Ismael Flores
Well-Known Member
No, people grew up with the hollywood tower hotel and twilight zone tower of terror, and they can visit the park and see with their own eyes what they perceive to be an abomination. The position of your argument is that all will be relieved when people realize their bodies can still be flung up and down in an elevator shaft. That assumes that the utility of the ride is the ride system. That is an entirely one-sided perspective. The opposite of which is that the utility of the ride (what it delivers, what people get out of it, what people desire from it) is entirely about the experience of the hotel, the suspense, the jazz and the mood of the place and the twilight zone theme song. I would argue that to many people, those far outweigh the utility that you value, which is the drop profile, the sensation of just being flung around. However, the truth is somewhere in the middle, which nobody seems to understand, and most people wont simply feel relief when they see that the building that was once the hollywood tower hotel was repainted and decorated in a cheap halloween costume to promote some movie franchise that's been hot for a few months.
Its funny this was brought up because a few coworkers that actually have annual passes but only go to the resort occasionally did thinkt he tower was being demolished when it was announced. Several were so upset because their favorite ride was going to be removed so they were some of those that went online and left comments of hating the decision. Once they realize that the tower was there and saw that it was just being repainted and Marvelized they didn't care.
I'm sure there is plenty of people on both sides of the changes, some really hate it because they liked the haunted hotel theme and others really don't care as long as it end with a drop.