with canes or other health ailments who don't travel with their own seat and since it had nothing to do with HER she should shut her mouth. Then I would have firmly planted my butt and took a pic of her with my cell and told her I was telling the world about her a$$y-ness. LMAO.

When we go to the WC area for parades, I make my kids sit on the curb in front of DS's chair. Dh and I park him towards the front and go stand at the back of the WC area so other WCs can park in front of us. If no one else comes by the parade start, we move back over to where the kids are sitting and sit on the curb in case someone rolls up behind us. I have a bad hip but I leave the bench open for anyone who can't get all the way on the ground.

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