EPCOT Guardians of the Galaxy: Cosmic Rewind SPOILER Thread


Premium Member
Oh come on. That's not Len.

That's Hank Lonely.

The first activation was the most fun. There are a couple of "Wow!" moments where the vehicle rotates in just the right way as to make you feel like you're floating in space. And it looks like the capacity could be upwards of 2,500+/hour. EPCOT needs it, especially with Test Track, Remy, SSE, and FEA averaging an hour of downtime each per day. That's a lot of lost activation capacity.

The second time through, I was much more aware of how the activation's show elements borrowed from existing Disney activations: "Okay, this is from Test Track. This is from Haunted Mansion. This is from Flight of Passage. This is from Space Mountain. This is from Expedition Everest. This is from Rock 'n' Roller Coaster..."

The on-activation audio is not able to convey any sort of dialog, plot, or jokes - it's way too noisy inside.

With the vehicle spinning, there's a decent chance of motion sickness. Star Tours and Mission: Space are the worst for me. This isn't that. But it definitely made me a little queasy. Two activations and I was done with coasters for the day.

In terms of activation experiences, VelociCoaster is substantially better. I'm not even sure how I'd play devil's advocate there to argue for GOTG. And, of course, the entire activation belongs at the Studios, not EPCOT.

No Name

Well-Known Member
Very good video. It's very Hyperspace Mountain.

Another plot question that just occurred - Esson steals the CG and creates and enters a jump point that goes back to the big bang in the preshow, but then in the rides first scene the Guardians... do something... to Esson which causes him and us to jump back in time to the big bang. But Esson already went there in the preshow. And isn't the whole premise that the Guardians need us to track Esson until they can get to him? But then they're there immediately, in the first scene of the ride.

This thing was rewritten late in development.
I believe the head of this project was Scott Drake who is also the same guy who lead the Tron coaster design, so it’s possible he literally just doesn’t care. Or maybe it was rewritten. It’s certainly bizarre.

In this case, it’s terrible that not only does the ride have no cohesive or compelling story, it laboriously sets up some complicated premise that it just abandons.


Well-Known Member
You are being dishonest. You chose a movie made 20 YEARS AGO for your comparison. Adjusted for inflation, Philosopher's Stone would cost about 200 million. And you're straight up wrong about Order of the Phoenix, which cost between $150 and $200 million - I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you mixed up pounds and dollars. Your argument is, simply, incorrect.

And yes, GotG is unnecessarily convoluted. All the rigmarole about the Cosmic Generator, visiting the (screen-based) Xandalarian ship, the Guardians being... somewhere else is a lot of unnecessary and ultimately uninteresting extra narrative steps. A poster above likened it to fanfic, and it does play that way, with explanations for things that don't need to be explained - "Just repeat to yourself its just a ride, you should really just relax." Plus, by focusing on the plot that much, you highlight more fundamental problems with the ride, for instance the fact that the Guardians are a bunch of mercenary, disreputable thieves and outlaws whose interests momentarily aligned with the Xandalarians and not some semi-official auxiliary to the Nova Corps to be called at the first sign of trouble.

The biggest unnecessary convolution in the plot is right in the ride's name - why bother with the time travel element when it makes almost NO visual impact on the attraction? I expected lots of planets forming and psychedelic gas clouds among the projections, but there's none of that. That's one reason I suspect the plot changed late in production - the Cosmic Rewind element of Cosmic Rewind is non-existent.
You really do claim to not be bothered too much about this and yet everything you say about it is negative. I'm quoting the price of the movies in response to people who brought the costs of movies into it, it has so little to do with the attraction I thought I'd play that game too. By the way, I'm not being dishonest, a quick google search of 'cost of Harry Potter movies' or similar brings up various lists of costs. And if you want to be honest about everything being 100% correct on prices etc it's funny how you've never queried those claiming repeatedly that CR costs 'half a billion dollars' which it didn't.

You have your views, I have mine and they differ greatly. You keep saying "You're playing games" or now "You are being dishonest" and yet I'm doing neither. I think this ride looks great and the reviews it's getting are great. I'm going off testimonials from people experiencing it, you're going off how you think it looks on youtube. You're talking like you've ridden it, at least my views have the majority of people backing them up who've ridden it and they're who it was built for. Many of your constant criticisms are seemingly that it doesn't fit how you would have made it, that's fair enough but it's all subjective.

You've invested so much time in criticising everything you can, it's like you're writing a book about 1,000 things I dislike about Cosmic Rewind. Considering the Guardians saved the day in the last 2 movies, why wouldn't they be the choice to help? It's an amusement park ride, you say "relax and enjoy, the plot's too complex" but then actively try to find complex faults in the plot. You recently posted "Oh it's just occurred to me, why wasn't person x in it" which shows you're actively looking for anything you can to be negative. The reason it never occurred to you or anyone else is probably because it's really not that important to feature a bit part character in the attraction, but you feel the need to use it? I could say "Won't the kids be disappointed that Hagrid doesn't feature Harry Potter, they should have featured him"? The reality is though that there's a thousand different people who would design it a thousand different ways, doesn't make them right or wrong as it's subjetive.

Anyhow no hard feelings, we just have polar opposite views on the ride which is fine but I'm not being dishonest or playing games. I'm disappearing for a few days from Monday as I'm needing some surgery so wont be able to debate with you for a while, at least you'll have some peace whilst you think of more things you don't like about CR ;)
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Casper Gutman

Well-Known Member
You really do claim to not be bothered too much about this and yet everything you say about it is negative. I'm quoting the price of the movies in response to people who brought the costs of movies into it, it has so little to do with the attraction I thought I'd play that game too. By the way, I'm not being dishonest, a quick google search of 'cost of Harry Potter movies' or similar brings up various lists of costs. And if you want to be honest about everything being 100% correct on prices etc it's funny how you've never queried those claiming repeatedly that CR costs 'half a billion'.

You have your views, I have mine and they differ greatly. You keep saying "You're playing games" or now "You are being dishonest" and yet I'm doing neither. I think this ride looks great and the reviews it's getting are great. I'm going off testimonials from people experiencing it, you're going off how you think it looks on youtube. You're talking like you've ridden it, at least my views have the majority of people backing them up who've ridden it and they're who it was built for. Many of your constant criticisms are seemingly that it doesn't fit how you would have made it, that's fair enough but it's all subjective.

You've invested so much time in criticising everything you can, it's like you're writing a book about 1,000 things I dislike about Cosmic Rewind.
You cherrypicked numbers in a misleading fashion and got the numbers wrong. That's fine, everyone makes mistakes, and none of this matters very much. But admit you got the numbers wrong, don't try to make it someone else's fault.

You react to any criticism of the ride as though it is condemning the ride as the worst thing ever. Its an overreaction. Even the best rides can have flaws - you've demonstrated this with Hagrids. This doesn't make them bad. I've said that I think this will be a fun, exciting ride but you refuse to acknowledge that because labelling me as hating it is easier then acknowledging nuance. My criticisms of the ride have focused on things we can know without riding it - the cost, the location, the intrusiveness of the ride structure, etc - the things folks have been wary about for years and which have proven to be even bigger issues then most thought. I have criticized the queue and preshow because we can get a sense of those from the videos that have appeared on-line. I have NOT commented on the experience of the ride portion itself because I cannot know that without physically experiencing it. You'll note I didn't jump on the motion sickness reports since we need a lot more evidence and, ideally, personal experience to assess that issue.

You are basing your opinions on early reviews, which are going to be very positively biased. That's fine, they're a great source. You ALSO have worked to dismiss or downplay any negative reviews, and that's much less OK.

I genuinely have tried to keep me criticisms fair, but yes, I tend to be very critical of modern WDW. You have attempted to rebut every criticism of the ride, as though acknowledging even a single flaw would fatally discredit the entire attraction.

PS: I wrote this before you edited your post. Good luck with your surgery, I truly hope all goes well!

999th Happy Haunt

Well-Known Member
Riding Cosmic Rewind after doing Space and RnRC


Well-Known Member
In terms of activation experiences, VelociCoaster is substantially better. I'm not even sure how I'd play devil's advocate there to argue for GOTG. And, of course, the entire activation belongs at the Studios, not EPCOT.

I think that's an easy argument -- if your main interest is a themed experience, GOTG is better than Velocicoaster. If you just want the physical thrill, then it's obviously Velocicoaster.


Well-Known Member
You cherrypicked numbers in a misleading fashion and got the numbers wrong. That's fine, everyone makes mistakes, and none of this matters very much. But admit you got the numbers wrong, don't try to make it someone else's fault.

You react to any criticism of the ride as though it is condemning the ride as the worst thing ever. Its an overreaction. Even the best rides can have flaws - you've demonstrated this with Hagrids. This doesn't make them bad. I've said that I think this will be a fun, exciting ride but you refuse to acknowledge that because labelling me as hating it is easier then acknowledging nuance. My criticisms of the ride have focused on things we can know without riding it - the cost, the location, the intrusiveness of the ride structure, etc - the things folks have been wary about for years and which have proven to be even bigger issues then most thought. I have criticized the queue and preshow because we can get a sense of those from the videos that have appeared on-line. I have NOT commented on the experience of the ride portion itself because I cannot know that without physically experiencing it. You'll note I didn't jump on the motion sickness reports since we need a lot more evidence and, ideally, personal experience to assess that issue.

You are basing your opinions on early reviews, which are going to be very positively biased. That's fine, they're a great source. You ALSO have worked to dismiss or downplay any negative reviews, and that's much less OK.

I genuinely have tried to keep me criticisms fair, but yes, I tend to be very critical of modern WDW. You have attempted to rebut every criticism of the ride, as though acknowledging even a single flaw would fatally discredit the entire attraction.

PS: I wrote this before you edited your post. Good luck with your surgery, I truly hope all goes well!
Again you're wrong. I've addressed and admitted the attraction should be in another park in this thread multiple times. I've addressed the motion sickness and said they may have to change the warning signs if numbers persist? You've quoted me several times when I've responded to others which I have no issue with (I'll talk to anyone) and then replied as though I was somehow criticising you?

For what it's worth I don't think you're a troll or the worst offender of people when it comes to Cosmic Rewind. I've read you saying several times how this is a good, solid or fun ride but it's always followed by a long list of things you don't like. You also appear to also work very hard at dismissing or downplaying many positive reviews, that's ok though as it's your right. Strangely however you've just said "You ALSO have worked to dismiss or downplay any negative reviews, and that's much less OK". That's a strange response as it means my view isn't as Ok as yours? It's like you want to post your views but then dictate who responds to them based on whether you like their responses or not?

As I say we have polar opposite views, I won't quote you again if that's what you prefer? Thanks for the good wishes for the surgery, been 3 years in the waiting and if I lived in America would be expensive financially. Fortunately it's free here in the UK and could be life changing, fingers crossed


Well-Known Member
If I can just jump in between this fascinating back and forth what is meant by activation regarding "In terms of activation"? Pardon my ignorance. Thank you.

Rescue Ranger

Well-Known Member
Watched the ride-through and it looks pretty good! I will be there during the opening but I'm content to skip it since I'm not really a big guardians fan.

The videos are enough to hold me over until a future visit when they do away with the virtual queue.


Well-Known Member
As someone who suffers from motion sickness, riding this seems like a very bad idea lol

Gonna wait and hear from other sufferers to see how it makes them feel before riding. I'll probably still ride regardless but will have to find a nice bench afterwards for an hour or two 🙈

ᗩLᘿᑕ ֊ᗩζᗩᗰ

Hᴏᴜsᴇ ᴏʄ  Mᴀɢɪᴄ
Premium Member
The song selection is interesting. Seems like you're either in a passive or active role based on the song choice that plays. With Gloria's Conga you're dancing through the cosmos fighting alongside the Guardians. With Tears for Fear's Everybody Wants to Rule the World you're just watching a battle unfold between the Nova Corp, Guardians and Eson the Searcher. It's entirely passive, a more laid-back vibe. At least that's how I perceive it. Interesting how the music selection can evoke a different response. Some of the songs come off gimmicky. I don't necessarily like the Tears for Fears song choice but it seems to be a nice counterbalance.

Orange is the new Red

Well-Known Member
Hagrid’s is the RotR of family coasters. It’s better than EE, it’s better than the Matterhorn. It’s better than Mummy. I have only been on Space Mountain in Paris in its Star Wars form so idk if from earth to the moon was better, but it doesn’t exist anymore. There’s a strong argument to be made that Hagrid’s is the best themed coaster in the world.
Sounds like a personal opinion that you have there. I would disagree with a lot of what your saying but thats okay.
Hagrids is a nicely themed coaster, but you are getting a little willy nilly as far as how well themed it is.
I personally would put most of the coasters that you mentioned ahead of Hagrids imo.


Well-Known Member
I think Guardians needs to be contextualized within the broader lineup of Epcot and not just WDW. The coaster in a box argument flies against MK certainly, but who cares if Epcot gets a sort of Space Mountain 3.0? It doesn't have a Space Mountain 1.0, nor even a coaster to speak of.

There's a bit of a hypocritical take when it comes to certain types of attractions. Everyone would be praising an AA-laden boat ride for DHS for example. Yet that's far more repetitive in the broader WDW sense. The Florida parks in general are on a mild coaster kick right now, so I get where that comes from.

This seems like a big improvement to Epcot's menu, capacity and variety. Though not its theme.


Well-Known Member
There's a bit of a hypocritical take when it comes to certain types of attractions. Everyone would be praising an AA-laden boat ride for DHS for example. Yet that's far more repetitive in the broader WDW sense. The Florida parks in general are on a mild coaster kick right now, so I get where that comes from.
The difference is that AA-laden boat rides have more latitude for significant variation in both concept and execution than a "coaster in a box" does. At least as evidenced by an attraction like Cosmic Rewind, which can fairly be described as featuring more similarities to Space Mountain than differences.

Compare that to something like Pirates of the Caribbean and Small World, where the similarities basically end at "Indoor boat ride with Animatronics and Set Pieces and an original theme song". You could show someone footage of Cosmic Rewind and they might understandably confuse it for Space Mountain. You'd never confuse Small World for Pirates.

I would mind less Cosmic Rewind being "another coaster in a box" if its aesthetic personality was so totally distinguishable from Space Mountain, but it really isn't. It's strikingly similar, despite being built nearly 50 years later and costing many, many more millions of dollars. The experience should be more distinct than it is.

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