Grumpy People


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This past fall my fam went to Disney World which is somthing we do quite regulary it was our 4th trip in 5 years but thats beside the point. We noticed somthing somewhat funny but quite disturbing...we were just walking along in tomorrowland having a great time as usual with my friends and we noticed that no one looked happy infact everyone looked like they would be in a better mood being at home I just couldn't figure out what the deal was I mean you would think that if you are at disney you would be having a ball but im telling you these ppl didn't look like they were having fun at all. Has anyone else ever noticed this? (My dad said it was cause they were thinking about all the credit card bills they were gona have coming in after the trip, he said that that was the REAL Tomorrowland hahaha :lol: )


Austin1 said:
(My dad said it was cause they were thinking about all the credit card bills they were gona have coming in after the trip, he said that that was the REAL Tomorrowland hahaha :lol: )

:lol: That's cute.

Eh, there are grumpy people everywhere. You'd think it would cause them actual pain to be happy. Just be glad you're not one of them :wave:


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Erika said:
Eh, there are grumpy people everywhere. You'd think it would cause them actual pain to be happy. Just be glad you're not one of them :wave:
There are a lot of people who are only happy if they have something to gripe about. So because they were looking miserable, it means they will have something to gripe about and so will be happy by their own weird scale :lol:

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
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barnum42 said:
There are a lot of people who are only happy if they have something to gripe about. So because they were looking miserable, it means they will have something to gripe about and so will be happy by their own weird scale :lol:
So very true. And apparently they are breeding because I see more of them on every visit. What a sad life they must lead only finding joy in being miserable. :cry:


Well-Known Member
I'm almost always happy at Disney World, but I'm not usually walking around everywhere smiling. Maybe they were doing the same?


Account Suspended
Wow. Grumpy in WDW? I can't even think of a situation in WDW where I didn't have a smile on my face or was joking around with someone in our group. I kinda see myself as a person that makes a joke out of every possible situation. I mean, even when we arrive at the airport (MCO) on the first day I am smiling ear to ear.

If I ever become "grumy" in WDW I will personally escort myself for the park. I mean think about it, for me it is ten days in paradise where nothing can possibly bother me and I remain worry free for the entire trip.


New Member
I've noticed that people don't seem to be having a good time too. I live in Florida so I am in WDW often and I think for a good deal of people this is mainly because they are tired so they don't actively look happy (smiling, etc.) Being on a vacation in Disney can be very tiring -- a combo of all that walking if you're not usually an active person, the heat, and hauling kids around if you've got 'em.

There is a certain expression that you see very often. It's almost a dazed expression that comes over a park guest's face in a quiet moment (in line especially) when he/she is just plain tuckered out. But if you watch long enough, once the person starts talking to their family/friends or is engaged by a ride again, the smiles come back.

For those people who are really not happy - I just ignore them and have my own good time!


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longfamily said:
Maybe they had just experienced SGE for the first time:)

Ouch! Boy SGE is not winning any popularity contests and I haven't even been on it yet. Well at least I'll know what to expect-- nothing.


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nope it wasn't SGE that did it cause it wasn't open yet. I guess im just gona have to ride it and see how bad it really is, I love extraterrorestial alein encounter or as my fam liked to call it "XS" but i think i might still like stitch (proly not as much though) :brick:


New Member
As said before some people are just looking for something to be upset about. We had one guy in line for StarTours who said all the theaming was really annoying and he wished he was at a six-flags park where they don't have "all this crap"

I chalk this up to living under powerlines or eating large amounts of paint chips (man thoes things are yummy) as a child. Causes something deep inside of you to die keeping you from enjoying that warm feeling that washes over you when the characters come out on the train in the morning. Very scientific.

P.S. come on guys, SGE ain't so bad.


Well-Known Member
When I'm walking around with my family and none of us are really talking, you can't expect us to have smiles on our face. For me personally, sometimes I might be thinking about something like where we're headed next, or something like that. However, if I start talking to someone, I usually crack some joke about something and we're laughing again. And proprly made a good point about those who stand in line with a dazed look. I am usually one of those that just get spaced out in line :lol:. I just start looking around and get dazed...the only place that hasn't happened is in the RnRC line, especially since they started playing Aerosmith music. You can find me singing along to the songs :D. Unless the person looked like they were going to a funeral instead of Splash Mountain, I don't see anything wrong with a serious face as long as their attitude isn't like that :).


grumpy folks at disney

this is actualy the second time ive commented on the same topic....
Ive noticed the grumpy people, and it seams to be very commonplace at disney now..
I think there are a couple reasons why....

1) People need to relax......Particurlarly if your with children....... lines, missing an attraction, or missing a show is not the end of the world.
From the moment i arrive I see Parents literaly running and pushing there way from the moment they get out of the car till they leave the park, the kids are usualy better behaved...I had a woman (with a cross around her neck, and a shirt that said jesus loves you) call me an idiot for not moving out of her way on the moving platform in space mountain...
Needless to say me and my friends had a good laugh at her expense...

2)Breakfest . Not a ponderosa let me slam down 30 pounds of pancakes and expect to walk around a themepark all day type of breakfest, but a sensible one to get you moving...

3) Margaritas at mexico....... They make all the grumpys look like the dwarves they are

4) Courtesy.... Come on where all in it together


New Member
NeedABreak said:
P.S. come on guys, SGE ain't so bad.
Nice to see somebody likes the show. I've yet to see it, and chances are it won't be for a while, so I guess I'll get the re-jigged version.


New Member
when I went on X-mas day everyone was in a bad mode when the parade was cancalled. everyone was like "i paid for the parade and I couldn't see it". It rained so everyone was forced to go back to the hotels. It was so cowared leaving that no one got there handstamped. I got my with family. Around 6:00 I went back and it was empty. we saw the SM and wishes. Even if i couldn't see the X-mas things I did see the other things. See if they waited and stoped being mad they could have enjoyed the rest of the day. to bad.

Figments Friend

Well-Known Member
Yeah, i have had my run ins with Grumps at Disney...

I think the one that takes the cake in my times there was this one day when we were all lined up for about 45 mins at AK waiting for "Festival of the Lion King" to open for the afternoon show. Earlier in the day it had rained, so their was a delay in getting the show started due to technical difficulties. The speaker system was doing a nutty due to the high humidity in the area after the rain so the show was delayed for an hour.

Okay, so this is no big deal to me. I have seen the show before, but i enjoyed it tremendously so i knew it was worth the wait to see it again. It was absolutely stifeling HOT though...very unbearable for some. Too much for others...

The CM's would come out every 15 to 20mins or so giving us a update on the show's progress. They were extremely curtious and made the time pass fast for me. However, there was this gentlemen that felt otherwise apparently. He soon started getting rowdy and made rude comments obviously louder then normal to draw attention to himself. He was there with his wife and two young boys..about 12 or so. He was being a jerk, and eventually when the next CM came out he let his unsatisfaction hit her.

This seasoned CM told us the speakers were still not operating correctly, and due to the high humidity and the amount of electricity the sound system puts out at, they could not seat people in the theatre for safety reasons. This was a very valid point...but i guess this guy in line thought it was a lame excuse and promply pushed his way up to the front of the line and basically cussed the CM out! I could not BELIEVE i was witnessing this at DisneyWorld!! HE went on and on complaining, and i so wanted to knock him on the head and say "HELLO...would you rather go in first and sit down to be electrified??" (Moron...) i felt SO bad for his family..they were all visially embarrased and humiliated. I felt pity for his boys..i sure hope they don't end up growing into another version of their Dad...

Anyway, the CM was cool about it in a professional way and plainly tells this guy that if would rather not wait he is more then welcome to use the side exit. This he did....and those of us that remained were releaved. We all had a good talk with the CM after he left as she was as surprised as we were at his reaction. What the world is coming to....

That happened a while back, 2000 or so......i don't know what to expect now when i return later this year!

Really is a shame how folks can't put down there attitudes when out with the family in a nice place like DisneyWorld.

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