Guess who got to see the Sea Cabs yesterday???


Le Meh
Premium Member
My, they do look quite shiney dont they. I mean, if they were just sitting there, you dont think they would keep them polished.....they have a real nice glean, like they are going to be used again....


Active Member
I do not understand why everyone has always made such a big deal about the sea cabs. I used to avoid going into the living seas because of them. You would go into the pavilion, wait to get into a hydrolator, (which was annoying enough since it's just a fake elevator with bubbles), and then get out and wait in ANOTHER line to go on the sea cabs, a "ride" that took you past the aquariums and lasted, what?, a little over a minute if even that? I don't understand why they haven't just taken the sea cabs out and made it a walkthrough. This would work wonders for crowd control and wait times. As it sits now, a really nice area of the aquarium is closed off to the public for no reason. Take the sea cabs out! :fork:


Well-Known Member
I wonder if elements of the new DL Nemo Subs could be integrated into the Sea Cab portion of TLS, or similar technology could be used to introduce guests to Sea Base Alpha. I am relaly looking forward to a new pre-show film and the return of the Sea Cabs. These elements and the improvements in Sea Base Alpha that have already taken place will really make TLS a top notch pavilion again.


Well-Known Member
Wow! I can't believe you went backstage! Excellent work!
Does anyone see in the brightened version of the pictures that brkgnews posted, there seems to be a lighter blue area on the left hand side of the picture. Looks like the outline of a human.....hmmmm the spirit of the sea cabs?


Well-Known Member
Thanks SEWIN2DISNEY! That website really brings back memories. I can't imagien why Disney wouldn't want this area open. It is such a cool part of the Living Seas Story. I am crossing my finger that we see these operating again.

Anyone with inside news please keep us posted.



The last opportunity I had to visit this particular pavillion was in August of last year. I wandered around inside for a little while, couldn't find anything that struck me as interesting, and left after just a short time. I was disappointed, but couldn't quite remember what was different from the last time I had visited. I had forgotten about the Sea Cabs as well, seeing the pictures brought back memories of my previous visit and why I enjoyed it so much more. I think it would be great if they brought back the Sea Cabs or at least opened those areas up for people to walk through. Its a shame that so much of the view of the aquarium is currently restricted . As far as the Hydrolators are concerned, people seem to like to complain about the fact that they don't really do anything. I can't help but think of the kids that get inside of them and are really thrilled and amazed, thinking they're traveling to the bottom of the sea. That's what Disney is all about isn't it?


New Member
Bring back the Sea Cabs! Mainly cause ive never ridden them! But like gniko said, kids are fascinated by things like sea cabs and the hydrolaters. I remember when i was 4, i thought we were actually going underwater and i started to freak out and grab my dads leg. It was only till i was 7 that i realized that the hydrolaters did nothing! lol, i love the living seas but they do need to maximize the space. A walkthrough or refurb of the sea cabs would be great, as long as they arent going in a "Finding Nemo" frenzy way.

We all know what happened to MK after stitch...


Park History nut
Premium Member
TimeTrip said:
Blah. The sea cabs are overrated. Most people call to "BRING BACK THE SEA CABS". While certainly cooler than just taking the hydrolators, it was way too short and you really don't see much more than you do when you walk around upstairs.

The Seacabs were used to great effect to highten anticipation of the journey to Sea Base Alpha (preshow holding, preshow, hydrolator holding, hydrolators, THEN Seacabs for the journey to SBA. If the Seabase theme is messed up / lost in a complete Nemo overlay the storyline could be lost. Bust since there is an Omnimover sitting there why not use it?

KevinPage said:
From a crowd issue standpoint, I think removing the cabs and having it as a walkthrough would be the best bet.

Who wants to wait on a line to ENTER a pavillon, especially since the sea cabs trip is so short, never felt worth the wait.

The Seacabs were part of the carefully constructed crowd management sysytem of The Living Seas. Each show section mentioned above and the second preshow theatre (since decommissioned) helped control numbers in Seabase Alpha, as well as being part of the bigger picture. Thats why the queue was set up as it was.

Take a look in my album here for some stills of the Seacabs in use, and my Living Seas tribute video for a ride thru from 1990.

Interesting note - in the pictures posted in this thread, you can see the cab maintainence bay doors open at the end of the loading section, with the lights on inside.


Active Member
ok just wondering, if u wander through an "authorized personel door" how much trouble could u get in. would u be asked to leave the park, or asked to go back through the door. or wut, any cms kno


New Member
Ahhh the sea cabs, its nice to sea them again. I miss them so much & its nice to sea them again. As long as they are still there & the leak is fixed bring them back. It would be better cost wise to just have the sea cabs come back(even if it was w/ a touch of nemo) than to tear apart that area for a viewing area. I loved the whole story aspect of TLS its what disney is all about. The sea cabs gave that story a bit of something extra. I for one miss the sea cabs & can't wait to sea a return either in their original form or as "fish" cabs for the nemo theme.

General Grizz

New Member
pilka214 said:
ok just wondering, if u wander through an "authorized personel door" how much trouble could u get in. would u be asked to leave the park, or asked to go back through the door. or wut, any cms kno
I wouldn't try it. :D


Well-Known Member
I agree that the Living Seas is very disjointed in its current state, almost a mess I'd say. You have lots of cool stuff at the Sea Base, a omnimover not being used because...?????, and a preshow that is now outta place because its a bit outdated. Disney really just needs to shut this pavilion down for a few months and get everything back up and running properly. I'd love to see a Living Seas renovation turn out as well as The Land turned out.


New Member
I loved the SeaCab ride, it was short but very relaxing and a great way to get to Sea Base Alpha. I remember that at one point during the ride, you went through a tunnel where the aquarium was all around you (above your head) that I thought was neat. I'm kind of an "old" disney fan, so it may be my nostalgia talking, but I would be happy if those came back

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